No: 8607 MANUAL Teaching Practice-I

B.Ed. (1.5-YEARS)


Teaching Practice-I

CODE No: 8607

Roll No: ……………………………………….

Registration No: …………………………..


Marks Allocated Attendance Field Notes Observation Report Total
10 40 50 100


Signature of Examiner


The prospective teacher is responsible for finding his/her own practicum-teaching site. This site can be the prospective teachers’ current place of employment. If the prospective teacher is not currently working in a school he/she must find an appropriate site/school that will allow them to volunteer. Prospective teacher’s sites can be public/private school.

This form must be completed and submitted with the manual.

Name of trainee teacher: ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Name and Address of School: ……………………………………………………………………………………

Mentor teacher’s name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………

Mentor signature: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Phone Number of school: …………………………………………………………………………………………

Principal/Head Teacher Name: …………………………………………………………………………………



Signature & Stamp of Principal/Head Teacher

Sample Observation Report 1


Name of the Trainee: ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Name of the school: ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Name of the class teacher: ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Class: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Date & Time: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Observation of teaching for Rules/Routines/Procedures

Rules Routines Procedures
  • Raise your hand to answer the questions.
  • Don’t interrupt fellow student when he or He is asking a question.
  • Take permission before entering or leaving the class.
  • Homework must be submitted to teacher for checking before studying next lesson.
  • Message of the day before the class
  • Class attendance before the start of lesson
  • Homework assignment at the end of lesson.
  • An activity that requires clear instructions during the class.
  • Equal participation of all the student of the class.
  • Group and individual activity
  • Ask the student come to board
  • Use of AV aids

Sample Observation Report 2

Observation of Teaching for teacher’s Responses to Students’ Comments

Name of the Trainee: ………………………………………………………………………………………………

Name of the school: ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Class: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Name of the class teacher: ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Date & Time: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Note down the positive, neutral or negative statements that teacher uses in response to students’ comments.

For example, “Good”, “Excellent”, “No, that’s not the right answer”, “Anyone else?”, “No, not even close to the right answer”

Positive Statements Neutral Statements Negative Comments
  • Better
  • Excellent
  • Brilliant
  • Out standing
  • Good Effort but your answer is not correct
  • Try again
  • Try try again
  • Your answer is wrong not even close
  • Try again with hard working

Sample Observation Report

Name of Trainee Teacher: ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Name of school: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Name of class: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Name of class teacher: …………………………………………………………………………………………….

Date & Time: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Below is a report I wrote while observing a classroom at ———- school.


The report that follows will go through every aspect of a classroom that I saw in —————— class. I’ll talk about the setting in the classroom, the institution, the involvement of the students, and the success of the teacher as a whole. I’ll then discuss how much the event affected my desire to become a teacher.

Teacher Observation Report 1

Part I: Observation

I decided to go and watch in a classroom at……….school, districts. for my teacher observation. With around 10 teachers and over 200 students overall, the school as a whole enjoys a consistent student-to-teacher ratio. I spent all of my observation hours in classroom. ………..’s You feel welcomed as soon as you enter the classroom. A colorful doormat is on the ground. The carpeting exudes hospitality and gives off that impression. There are several pictures on the wall that stimulate learning. Color, shape, letter, vegetable, animal, and number images are included. There are images of animals reading and writing at desks. This is meant to give pupils a pleasant new perspective on learning. On the board, there was a schedule that showed the allotted time for each subject as well as a calendar with the current and prior dates reversed. Another item on the board is what He refers to as a “Discipline tracker.” Three plates made up the set: a red, a yellow, and a green plate. Later on, this will be clarified. The teacher’s desk, student desks, and the reading corner were the other three areas that were divided up in the classroom. The atmosphere in the classroom was extremely cozy overall. He said that he taught reading to the pupils each morning. Mr… beckoned the kids over and told them to sit “Indian style” while he moved over to his chair and sat down. Mr………. started by outlining the narrative He would read to the children in their chairs that morning when they had all taken their seats with their hands in their laps. He used group altering while reading by stopping to ask the children questions about the words or characters in the text. For instance, which words in this statement rhyme? or what is the word for feeling. Due to the students’ knowledge that they will be asked a question, the engaged time with them lasted longer. After reading the lesson, He would instruct the children to separate into groups and direct them to specific corners. Later on, it was revealed that the students were divided into groups based on the results of a test taken at the start of the school year. In this way, He was able to gauge whether He would need to spend more time working with one group than another depending on how much they already knew about Him. The children then went to work with Mr…., the teacher’s aide, or the computer area. The kids practiced word recognition, reading, phonics, and spelling at each corner. Children who required additional assistance worked I observed how frequently Mr……….. had to take breaks from his instruction to correct the other children when he was teaching the various groups and individuals. How frequently He would have to pause to make sure nobody was talking, causing a disturbance, or failing to do their task was almost absurd. I was upset for the children who wanted to study but were unable to do so because. was acting as the policeman. This made me realize how much time is actually spent on extracurricular activities. He would use the discipline tracker if any disruption ever became out of control after receiving more than a warning. He would switch the color of a cloth spun that had the student’s name from green to yellow. As a result, the student did not receive a sticker at the end of the day, even though it may appear trivial to an adult. As a result, the student’s behavior immediately improved. I had to ask my mentor if he agreed that using rewards to encourage good behavior in the pupils was effective. The surroundings of the school were exceptionally tidy and well-kept. Additionally, immaculate were the restrooms. Both the faculty and the students exhibit a genuine love for the institution and its surroundings. No environment is better for learning than one in which you feel at ease.

