AIOU Population Education-I (6573) Solved Assignment Autumn 2022

Level: MA (EPM)/PGD(EPM) 


(Units: 1-4)

Note: All questions carry equal marks

Q.1   Describe the nature, scope and importance of population studies in detail.         (20)


Population studies play an important role in understanding the dynamics of a population and its characteristics. The study of population is essential in order to formulate policies that can address problems related to population growth and development. In this blog post, we will explore the nature, scope and importance of population studies in detail. We will also discuss how population studies can be used to inform policies and decision-making on issues related to population growth and development.

What is population studies?

Population studies is the scientific study of human populations, including their size, structure, distribution, and density. It is a field of sociology, demography, anthropology, economics, epidemiology, and public health. The main goal of population studies is to understand how populations change over time and how they are affected by various factors such as fertility, mortality, migration, and social and economic change.

Q.2  What is meant by over population? Discuss the consequences of over population and strategies to overcome it in a developing county like Pakistan

Ans Introduction

Overpopulation is a global problem of our time. It has been defined as a condition where the number of people in a given area exceeds the capacity of the area to support them. This can lead to a host of problems, including environmental degradation, dwindling resources, and social unrest. In this blog post, we will discuss the consequences of overpopulation and strategies to overcome it in a developing country like Pakistan. We will also explore what is being done to address this issue at the global level.

What is overpopulation?

Overpopulation occurs when a species’ population exceeds the carrying capacity of its ecological niche. In simpler terms, overpopulation is too many fish in too small a pond. The consequences of overpopulation are often devastating and can include disease, food shortages, and increased violence.

There are many strategies to overcome overpopulation, but they must be tailored to the specific situation. Some general strategies include decreasing fertility rates through contraception and education, reducing immigration rates, and increasing mortality rates through things like war and disease.

The consequences of overpopulation

Overpopulation is a term that refers to when there are too many people in an area for the resources that area has. This can lead to a number of consequences, including:

– scarce resources: when there are too many people for the available resources, those resources become scarce and difficult to access. This can lead to competition and conflict over resources, as well as increased prices for basic necessities like food and water.,





Q.3  What is the rationale of papulation education and compare the  education statistics relating to major population characteristics in Pakistan, India and Bangladesh.         (20)

It is no secret that education levels around the world are not equal. In some countries, the level of education is so high that the majority of the population has a college degree. In others, the level of education is so low that the majority of the population cannot even read or write. This blog post will explore the rationale of population education and compare the statistics of education levels around the world. We will also discuss what can be done to improve equality in education and why it is important for everyone to have access to quality education.

Introduce the topic of population education and its importance

Population education is a field of study that deals with the problems and issues associated with population growth. It is an interdisciplinary field, drawing on knowledge from the natural and social sciences, as well as from the humanities.

The importance of population education has been recognized by many countries and international organizations. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has been working to promote population education since its establishment in 1945. UNESCO’s work in this area includes developing materials and activities for population education, providing training for educators, and conducting research on effective approaches to population education.


Q.4      What should be the important functions of population education? Appreciate the need of different programmes that can help to achieve the goals.                                                     (20)



Population education is a process of teaching people about the importance of population control. The main goal of population education is to help people understand the factors that contribute to population growth and how they can actively participate in controlling it. There are many different programmes that can be used to achieve the goals of population education. Some of these programmes include family planning, reproductive health education, and sex education. Each of these programmes has its own specific goals and objectives, but all of them work together to help people understand the importance of population control.

Functions of population education

Population education has many functions, but some of the most important ones are to raise awareness about population issues, to promote responsible behavior in regards to fertility and sexual activity, and to provide skills and knowledge that can help people make informed decisions about their reproductive health. Additionally, population education can help reduce poverty and inequality, as well as improve the overall health and wellbeing of populations.



Q.5  What is population Phenomenon? Describe the significance of population statistics.    



Population education is a process of teaching people about the importance of population control. The main goal of population education is to help people understand the factors that contribute to population growth and how they can actively participate in controlling it. There are many different programmes that can be used to achieve the goals of population education. Some of these programmes include family planning, reproductive health education, and sex education. Each of these programmes has its own specific goals and objectives, but all of them work together to help people understand the importance of population control.

Functions of population education

Population education has many functions, but some of the most important ones are to raise awareness about population issues, to promote responsible behavior in regards to fertility and sexual activity, and to provide skills and knowledge that can help people make informed decisions about their reproductive health. Additionally, population education can help reduce poverty and inequality, as well as improve the overall health and wellbeing of populations.

There are many different types of programs that can be used to achieve these goals, but some of the most effective ones are those that focus on providing accurate information about reproduction and sexual health, promoting healthy behaviors, and teaching life skills

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