AIOU Course Code 8612-1 Solved Assignment Spring 2022


Q.1   What makes teaching effective? Discuss teaching as a profession.            

“Teaching is the noblest profession in the world,” stated President David O. McKay. But teaching is a profession that only appeals to a special type of person—a person who is concerned about others, one who has a desire to touch the lives of his students and somehow leave them better than they were. The richest rewards of teaching come when a teacher can observe growth and development in his students. One of the largest of all professions, teaching employs more than 2 1/2 million people annually. Nevertheless, jobs are sometimes difficult to find because of the large number of people currently prepared to enter the profession. In the field of social sciences, for example, there are almost no opportunities. On the other hand, elementary placement is still quite high. Special education and physical sciences (chemistry, math, and physics) have many opportunities, too. Naturally there are more opportunities in some geographical areas than in others and especially in schools where teaching conditions are poor. Eight out of ten recent BYU graduates found teaching jobs last year. Salaries vary and are dependent on the teacher’s experience and education, and on where he teaches. For most positions the hours are long. Not only does the teacher spend about eight and one-half hours per day in the classroom, but two to three hours are spent at home grading papers and preparing for the next day. Since teaching can be very difficult and nerve taxing, one should carefully look at his interests, abilities, and goals before deciding upon a career in education. If he finds himself to be stable, interested in continued study and learning, and capable of seeing beneath the surface to the basic needs of other people, he can discover in teaching extraordinary satisfaction and the nobility President McKay referred to.-

Q.2   What are professional ethics? Describe role of a teaching in promoting professional ethics.                                                                                                               

All teaching is founded on ethics – whether it be the teacher-student relationship, pluralism or a teacher’s relationship with their work.

Dignity means respect for humanity. Teachers must respect every person, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, gender diversity, appearance, age, religion, social standing, origin, opinions, abilities and achievements.

Truthfulness is one of the core values in teachers’ basic task, which involves steering learners in navigating life and their environment. Honesty with oneself and others and mutual respect in all communication is a basic aspect of teachers’ work.

Fairness is important both when encountering individual learners and groups but also in the work community. Fairness involves in particular promoting equality and non-discrimination and avoiding favouritism.

Teachers are entitled to their own values, but in their work, teachers’ responsibility is tied to their basic task and its standards such as legislation and the curriculum.

Teacher’s ethical principles

Q.3   Explain professional standards of teaching profession.

A nation depends on the activities of the teachers. Identically, they are working to grow the basement of the students. No matter it is school, college or university, a qualified teacher is the builder of a student. Even a teacher on the special skills or technical courses is keeping role responsibilities on the societies. For this reason, the leader of tomorrow is created by a teacher. At the same time, if a teacher fails to discover the eternal power of a student, the student fails in his whole life. That means a teacher is the best mentor for a life of the student.

The education system of the 21st century has changed radically with the integration of the technology in every sector. At the same time, the students are more matured than the previous time. Now, in the twenty-first-century education depends on Thinking Skills, Interpersonal Skills, Information Media, Technological Skills as well as Life Skills. Especially, the education of the present time emphasis on life and career skills. Now there has no value for rote learning. In general, it needs to meet the industry need. To clarify, the teaching will be effective when a student can use the lesson outside of the classroom.  For changing the globalizing world, the role of the teachers is essential to improve the sustainable education. At the same time, inspiring and guiding the students in increasing employability skills with the digital tools is the prerequisite for a teacher.-

Q.4   Describe Islamic Principles of professionalism.

Different careers have codes of conduct aligned to their lines of profession. However Islam has more comprehensive and unifying principles which are adequate enough to create good professionals. I derive this study from the following key aspect of Islamic Shura:1. Ali R.A. once asked the Prophet (PBUH) that if they had a matter in which they didn’t have or find a command or prohibition, what was his advice? He said consult the righteous wise people and don’t depend on individual opinion. (Tarabani) From this we can draw that in Islam, consultation is primarily centralised to ALLAH and decentralised to the Righteous Wise. Our key problem areas are humans not fulfilling the right of Allah’s central role but all that happens by the grace of Allah and we are merely agents to helping others achieve this. So this agency is what we need to build on in the area of decentralised Shura. Righteous Wise has two personalities in description:· · The Righteo-

Q.5   What do you think about a teacher as a role model? Comment.

The definition of a role model according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary is: A person whose behavior in a particular role is imitated by others. Teachers definitely fit the definition of a role model for their students whether they like it or not. It is something teachers must accept when they choose the profession, and if they do not accept being a role model, it may be time to change professions or retire.

For many students the teacher is the role model in their life, so every teacher needs to take this into account as they go about their duties as a classroom teacher. This definition is not only for the homeroom teacher; it is for every teacher in the building. Students are aware of your presence and every move you make, positive, negative or otherwise. It is why it is important for teachers to be mindful of their words and actions throughout the school day. You never know when you are being watched, critiqued, and more importantly, imitated.

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