Responsibleness (8613 Research Project )



B.Ed (1.5 Year/2.5 Year)


Course Code: 8613

Name:  Sanaullah

Roll No:CE 610203

Registration No.________

Semester: 3rd (Spring 2022)


Theme: Personality development of student

Sub-Theme: Responsibleness

Topic: Motivating secondary grade students responsibleness towards teaching of islam to bring reform in society








(To be filled and signed by the student and retained by the Controller of Examination)

I Sanaullah Roll No. CE 610203 Registration No.________a student of B.Ed Program (1.5 Years) at Allama Iqbal Open University do hereby declare that the research project entitled    Motivating secondary grade students responsibleness towards teaching of islam to bring reform in society submitted by me in partial fulfillment of B.Ed (1.5 Years) program is my original work and has not been submitted or published earlier. I also solemnly declare that it shall not, in future, be submitted for obtaining any other degree from this or any other university or institution. I also understand the zero tolerance policy against plagiarism of the university and the HEC and if my work is found to be plagiarized or copied from someone other’s work at any stage, even after the award of the degree, the work may be cancelled and the degree confiscated.


(Signature of the Student)


Date: _____________________


Research Project Submission Approval Form

(To be filled by the student; and signed by the supervisor and the RD)

This research project entitled     Motivating secondary grade students responsibleness towards teaching of islam to bring reform in society  submitted by Sanaullah  Roll No. CE 610203 Registration No.   Program 1.5 Years was conducted under my supervision. I have read it and found it to be satisfactory regarding its originality, content, language, relevancy, consistency, citation and reference list. It is ready for submission for evaluation to Allama Iqbal Open University as a partial fulfillment of B.Ed (1.5 Years).


Medam Adeela

(Signature of the Supervisor)

Date: ________________________



Certified that the student has completed at least 80% attendance and all required components of the workshop.


(Signature of the Regional Director)








Name of the School (where the action research was conducted):

Action research was conducted in GGHSS palonow Govt cantt boys high School loralai

Overall background of the participants of the project; area/school: (socio-economic status, occupation/profession – earning trends of majority of the parents, literacy rate, academic quality, and any other special trait of the community where the school is situated) (10 marks)

  • Background of the Participants:

The participants of the study were elementary students who were enrolled in  GGHSS palonow Govt cantt boys high School loralai. It involves one class consisting of 51 students. The research was conducted through teaching and student’s responsibleness and confidence in the school. The students in this school have impact of responsibleness on student’s responsibleness and confidence. Most of them seem eager to participate in responsibleness motivate activities for improving their responsibleness and confidence. Most of their parents have middle economic level, so their study was not fully financially supported by their family.

School Area:

Project School was  GGHSS palonow School building that contains 55 classrooms. According to the school record, there are a total of 494 students in numbers. The teaching staff of that school was 42 and non teaching is 15. This school system has been appreciated by members of the nearby people, as well as by parents, teachers and other respective members of the community. Quran Majeed was taught since the third class. The school area belongs to the rural area. There is no computer lab or computer and there is no library available for students. The school environment also represents the market within which a school and its leader must position themselves. The pedagogical approach of the school is to teach the skills and abilities with the student as a center and aims at the integral improvement of the students. Separate playgrounds for upper and lower school students are located next to the upper and lower school buildings.there are 8 rooms in one bulding and 8 in the other one. All areas and buildings of the school are clearly signposted and the signs are accompanied by a simple illustration that represents the purpose of the area or building. student are assigned seats in classrooms and rotated each quarter to encourage and facilitate student exchange and modeling. The school recently renovated the school building. The location of this school is far from the main street. Each classroom shows a list of school values, class rules and a blackboard that shows the learning structure of each day. It makes the teaching and learning process situation engagement in making models of advertising and leading studentss well because the situation is conducive and comfortable. The implementation of the research was carried in 2022.


Socio-economic trends of Parents

A large majority of the households were nuclear households and remaining of the total households were joint households. A majority of the students were residing in ‘Packa’ houses. So, more than half of the student’s parents were high income group and remaining of them that is little less than a quarter of the students were in the low-income group. A small number of student’s parents were landless agricultural labourers, Business man, Government and private employees. The socio-economic backgrounds of the students were upper middle class. A considerable number of participant’s parents were just functionally literates. Their parents were progressive in education but they were still far away from the higher education which is so important today to create a knowledge-based society. The numbers of participant’s parents were engaged in government services as well as in private services respectively. Parents’ have high expectations from their children. They show considerable involvement in their children’s studies by providing them with facilities for studies and by encouraging them.

