Removing Shyness (8613Research Project)



B.Ed. (1.5 Year)

Course Code: 8613



Roll No.

Registration No:

Semester:Spring, 2022

Region: School name_____________________

Theme:                 Personality development of students

Sub-theme: Removing shyness

Topic: Removing shyness through class participation and extra curriculum activities at grade 6


Name of the School (where the action research was conducted):

School name_____________________

Overall background of the participants of the project; area / school: (socio-economic status, occupation / profession – earning trends of majority of the parents, literacy rate, academic quality, and any other special trait of the community where the school is situated)(10 marks)


The study’s participants were 6th grade students at School name_____________________. I chose students for the 6th class, which has a total of 25 members. Students’ enthusiasm for the task and the interview stemmed from their interest in the research. The school structure was large and beautiful in general. The school had a wonderful playground. It had all of the necessary offices. The school staff was extremely knowledgeable and helpful. In addition, the head of the school assisted me in my studies at that academy.Generally speaking the earth of school was great and better for learning.

Financial status:

Socioeconomic status is the social standing or class of an individual or group. It is often measured as a combination of education, income and occupation. Examinations of socioeconomic status often reveal inequities in access to resources, plus issues related to privilege, power and control. Most of Parents from this area are Govt. employee but some of them are shopkeeper or work in private offices. Most of parents do not afford children education due to their family expenses and their low income but some parents support their children at higher level in well reputed universities. But due to the lack of higher educational institute and low income of their parents, more than 60% children stop their education after matriculation. Overall the financial status of this area is good.

Occupation of the Parents:

Parents with Govt. jobs and small businessman are in a better condition to help and support their children educationally, mentally and profoundly. However, Parents with low income because of expenses and low salaries issues can’t give satisfactory to up level their children education. The control of the Parents in this research from this area is normal. A part of the Parents are not monetarily so good. The children who Parents with government jobs are more verified and their family finds a sense of contentment moderately contrasted with the individuals who work in private association. They are consistently in dissatisfaction. Due to low earning trend of this area, the children face a great deal of difficulties both at home and school, which block them from taking an interest completely in classroom exercises. In past, some parents drop their children at different shop for learning work and for earning but today due to free education in Pakistan more than 80% children go to school till then matriculation.

Earning trends of the Parents:

Parents with Govt. jobs and small businessman are in a better condition to help and support their children educationally, mentally and profoundly. However, Parents with low income because of expenses and low salaries issues can’t give satisfactory to up level their children education. The control of the Parents in this research from this area is normal. A part of the Parents are not monetarily so good. The children who Parents with government jobs are more verified and their family finds a sense of contentment moderately contrasted with the individuals who work in private association. They are consistently in dissatisfaction. Due to low earning trend of this area, the children face a great deal of difficulties both at home and school, which block them from taking an interest completely in classroom exercises. In past, some parents drop their children at different shop for learning work and for earning but today due to free education in Pakistan more than 80% children go to school till then matriculation.

Literacy Rate:

The literacy rate stands at 66% in 15+ age group and 70% in 10+ old populations in School name_____________________ city. However, there is a noticeable difference between overall literacy rate and the female literacy rate that stands at 46% in 15+ and 52% in 10+ populations11.

Source: Google


Why did you select this specific sub-theme and topic? Relate it to your experience / problem in your classroom / institution. (10 marks)

(Give the background and rationale of the study)


Sub-theme: Removing shyness

Topic: Removing shyness through class participation and extra curriculum activities at grade 6


Reason for choosing sub-theme:

Researchers choose this subtheme becauseShyness is an emotion that affects how a person feels and behaves around others. Shyness can mean feeling uncomfortable, self-conscious, nervous, bashful, timid, or insecure. People who feel shy sometimes notice physical sensations like blushing or feeling speechless, shaky, or breathless.

Shyness is the opposite of being at ease with you around others. When people feel shy, they might hesitate to say or do something because they’re feeling unsure of themselves and they’re not ready to be noticed.Many people want to reduce their shyness. But people who are naturally shy also have gifts that they might not appreciate in themselves. For example, because shy people may prefer listening to talking, they sometimes become really good listeners.

People who are shy might also become sensitive to other people’s feelings and emotions. Because of their sensitivity and listening skills, many people with a shy personality are especially caring toward others, and interested in how others feel. People often consider them the finest friends.