Part II: Reflection

Overall, I think this was a terrific experience. In all honesty, I am beyond pleased with how my observations on classroom ……….’s turned out. I would highly advise this to any interested students searching for a place to learn about teaching methods. He had good academic credentials, but you could also see that He was passionate about making sure that every single one of his students learnt something in class each and every day. He was not only tenacious but also patient. Anyone cannot possibly like being in a room with fifteen children running around. He yet handled it with calm and grace. I learned so much about teaching techniques from Mr. He had little note cards with each student’s name on them, and after each question, He would flip from card to card, allowing each kid an opportunity to respond and assuring participation. Every morning he had a different pupil lead the morning workout. He went on to say that this was done to wake up the kids and get their blood flowing for involvement in the learning process. This struck me as a creative and original technique to keep the children engaged and primed for learning. I adored the atmosphere at school. Many staff members usually smiled or said “good morning” as I walked down the hall, whether I was leaving or entering. The pupils were cheerful, and it was obvious that they came to school each morning. The experience has definitely changed the way I see the world and convinced me that teaching is what I want to do for the rest of my life. When kids eventually understand something or grin when you tell them they answered the question right, it makes all the difficult times worthwhile. Even though I’m sure it will take a lot of work, I’m confident that guiding the development of young brains is the proper course for me.

Classroom Observation Form

School Name

Class teacher: ………………………………………………. Course: ………………………………………………..

Grade: …………………………………………………………. No of students………………………………………

Observer: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

………………………………………………………………….. Time: …………………………………………………..

Components Comments/Notes
1. SUBJECT MATTER/CONTENT (Shows good command and knowledge of subject matter; demonstrates breadth and depth of mastery)
  • Good command on subject
  • Shows his master skills
2. ORGANIZATION (Organizes subject matter; evidences preparation; is thought; states clear objectives; emphasizes and summarizes main points, meet class at scheduled time, regularly monitors course)
  • Well organized lesson
  • Fully prepared
  • Summarize the lesson in given time
3. RAPPORT WITH STUDENTS (holds interest of students; is respectful, fair and impartial; provides feedback, encourages participation; interacts with students, shows enthusiasm)
  • Interest seeking lesson
  • Fair and impartial
  • Fully charged lesson
  • Motivated
4. TEACHING METHODS (uses relevant teaching methods, aids, materials, techniques, and technology; includes variety, balance, imagination, group involvement; uses examples that are simple, clear, precise and appropriate; stays focused on and meets stated objectives)
  • AV aids
  • Group activity
  • Individual activity
  • Examples
  • Lesson centric
5. LESSON PRESENTATION (Establishes classroom environment conductive to learning; maintains eye contact; uses a clear voice strong projection, proper enunciation, and standard Urdu/English)
  • Clear voice
  • Humble Behavior
  • Eye on all students
6. CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT (Uses time wisely; attends to course interaction; demonstrates leadership ability; maintains discipline and control; maintains effective classroom management )
  • Lesson according to time
  • Fully topic covered
  • Fully disciplined class
  • Effective classroom management
(exhibits sensitivity to students’ personal culture, gender differences and disabilities, responds appropriately in a non-threatening, pro-active learning environment )
  • No gender discrimination
  • Special concern about weak student
  • More effort on weak student
8. PERSONAL (evidence self-confidence; maintains professional comportment and appearance )
  • Confidence
  • Fully build
  • Professional attitude
  • Humble
CLASSROOM (State location and physical attributes of classroom, number of students in attendance, layout of room, distraction if any; list any observations of how physical aspects affected content delivery)
  • Total ………. students
  • Indian style layout
  • Students were in uniform

Strengths Observed: Well prepared lesson, confident, well-structured lesson, and perfect teaching style.