Topic: Motivating secondary grade students responsibleness towards teaching of islam to bring reform in society








  1. Why did you select this specific sub-theme and topic? Relate it to your experience / problem in your classroom/institution. (10 marks)

(Give the background and rationale of the study)

Background of the project:

Student life is the happiest and the most crucial period in the life of a person. It is not just about attending classes in a course and working hard to attain an appropriate level of mastery of a subject under the guidance of an instructor. Student life is a phase where a person acquires the values of hard work for better grades, discipline, punctuality, teamwork, unity, and more, and strive to become a successful and good human being. It is a period of time that shapes an individual and prepares them to face the upcoming challenges of life with courage and strength (Jewitt et al. (2013).

Definitions of responsibleness. a form of trustworthiness; the trait of being answerable to someone for something or being responsible for one’s conduct. synonyms: responsibility. Responsibilities of Students are understanding parents’ values, expectations and culture. maintaining good physical health, exercising, eating right, and getting enough sleep. listening carefully to teachers and parents. motivating positive attitudes; being cooperative and considerate. Academic responsibleness implies the competent performance of academic duties and obligations and the commitment to support the responsible exercise of academic freedom by others. Academic responsibleness implies the faithful performance of professional duties and obligations (Mitrovic et al., 2012).

Students should always acknowledge that they are a part of a learning community. Each person is responsible for taking ownership of their actions in a way that values building safe and positive classrooms. Student accountability encourages student learning, and helps improve academic performance and achievements.

            Daniels & Leaper (2006) enlisted some of the roles and responsibilities of students in classroom management are:

  • Being in their best of behaviors: An educational environment is required to ensure that the students get access to excellent education. But, for that environment to exist, they are expected to comply with behavioral expectations and display values of politeness, kindness, compassion, and respect.
  • Meeting academic expectations: Students are required to meet the academic expectations by creating a collaborative learning environment and displaying values of teamwork and unity.
  • Being respectful and punctual: By being respectful, students contribute to a quality learning environment and reduce disruptions and disciplinary actions. Students are also supposed to be punctual. Being late for class creates a negative impact on their grades. Thus, it is crucial for students to maintain discipline in the classroom.
  • Besides performing duties towards their class, students play an important role in managing their school.

An illustration is a decoration, interpretation or visual explanation of a text, concept or process, designed for integration in print and digital published media, such as posters, flyers, magazines, books, teaching materials, animations, video games and films. An illustration is typically created by an illustrator. Illustrations prove valuable in teaching abstract information by providing spatial metaphors for logical structure. Using space, lines, boxes, arrows, color, and the relative distance between elements, an illustration can provide a concrete equivalent of abstract ideas (Booker et al., 2015).

Reasons of selecting this specific sub-theme and topic

For long responsibleness have been viewed as a way to stay healthy and keep fit. Its benefits have gone further beyond this. It has got both physical and physiological benefits. Among the physiological benefits is mental health. Academics is related to the ability of the brain to capture, store and process information. Responsibleness impacts on education are limitless. Students are encouraged to participate in responsibleness for enhancing their student’s responsibleness and confidence in school. I conducted this action research to enhance student’s responsibleness and confidence. After reading this to the end, you will have a better understanding of how responsibleness is benefit for enhancing student student’s responsibleness and confidence.

Rationale of the Study:

This action research is an attempt to motivating responsibleness through teaching of islam to bring reform in society among students of grade 9. Based on the problems and the propose solution above, the researcher interested in conducting a classroom action research entitled utilizing responsibleness in this context. This study will make it important for teachers, parents and students to know the impact of responsibleness on the academic performance of students. The study will be meaningful to parents in the sense that they will be aware of the possible effects that this use of responsibleness has on their children in order to serve their children as watchdogs when using the social networking site.

