AIOU Course Code 828-1 Solved Assignment Spring 2022

Course:higher education(828). Semester spring (2022)


The socio-economic development of a country depends upon higher education. comment on the statement and provide relevant examples to support your views.


Higher education has a key role in the socio-economic development of a country.

Universities and other institutes (helping in getting  higher education)not only help in getting ha higher education and ongoing skills training but also provide an environment where research can be done and produces innovations and valuable commercial applications. I will discuss the following points and will ensure that the socio-economic progress of a country is highly dependent upon higher education.

         Create a Quality Workforce

       Drive Innovation

       Increase Employability

       Upskill Existing Workforces

       Boost Graduate Earning Power

       Collaborate Between Education and Business

       Feed into a Knowledge-Based Economy

Create a Quality workforce.

Now a days work place is in a state of coniynous evolution .it is changing with passage of time and tricks to make success in this field has also changing .even in last decade, job roles and skills to succeed in them has also changed .the higher education has main motive of promoting education within students at all level and to make the students skill full so that they can take part in the development of country actively .higher education makes the student skill full so that he can meet the changing circumstances of work place .Higher education helps him to earn so that he can meet the daily expenditure of hi family .highly skillful and trained person will be better option for a company or workplace to improve the economical performance of their company .and the economical performance of these companies collectively improve the economical status of the country.universities and colleges has played a vital role in making student a good citezen of their country.



explain different models of higher education?which model do you think is better for Pakistani system of higher education and why?


There are four different models of higher education jn the world.

These are as follows

On campus





The on campus learning involves the face to face learning and involvement of all the students in learning process .the traditional organizations has following characteristic


The lecture halls are larger one’s having a commodity of several students .students are in small number and labs are also present


The faculty includes professor , assistant professor ,charimans, instructors and clerical staff


Seminars, lectures , workshops

On campus education can also be prrformed during pandemic , provided that mask and social diestancing is followed.


Hyflex models is also called hybrid flexible .it shows flexibility in teaching .it give option to student whether he wants to study online or on campus .if he chooses online that facilities are provided so that he can complete his education physically on campus .he can visit the faculty , computer labs and research labs while if he choose online method then again facilities are provided so he can complete his education online .recordedd or live lectures are provided .zoom app and other apps like Skype ,google meat are used to provide lecture on them.students are entitled to have a knowledge of their degrees in such a manner that they can compete with people in the markit or industries .the purpose of hyfkex method is to promote education both online and offline mean on campus with equallity

During pandemic like corona this method can help students to complete their courses without losing time.they have choice to have classes online or get recorded lectures .hybrid method helps the professors to visualize which subject can be taught online and which can be taught on campus more easily.


Hybrid method split time on campus and virtual is not same as hyflex this format , some activities are subjected to complete online while other activities are to compete physically on campus.for example , classes are taken on zoom apps or skype or any other app like this and lab works are performed in labs on campus.


Q-3critically discuss the provision of higher education in the national educational policy 1898-2010?


According to the 1973 Constitution, Article 25

1. All citizens are equal before the law and are entitled to equal legal protection.

2. There must be no discrimination based on sex alone.

3. Nothing in this Constitution prevents the State from taking special precautions to protect women and children.

For the ordinary and non-juridical persons, there is no reference to “EP” in this article and its subsection, but for the juridical fraternity it has implications that can be left behind on overall state politics. Especially where, in accordance with the law and the constitution, we do not discriminate against students and institutions on the basis of sex, gender and skin color.

Judge Muhammad Nassem Chuhdry stated in his famous 1973 Constitutional Commentary:

“Allegations by the educational institution of discrimination in the preparation of answer books by certain papers appearing in court along with the answer books of all other examinees they are evaluating at a given hearing date. The appeal was allowed to determine whether the Supreme Court was correct the subpoena and checked the answer books to see if they were corrected.”


“Reasonable classification has always been considered permissible provided such classification is based on reasonable and appropriate categorization. Such a classification must not be arbitrary or artificial, it must be equally applicable to any person or property who is in a similar situation or position” (Justiz m.naseem Chuhdry 


Q4-critically analysis the function of universities in Pakistan?


It is widely believed that schooling is the most remarkable weapon for alleviating need, promoting financial development, nurturing talented people, creating a solid and enlightened social climate, and building independent countries. Neediness and schooling are strangely linked: improving one diminishes the other.

Despite the rapid development in the field of education in the past 10 year, Pakistan faces serious difficulties in its educational turn. These difficulties include the lack of admission to advanced education during most of his childhood, outcome-oriented norms of instructional strategies, the brain channel of qualified human capacity, and the inflexibility to change ideal models of scientific inquiry. Of a population of 190 million, only five percent are approaching a college-level education. It’s worth focusing on that Pakistan needs 36 million new jobs towards the end of 2022, assuming the economy grows by up to six percent each year. Therefore, the primary duty of all public universities is to produce graduates who meet the standards of the country’s public, social, and financial needs. In this way, the task of career guidance and job creation at university level proves essential.

In the 21,100 years, the college worldview has moved from the usual parts of education and learning to building networks, economies, and examples of authority. Training, whether substantial or higher, plays a crucial role in improving human resources, thus laying the foundation for sound economies and friendly networks. there should be system to address these problems.

In any case, the School Service, Money Service, Conciliation Commission, Standing Boards of Basic and Specialized Education and Commission of Advanced Education of Pakistan should assist these colleges, both public and private, in determining the priorities of local college associations. These priorities should be guided by the example of research organizations and develop components for solving current societal problems,

in order to smooth and ensure the successful use of public funds spent by the relevant commissions and colleges for the promotion of higher education in Pakistan, the relevant services and mediation commissions should basically focus on the construction of basic education in elementary schools, especially in Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

colleges should aim to create an entrepreneurial society among their alumni. They should supply employers instead of creating jobseekers. This can be achieved by establishing strong entrepreneurial centers, strengthening associations between industry and academia, and setting up careers advice centers designed to constrain graduates’ academic and professional development through the duration of their exams to today for the difficulties of tomorrow.


discuss the higher education system in Australia?highlighte the implications this system of improvements of higher education system of Pakistan??


Australia is one of the most popular study abroad destinations for students looking to pursue a degree abroad. Many international students choose to study in Australia because of the quality education, easy access to student support services, multicultural society and friendly atmosphere. Graduates from Australian universities are in great demand due to the good reputation of the education system. With more than 1,100 institutions and over 22,000 courses, this country offers a wide range of courses for international students.

The educational institutions are relatively young compared to some universities in other countries, but they are on par in terms of quality and demand. Six of Australia’s universities are among the top 100 universities in the Times Higher Education World Universities Ranking 2020.


When you study in Australia, you have a wide range of universities to choose from. The country has 43 universities and around 37 are public universities, usually funded by the Commonwealth government. Seven of Australia’s universities are among the top 100 universities in the world in the latest QS Rankings (2020). Some of the best universities are Australian National University, University of Melbourne, University of Sydney, University of New South Wales, University of Queensland and many more.

A bachelor’s program at a university usually starts around March (may vary depending on the program and institution). It is a 3 year course with no awards. It takes 4 years to complete undergraduate studies along with an honors degree. While a postgraduate program lasts 1-2 years and also starts around March. Universities and colleges offer various degrees such as associate degree, bachelor degree, bachelor degree with honors, graduate certificate, graduate diploma, master degree and doctoral degree in various subjects and fields.

In this country, it is quite common for students to enroll in a double or combined bachelor’s degree that leads to two bachelor’s degrees being secured. This is most common in the fields of art, commerce, law, and science.


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