AIOU Population Education-II 6574-1 Solved Assignment Autumn 2022

Course: Population Education-II (6574)                   Semester: Autumn, 2022

Level: MA (EPM)/PGD(EPM)/MA (T.E)




Q.1 How can you formulate the project via identifying the constraints in population education planning?                                                                 




Students will leave this class with an appreciation for the fundamentals of population education as well as a grasp of how those ideas can be applied to the realm of education. The dynamics of populations, fertility rates, mortality rates, and migration patterns will all be covered throughout the course. In addition to that, the course will go through several approaches to teaching population education in a variety of different environments.

– An Overview of the Field of Population Studies

– The Expanding and Changing Makeup of the Population

– Population and Resources – Urbanization – Migration and Urbanization

– Population and Environmental Impacts

– The Number of People and Their Future


Q.2     Define management. What are the various management concepts in the field of population education?      (20)


. The process of management includes planning, organising, directing, and regulating resources in order to accomplish the goals that have been set. Family planning, reproductive health, and population dynamics are some of the different management ideas that are discussed in the topic of population education.

What is management?

Within the realm of human population education, a variety of management paradigms may be found. The most typical ones are as follows:

• Population control is a concept that addresses the management of the number of people living in a certain area. In most cases, governments or other types of organisations are responsible for carrying it out.

• Planning a family is the subject of this idea, which examines the process of family planning. It includes deciding when to have children, how many children to have, how many children to have, and how to care for those children.





Q.3     What is meant by “Values”? Clarify the teaching method by analysing the importance of value in population education.             (20)




The number of people living on this planet has skyrocketed ever since the turn of the century. We have reached a stage when the world is having difficulty providing for all of its inhabitants. As a result of this, numerous distinct population policies have been put into effect all across the world in an effort to maintain some level of authority over the expansion of our human populations. In the following blog article, we will examine these policies from the point of view of the health sector. We are going to investigate how these factors are influencing our health as well as the potential consequences in the long run. In addition to this, we will talk about the steps that need to be taken in order to make population expansion less unsustainable.

Perspectives from Around the World on Population Policies

In the past, several nations have developed population plans that were centred on their particular national interests. These policies have been implemented in many different countries. In spite of this, throughout the course of the last few years there has been a shift toward a more global way of thinking towards population policy. This is especially true when it comes to the policies that pertain to the health of the population.

 This shift in perspective can be attributed to a variety of different causes and circumstances. One is that globalisation has led to a greater connectivity of people and places all over the world. This has not only made it simpler for diseases to move from one part of the world to another, but it has also made it more challenging for nations to protect the health of their own populations when other nations are not doing so.

Another aspect is the growing awareness that increased population can have a significant influence on both the state of the environment and the rate of climate change. When it comes to making decisions about population policy, nations are beginning to come to the realisation that they need to take into account the requirements of future generations.


Q.4     What are experimental research designs? Which types of research can be most use studies in the area of population education?      (20)



Since the turn of the century, the population of the world has skyrocketed, and we have reached a point where the planet is having difficulty providing for all of its inhabitants. As a result of this, numerous distinct population policies have been put into effect all across the world in an effort to maintain some level of authority over the expansion of our human populations. In the following blog article, we will examine these policies from the point of view of the health sector. We are going to investigate how these factors are influencing our health as well as the potential consequences in the long run. In addition to this, we will talk about the steps that need to be taken in order to make population expansion less unsustainable.

Experimental research


Experimental research is research conducted with a scientific approach using two sets of variables. The first set acts as a constant, which you use to measure the differences of the second set. Quantitative research methods, for example, are experimental.

If you don’t have enough data to support your decisions, you must first determine the facts. Experimental research gathers the data necessary to help you make better decisions.

Any research conducted under scientifically acceptable conditions uses experimental methods. The success of experimental studies hinges on researchers confirming the change of a variable is based solely on the manipulation of the constant variable. The research should establish a notable cause and effect.



Q.5     Write short notes on the following:         (20)

            a)        Environment and Population Education,

            b)       World Population Policy,

            c)        Role of Teachers as an agent of Population Education

            d)       Scientific Method of Inquiry



*      Environment and Population Education: Environmental and population education aims to raise awareness about the impact of human activity on the environment and encourage sustainable practices. It also seeks to instill a sense of responsibility in individuals for the stewardship of natural resources.

*      World Population Policy: World population policies are designed to address global challenges related to population growth, such as poverty, food security, and environmental degradation. They may also seek to promote reproductive health and ensure gender equality.

*      Role of Teachers as an agent of Population Education: Teachers play a crucial role in population education by imparting knowledge and skills to students that will enable them to make informed decisions about their reproductive health. They can also serve as mentors and role models, helping young people to develop positive attitudes towards reproductive health and responsible sexual behavior.

*      Scientific Method of Inquiry: The scientific method of inquiry is a systematic process used to investigate phenomena, test hypotheses, and gather data. This process is used by scientists to gain a greater understanding of the natural world and to develop new theories and laws.

Environment and Population Education


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