  1. What was your discussion with your colleague/friend/senior teacher or supervisor regarding the problem? (05 marks)

(Provide your discussion with your colleague or supervisor for better understanding of the problem and alternate solutions)

Discussion with colleagues/friends/supervisor:

Since I began my teaching practice, researcher has been using as many creative tasks as possible, not only strictly to teach computer. I discussed with colleagues/friends/supervisor for better understanding of the problem and alternate solutions.

My friend discussed that responsibleness can be utilized to improve teaching and student’s responsibleness and confidence and help our students be successful. A word of encouragement and praise from parents, friends, and coaches make a student feel accepted. A motivated student is more likely to do well in class than a student who views everything to be against him or her. In responsibleness, you have to collaborate with other team members to win. To succeed in education, a student needs to work hand in hand with teachers and fellow students. After school when working on a project, those with teamwork skills achieve their objectives.

One of my qualified teachers discussed that the selection of good quality illustrative books is the most important part of the learning process. Adults should select beautifully illustrated books with a good story and plot where children can understand the basic concept easily.  The books should have an element of surprise in them and should introduce the child to new concepts and ideas. The book needs to be robust with pages that are thick enough to flip without tearing. Teachers or parents should have a look at the book first to see if it’s appropriate for children. My supervisor experienced that student- or peer-led learning is where students themselves facilitate their learning, often by students in the year above guiding students in group activities to discuss materials with their peers and solve problems.

One of my friends stated that younger children like brilliant colours, tales and repetitive text that emphasizes on familiar objects. Books for toddler do not need to have words to make it interesting. Wordless books inspire every toddler and aid them to make their own stories and helps rejuvenate their imagination. Books similar to this will encourage the children to read them over and over again. We sincerely hope you’ve got a solid idea about the responsibilities and duties of being a student. At times, you may face a dilemma about whether to seek outside help for academics. Some of the students have a hard time grasping tough concepts or some are shy in raising their hands in class which ultimately leads to bad grades. In such a situation, online learning could be the best available option for you. It is not only cheaper but you also save a ton of time travelling.

  1. What did you find about the problem in the existing literature (books / articles / websites)? (10 marks)

(Explore books and online resources to know what and how has been already done regarding this problem)

Ouyang et al., (2020) asserted that responsibleness is quite possibly the main part of human life and character. It is duty regarding one’s activities that make a human. It is a usually acknowledged thought that the individual who isn’t assuming liability for their activities ought not and can’t be believed, that they are not genuinely a person. In any case, in the cutting-edge world, we have the always motivating propensity of the state to eliminate the possibility of obligation from new and new spaces of human life. Being capable alludes to our capacity to settle on choices that serve our own advantages and the interests of others. We first should be responsible for ourselves before we can be answerable for other people. In figuring out how to be more capable it is significant that we know our constraints. It doesn’t make any difference how keen we are, there is just such an excess of duty that an individual can deal with. It is additionally imperative to recollect that we are not answerable for things that are out of our control, for instance, how others feel or how they respond to ourselves or others. Sharing obligation regarding both achievement and disappointment can prompt expanded duty to oneself as well as other people.

The primary duty or responsibleness of a student is to learn and acquire knowledge, along with improving their intellect and widening their mental capabilities. It is the time for students to learn good traits like discipline, obedience, perseverance, and respect for elders Zad (2006). Student responsibleness is the key to all motivate and learning. Research has demonstrated that college outcomes are tied to the effort that students put into their work and the degree to which they are involved with their studies and campus life.

Ku et al., (2014) suggested that schools should also formulate reasonable objectives and provide students with a proper learning environment. They should offer students balanced learning opportunities in the five aspects of motivate, i.e. moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic as well as nurture them to be responsible citizens. Student responsibleness occurs when students take an active part in their learning by recognizing they are accountable for their academic success. It is demonstrated when they make choices & take actions that lead them towards their goal of education. There are some roles & responsibilities of a student that should & need to be performed in school during school life. Let us read & know about these: Just as we, humans have rights & duties towards the motherland, society as well as our community, in the same way, students studying in school also have some rights & duties that are important to be followed.

Shooshtari (2001) said that school plays an important role in the process of socializing. That means an educational environment is required to ensure that the students gain access to quality education. In any case, to exist in such a condition, they are expected to comply with behavioral expectations and display values like politeness, kindness, compassion, generosity, sympathy, and respect. Students play a significant role in managing their schools and classrooms. But, this is not enough for them. They are expected to leave their customary ranges as capable citizens and contribute towards the motivate of the society they are living in.