Suggestions for Improvement: Only student sitting layout is point where improvement is needed. U shaped seating layout should be adapted.

Overall Impression of teaching effectiveness: Overall it was the perfect lesson delivering by ………in which most of the student understands the theme of lesson.

Field Notes

School Name: ………………………..

Day 1: …………………. Date: ……………………

Reflective notes:

My first day, I arrived at the school promptly at 8:00 AM. The school assembly was postponed following Moharam-ul-Haraam. Since it was my first day, I arrived early to watch the teachers and children enter the school. All faculty, staff, and students are covered. Also checking the temperature at the school gate. I feel quite comfortable interacting with school employees because I am familiar with them. Due to the corona virus family, I keep my social distance from the faculty and students. In the school, there was a culture of discipline. Students entered the classroom as soon as the bell rang, and after the teachers had marked the attendance, they too entered the relevant classes. I had been spending time with the school’s head since my first day of classes. Following the conversation, the head called a motivated and experienced teacher who would serve as my mentor. I proceeded to the Grade………. classroom with my mentor, and as soon as I stepped inside, the students gave me a warm welcome. Mentor gave the students a brief introduction to me and explained what I do. Additionally, I directed the students to work with me. My mentor begins teaching the subject in question. He was lively at first, but after a few minutes, he turned passive and made the pupils active, in my observation. By inviting the students to the stage and assigning them an individual assignment based on the corona virus family SOPs, he forced the pupils to engage in the lesson.

Mentor’s comments: Mr. /Miss…………. is keen observer and making good notes of the field activities in the school.


Field Notes

School Name: ………………….

Day 2: ……………………. Date: ………………

Reflective notes:

My second day, I arrived at the school promptly at 8:00 AM. All faculty, staff, and students are covered. Also checking the temperature at the school gate. I feel quite comfortable interacting with school employees because I am familiar with them. I keep my social distance from the faculty and students. In the school, there was a culture of discipline. Students entered the classroom as soon as the bell rang, and after the teachers had marked the attendance, they too entered the relevant classes. I proceeded to the Grade……….classroom with my mentor, and as soon as I stepped inside, the students gave me a warm welcome. Mentor gave the students a brief introduction to me and explained what I do. Additionally, I directed the students to work with me. My mentor begins teaching the subject in question. He was lively at first, but after a few minutes, he turned passive and made the pupils active, in my observation. By inviting the class to the stage and assigning each an individual activity, he forced the students to engage in the lesson. The entire faculty met in the staff rooms to host a tea party when the ring for recess rang. After the break and tea, I returned from school.

Mentor’s comments: He is taking his notes of the activities in class and overall activities in the school. He looks very working and sincere to his work


Field Notes

School Name: ……………………..

Day 3: ……………………. Date: …………………

Reflective notes:

My third day. I arrived at the school promptly at 8:00 AM. Since it was my third day, I got there early to watch the professors and students enter the building. In the school, there was a culture of discipline. Students entered the classroom as soon as the bell rang, and after the teachers had marked the attendance, they too entered the relevant classes. I proceeded to the Grade……….classroom with my mentor, and as soon as I stepped inside, the students gave me a warm welcome. My mentor gave the new seventh-grade pupils a brief introduction to me and an explanation of my job. Additionally, I directed the students to work with me. My mentor begins teaching the subject in question. He was lively at first, but after a few minutes, he turned passive and made the pupils active, in my observation.

Mentor’s comments: He is observing the activities very keenly. He is taking the interest in the teaching and also in other affairs of the school.


Field Notes

School Name: ……………………………..

Day 4: …………………. Date: ………………….

Reflective notes:

Today was my fourth day, I met with clerk ———. He was greeted me. I was got information about school. I got facts and figure. He said budget was insufficient.