Reason for choosing topic:

Researcher chooses this topic becauselanguage conversation class, teachers for the most part agree, in order for students to make gains in the spoken language, they need to actually communicate in the target language. Unfortunately, in many conversation classes, students are reluctant to speak out. In researching Western language teachers that’s found that the following traits troubled the teachers most: Their Japanese students (a) rarely initiated discussion, (b) avoided bringing up new topics, (c) didn’t challenge the instructor, (d) seldom asked questions for clarification, and (e) didn’t volunteer answers. He goes on to state that they seldom volunteer answers, a trait that many Western instructors find extremely frustrating. Most Japanese will only talk if specifically called upon, and only then if there is a clear-cut answer. But even if the answer is obvious, it may be preceded by a pause so long that the instructor is tempted to supply the answer first. This type of pause — or even a true silence — does not necessarily signify an unwillingness to comply, but may simply indicate that the student is too nervous to respond, or too uncertain of the answer to risk public embarrassment.

Its connects student reticence to Japan’s educational system, which as he notes has often been cited as a reason for a student’s inhibition about speaking during class activities. Traditionally the technique employed in most classrooms is of a lecture style, where the teacher remains standing behind a desk at the front of the class and the students receive information as the teacher lectures. Little input is ever solicited from the students, and it is instilled that a classroom is a place where one listens and learns but does not speak. (p. 10)

The evidence that “Shyness” is a “problem” is not limited to the anecdotal and impressionistic folk wisdom of expatriate teachers. According to Philip Zimbardo (1977), a psychology professor at Stanford University who has done extensive research with regards to shyness,

Our studies show that shyness is more prevalent in Japan and Taiwan than in any other culture we surveyed. Among the Japanese, 56 percent reported being currently shy, as compared to 53 percent of the Taiwanese. For three-fourths of the Japanese, shyness is viewed as a “problem,” over 90 percent report having labeled themselves as shy in the past or currently, and, more than any other nationality, the Japanese report feeling shy in virtually all social situation more subjects than any other group reported that they like being shy and extolled its positive consequences this twenty percent of the population is, nevertheless, in the minority.

My own classroom research supports this conclusion. In a survey, when I asked my students, “Do you think shyness is a positive or negative quality?” the students said it was a negative quality, said that it could be both negative and positive, but none of the students said that is was purely a positive quality.

Zimbardo (1977) states that “shyness can be a mental handicap as crippling as the most severe of physical handicaps and its consequences can be devastating” (p. 12). KumikoNakamiya (1993), in her highly personal paper describes the same sentiments with regards to herself:

When people speak to her, she sometimes feels that they are not talking to her, but to a person who is one of the handicapped people (non-natives). It is difficult for people to see her as she is, because her handicap (second language & quietness) is so visible to them Therefore, she who is handicapped also begins to be unable to see her true self who has potential.

As teachers who respect and care about our students as individuals and hope to honor their choices of learning and social styles, some of us may be reluctant to address this issue of shyness, and hence, not attempt to mediate in helping those students overcome the feelings and behavior that constitute what is titled as “shyness.” And indeed, well-intentioned but misguided approaches to shyness can exacerbate the students’ suffering, as we shall see.

Nevertheless, in foreign and second language learning and teaching, shyness does pose problems for both teachers and students. If our students wish to interact with foreigners, travel to foreign countries, and in general live productive lives reaching their full potentials, it is in their best interests to overcome these feelings; and by addressing this issue, teachers can start to play active roles in helping their students. The fact of the matter is that most shy people don’t like being shy and actually do feel handicapped by it.


What was your discussion with your colleague / friend / senior teacher or supervisor regarding the problem? (05 marks)

The researcher told his colleague, friends, and senior teachers about his realisation. During discussions with these children, the researcher discovered that both children and teachers were uninterested in their realisation self-efficacy, and that teachers were also uninterested in their errors. As a result, children have not been able to improve their realisation self-shyness to the extent that they deserve.

Discussion with Supervisor:

During the conversation, the supervisor summarised some key points, such as the need of honesty in every school in light of the current situation in the country/world. There isn’t a single school that isn’t subjected to the daily barrage of realisation removing shyness. Nearly every aspect of a principal’s or teacher’s daily routine may revolve around some form of honesty. One of the most important things you do when you’re in a seniority position is simply deal with the day-to-day issues that arise for your students. Improving your positive behaviour will provide you a great advantage in both teaching and other school roles.

Discussion with Teacher:

After the family or parents, our teacher claims that his or her part is the most significant in the process of controlling a child’s inclinations. Our teacher instructs us to take the next step to support the cooperative process. class participation and extra curriculum activities them to explore, be curious, come up with questions and investigate how things work. Asking them to think of different ways to solve problems,providing choices of activities that involve planning and decision making



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