Zad (2006) and Baharloo (2008) suggested that self-responsibleness can be seen in taking care of doing what you said, promised and signed up to do, without any if’s, but’s, blaming others, rationalizations, reasons, or sniveling excuses for not doing what there is to do, as long as there’s some way within the parameters of reality to honorably do it.

According to Pak Zad (2006), the most importantly responsibleness of students is to acquire knowledge. Education is indeed character constructing in students. It’s through education that he comprehends the statistical data points and how things should be sorted and what are the current situation and numerous other pertinent imperative components. In light of these variables are what he updates his contemplations and thoughts and this is the thing that helps him at the appropriate time course while being a grown-up.

Lampine (2002) suggested that student goes to school and gets associated with various duties and responsibilities. It is one of the primary steps of learning various things. Home and school are the cradles of shaping an individual for the future. At home, the parents shoulder a great responsibleness to teach their child to form basic habits and being responsible. Similarly, at school, the teachers play an important role in directing the students to handle responsibilities for a bright life ahead.

According to Adolesk Health (2008), home and parents are the most important part of a student to learn how to become responsible. Children from a tender age should be aware of the responsibleness that every family member has to perform in the family environment, in his/her own capacity. Students must acquire values of fellow-feeling, empathy, and respect for others whether they are at school or home. This helps them to have a healthy relationship with others with whom they interact. They learn the value of teamwork and become responsible to contribute and share without being self-centred and selfish. Students should keep in mind it’s their responsibleness to always demonstrate such behavior, attitude and actions that reflect their culture and family values.

Carl and Sandra (2008) suggested that for students, who are at the beginning phase of their life, responsibleness mostly refers to their mindset, attitude, and actions that they are expected to demonstrate in the family and social environment. The primary duty or responsibleness of a student is to learn and acquire knowledge, along with improving their intellect and widening their mental capabilities. It is the time for students to learn good traits like discipline, obedience, perseverance, and respect for elders. School is a platform that provides opportunities for the motivate of these qualities. So it is the responsibleness of every student to imbibe these fine qualities which would guide them in the journey of life in the future.

Mehr et al. (2011) study concluded that in the present day world the television, internet and video games occupy the minds of young children.  There is an ever-growing need to produce colorfully illustrated books which can capture the imagination of the children.  Children are often attracted to brightly colored images of simple things. They heed and respond nicely to books with beautiful images and simple texts. Even babies are attracted to books; durable books that are made out cardboard can go a long way in helping your baby learn new things.  In this way, the child can easily learn about the world around them. Younger children like brilliant colors, tales and repetitive text that emphasizes on familiar objects. Books for toddler do not need to have words to make it interesting. Wordless books inspire every toddler and aid them to make their own stories and helps rejuvenate their imagination. Books similar to this will encourage the children to read them over and over again. Pre-schoolers are curious and very much interested to learn things about their surroundings, neighborhood and school environment.  They like a good rhythm and repetitive texts with colourful images. Pre-schoolers must have exposure to multiplicity of various types of books with fairy tales, nonfiction and titles that interest them.

Meluso et al. (2012) found that the most important academic policy is academic honesty. The principle of academic honesty is simple: every student must do their own work. Colleges also have policies about alcohol and drug use, sexual harassment, hazing, hate crimes, and other potential problems. The college registrar has policies about course add and drop dates, payment schedules and refunds, and the like. Such policies are designed to ensure that all students have the same right to a quality education—one not unfairly interrupted by the actions of others. You will find these policies on your college website. It is vital that you are aware of these policies as you begin your college career and that you are aware of how to solve problems, and make good decisions.

Jung et al. (2017) found student responsibleness occurs when students take an active part in their learning by recognizing they are accountable for their academic success. It is demonstrated when they make choices & take actions that lead them towards their goal of education. There are some roles & responsibilities of a student that should & need to be performed in school during school life. Let us read & know about these: Just as we, humans have rights & duties towards the motherland, society as well as our community, in the same way, students studying in school also have some rights & duties that are important to be followed. Schools in Dehradun makes sure that students learn their responsibilities carefully.

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