Checklist Facts
Area of School 1 Kanal
Total Teachers 30
Total Clerk 4
Computer Lab 2
Total Rooms 21
Science Lab 1
Staff Room 2
Playground 2
Parking Stand 1
Washroom 6
Principle and Vice-Principle Room 2

Mentor’s comments: He observing all facts very keenly. He also corrects my facts and figures related to school.


Field Notes

School Name: ………………………..

Day 5: …………………… Date: ………………….

Reflective notes:

My fifth day of observation at the school, when the renowned administrator introduced the teacher and classroom diaries. Each teacher kept a separate teaching diary. Daily entries were made into the teacher’s diary. Using the teacher and class diaries, the respected principal kept track of the progress of the instructors and classrooms. Weekly tests were implemented by a respected principal. I observed first time in life in our govt. school conducted weekly test and syllabus was divided into subject wise and put on classroom. Respected principal evaluated instructors’ and students’ performance using a variety of methods. Additionally, I saw a timetable on the wall that indicated the time allotted for each subject. Kids were being extremely lively, and my mentor seemed to be enjoying the activity as well, I noticed. It was amusing to see my mentor act similarly immature among children. I adored every activity I did all day long with the kids.

Mentor’s comments:

He is taking the interest in my activities and also in other affairs of the school. He enjoyed in the ECE room while playing and dealing the kids. Kids also enjoyed his company. Principle also like him.


Field Notes

School Name: …………………………..

Day 6: ………………. Date: …………………

Reflective notes:

My sixth day and I arrived at the school promptly at 8:00 AM. He was lively at first, but after a few minutes, he turned passive and made the pupils active, in my observation. By inviting the class to the stage and assigning each an individual activity, he forced the students to engage in the lesson. This classroom also sets a standard. Respected principal examined the student journals. I questioned him about notepads. He described me; they were note books from the fifth grade. He was chosen at random to have his class’s notebooks checked in a week. Using note books, he evaluated the performance of teachers and students. Respected principal evaluated instructors’ and students’ performance using a variety of methods.

Mentor’s comments: He is observing the activities very keenly. He is taking the interest in the teaching and also in other affairs of the school.


Field Notes

School Name: ………

Day 7: ………………….. Date: …………………….

Reflective notes:

My mentor and I were talking about the agenda for today on my seventh day when we were told that a monitoring person had come. My mentor informed me that the MEA makes a monthly visit during which he checks things like LND test results, school cleanliness, faculty attendance, and student attendance. I was told by my mentor to help the MEA and watch how school monitoring is done. I was then given a brief overview of the MEA and my job. The monitoring process was then completely visible to me. The provision of all records requested by the MEA falls under the authority of the school’s head. After all the record assessment and monitoring there is LND test of the class …….. in which randomly selected students by MEA are supposed to give the test of the Urdu, Math and English on tablet.

Mentor’s comments: AS today there was visit of MEA so He was directed to observe the proceeding of monitoring. He observes and assists the MEA in very smooth manner


Field Notes

School Name: ………………..

Day 8: ………………. Date: ………………

Reflective notes:

I met with the second clerk today, which was my eighth day, —————. In the clerk room, he welcomed me. I showed him the chart with the updated basic pay scales for government employees and inquired about the calculations. I gained knowledge about how to compute the updated government servant basic pay scales. The basic pay scale, grade, minimum pay, maximum pay, and increment were displayed on a chart for the current year and the prior year.

Mentor’s comments: He observing everything very cleanly and also ask me about teachers’ salaries and other expenses.


Field Notes

School Name: ………

Day 9: ………………. Date: …………………….

Reflective notes:

On day nine, I met with ————— in the main room. He was the school’s computer instructor. He was a capable educator. We visited the computer lab. He studied computer science and participated in computer lab exercises. There is only one lab assistant for computers. He had the last name ———. A computer lab with about 10 machines was available for students to use in their practical classes and computer teaching sessions. Computers were free of dust, and every table was spotless. There was also a printer and scanner. But the chair was in terrible shape.

