AIOU Course Code 8601-2 Solved Assignment Spring 2022

Assignment No.2

Q. 1 Identify advantages and disadvantages o discussion method. Analyze the rules to organize
classroom discussion. (10+10)


Jones  et  al  (1994)  has  given the  following  advantages  and  disadvantages  of  discussion method: Advantages:

  1. The  information acquired  through discussion  method  is  meaningful  and  helps students  to  develop critical  thinking and problem  solving skills.
  2. Discussion technique  leads  students  towards  attitudinal  change  through selfawareness..




Q.2 (a) Explain cooperative learning principles. (10+10)


Many principles  have  been proposed  for  cooperative  learning.  Below  is  one  list  of  eight such principles.

1 Heterogeneous  Grouping.  This  principle  means  that  the  groups  in which students do cooperative  learning tasks  are  mixed  on one  or  more  of  a  number  of  variables including sex,  ethnicity,  social  class,  religion,  personality,  age,  language proficiency,  and  diligence



(b) Discuss different strategies of cooperative learning.

( b ) Discuss different strategies of cooperative learning.

STRATEGIES OF  COOPERATIVE  LEARNING Cooperative  learning strategies  could  be  used  in the  planning,  translating and  reviewing. The  teachers  should  encourage  the  students  to  participate  in good  discussions.  Different cooperative strategies  included:

  1. Jigsaw:

Groups  with five  students  are  set  up.  The  faculty member  divides  an assignment  or  topic  to  the  group.  Each student  is  assigned  some  material  to  learn and  to teach  to his  group  members.  The  representative  of  the  students  working on the  same  topic  gets  together  and  discusses  the  important  concepts  and  the  ways  to teach it  to the  whole  class.  After  the  practice  in these  “expert”  groups  the  orig.




Q.3 (a) Explain the importance and different types of set induction. (10+10)

Importance  of  Set  Induction:

Alliss  (2011)  says  that  many  teachers  spend  outrageously  little  time  preparing  their students  for  classroom  activities.  Often  this  preparation  consists  only  of  telling  their students  to read  some  story by the  next  class  session  or  to  watch some  demonstration carefully.  With such a  limited  introduction,  could  any teacher  truly expect  students  to be attentive and  eager  to  learn  the  material?




(b) Discuss the process of identifying learning difficulties of students.


Every student  has  a  unique  identity,  mind,  learning styles  and  learning needs.  During instruction  students  face  different  learning  difficulties.  Interstate New  Teachers Assessment  and  Support  Consortium  (INTASC)  (2010,  Pp.1-4)  has  presented some standards  for  teachers  to identify learning  difficulties  of  students.










Q.4 Critically discuss different techniques of students’ evaluation. (20)

Q.4  Critically discuss different techniques of students’ evaluation.


According to Tufo (2002)  evaluation  is  the  process  of  determining the  value  or  worth of  a program,  course,  or  other  initiative,  toward  the  ultimate  goal  of  making  decisions  about adopting,  rejecting,  or  revising the  innovation.  It  should  not  be  confused  with assessment, which encompasses  methods  for  measuring or  testing performance  on a  set  of competencies. Evaluation  is  the  more  inclusive  term,  often making use  of  assessment  data in addition to many other  data  sources.  While  student  evaluation is  to make  decisions about  teaching and  students’  performance.  Understanding the  purposes  of  evaluation helps  teachers  make decisions  about




Q.5 (a) Discuss the use of different kinds of projected and non-projected aids during lecture. (10+10)


There  is  need  of  proper  planning for  using  effective  audio visual  aids  for  the  students; Following are  some  suggestions  which can be  helpful  for  the  planning to use  the  material.

  1. The teacher  must  be  trained  and  fully  skilled in  the  use  of  the  teaching aids.  They should  be  actually  taught  and  does  not  used  for  deco rational  or  ornamental  value  in the  class.
  2. While using the  aid,  active  participation of  the  students  should  be  sought.
  3. The teaching aid should  be  adequately protected  and  preserved  for  maintaining due interest  and motivation of  the  students.





(b) Write down the advantages and disadvantages of multimedia.




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