Mentor’s comments:

He also takes part in computer activities with children in computer lab room. He looks very working and sincere to his work


Field Notes

School Name: ………………………

Day 10: ………………. Date: …………………

Reflective notes:

On my tenth day, Mr……….. started by describing the story He would read to the class in the morning. He used group altering as he read by stopping to ask the children questions about the language or the characters in the novel. For instance, “What words in this statement rhyme?” and “What word conveys feeling?” Due to the students’ knowledge that they will be asked a question, the engaged time with them lasted longer. After reading the lesson, he would instruct the children to separate into groups and specify which corners they should go to. Later on, it was revealed that the students were divided into groups based on the results of a test taken at the start of the school year. In this way, depending on how much each group already understood, he could predict whether he would need to work with them for a longer period of time or less. The children then went to work with Mr…………., the teacher’s aide, or the computer area. The kids practiced word recognition, reading, phonics, and spelling at each corner. The children who required assistance the most worked with.. while the others worked in different places. I made a video of the entire event, focusing on the mentor, the students’ activities, and the general classroom atmosphere.

Mentor’s comments:

Mr. ………. was found keen in observing the activities in the class room and he is working hard on his given assignment


Field Notes

School Name: ………………..

Day 11: ………………. Date: …………….

Reflective notes:

On the eleventh day of my internship, as my mentor and I were talking about our plans for the day, we received word that Deputy DEO……… had arrived for a visit. My mentor informed me that the Deputy DEO………. makes a monthly visit to the school to check on the SOPs, the wellbeing of the students, and other matters. My mentor gave me the instruction to support the Deputy DEO and watch the process of school monitoring and inspection. Then the Deputy DEO and my job description were introduced to me. The provision of all records is the responsibility of the school’s head. Following the completion of all record assessments and monitoring, the deputy DEO enters the classrooms and conducts various interviews with the teachers and pupils in accordance with SOPs. He expresses pleasure with the institution’s general state. Following the break, I returned from school.

Mentor’s comments:

As today there was visit of Deputy DEO so he was directed to observe the proceeding of monitoring. He observes and assists the Deputy DEO in very smooth manner.


Field Notes

School Name: ……………………

Day 12: …………….. Date: ……………………

Reflective notes:

On my 12th day, I talked to my mentor about my itinerary for the day. He told me that it was now my turn to share what I had learned with the students the following days through a lecture. The subject I had to give to the class was then debated. We agreed to present a grade………. science topic to the class, so I started preparing my presentation for the following hour. In the meantime, my mentor supports me in creating and preparing lectures and provides guidance on the SLOs and in-class activities. Then he instructed me on how to encourage the students’ attendance at the lecture and their active engagement in it. Following the talk, my partner and I entered the classroom. Following the introductions, Mr……….. informed the students that I would be doing the presentation today. At the far end of the classroom, my mentor was watching and listening to my presentation. He creates the presentation notes for me. He discussed the presentation’s strengths and weaknesses with me after I finished.

Mentor’s comments:

Today Mr. ………. gave the presentation to the class ………. in which he deliver the lecture on science subject. I think he is now ready for the final presentation and teaching lesson.


Field Notes

School Name: ……………………

Day 13: …………….. Date: …………….

Reflective notes:

My 13th day of Bazm-e-Adab, which was held every Friday in every classroom, was today. A consistent and complete method was Bazm-e-Adab. The main goal of this exercise was to develop students’ moral, intellectual, and leadership abilities. Holy Quran verses were recited at the start of Bazm-e-Adab, which was then followed by the NAAT Sharif and a special address (on current moral issues in the context of the Quran and Sunnah). Each student gave excellent performances. I saw the pupils’ leadership and academic abilities. These competitions improved verbal clarity and fluency as well as enthusiasm and self-assurance.

Mentor’s comments:

Today once again Mr. ………. gave the speech to the class …… in which he speech on topic of moral education.


Field Notes

School Name: ……………………..

Day 14: ……………… Date: ………………….

Reflective notes:

After greeting everyone, I informed the students that today would be my last day and that I would be giving my last class. At the far end of the classroom, my mentor started filming the lesson. I began the class by delivering the students the day’s message before introducing the topic to them. After giving them information on the topic for the first half of the lesson, I became passive and forced the students to engage by assigning them solo and group assignments. The student has homework that I assign. After the lesson, my mentor gave me praise for my abilities, and we said goodbye to the rest of the faculty and the head teacher. I gave a special thanks to my mentor, Mr…, for helping me and making my assignment possible. Finally, I gave advice to all of the students, telling them to keep their distance from others, wear masks, and take care of their health.

Mentor’s comments: It was the final day of Mr. …….. delivered the lesson it was more than awesome and it was wonderful experience with his. He was keen observer and hardworking. He was very sincere to his work. ALLAH ALMIGHTY succeed his in the every aspect of life.



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