AIOU 623-2 Teaching Strategies At Elementary Level Solved Assignment Autumn 2022

Course: Teaching Strategies at Elementary Level (623)

Semester: Autumn, 2022                                                        Level: MA/Med



Q. 1     Describe the nature of metacognition. Also discuss the functions and strategies of metacognition.

Metacognition is an awareness of one’s thought processes and an understanding of the patterns behind them. The term comes from the root word meta, meaning “beyond”, or “on top of”. Metacognition can take many forms, such as reflecting on one’s ways of thinking and knowing when and how to use particular strategies for problem-solving. There are generally two components of metacognition: (1) knowledge about cognition and (2) regulation of cognition.

Metamemory, defined as knowing about memory and mnemonic strategies, is an especially important form of metacognition Academic research on metacognitive processing across cultures is in the early stages, but there are indications that further work may provide better outcomes in cross-cultural learning between teachers and students

Writings on metacognition date back at least as far as two works by the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384–322 BC): On the Soul and the Parva Naturalia.

This higher-level cognition was given the label metacognition by American developmental psychologist John H. Flavell (1976).


Q. 2     What is the difference between overhead projector and opaque projector? Discuss in detail different types of projectors. How projectors support teaching in classroom?


Whether you need to project a page from a book or you want full color video with audio accompaniment, there’s a projector to enhance any presentation.

Let’s start with an overview of the four different kinds of projectors available and what they do.

1. Overhead Projectors

Overhead projectors typically consist of a large box containing a very bright light-source, a fan for cooling the box and a large lens that focuses the light.

Above the box, typically on a long folding arm, is a mirror that redirects the light forward instead of up. Sheets or rolls of transparent film are placed on top of the lens for display. The light from the lamp travels though the transparency and into the mirror where it is reflected onto a viewing screen. The mirror allows an audience to see the image at the same time, even while the presenter is writing.

Overhead projectors were once a common fixture in most classrooms and business meetings. While they’re less popular today, they’re still a great, low-tech way to write notes for large groups in classes, conferences or seminars; it’s much easier and more convenient to write on a flat transparency than a wall-mounted blackboard.

Q. 3     Today how much educational technology has progressed for its utilization in the classroom? Discuss the historical background of educational technology in the light of its emergence.


Technology has impacted almost every aspect of life today, and education is no exception. Or is it? In some ways, education seems much the same as it has been for many years. A 14th century illustration by Laurentius de Voltolina depicts a university lecture in medieval Italy. The scene is easily recognizable because of its parallels to the modern day. The teacher lectures from a podium at the front of the room while the students sit in rows and listen. Some of the students have books open in front of them and appear to be following along. A few look bored. Some are talking to their neighbors. One appears to be sleeping. Classrooms today do not look much different, though you might find modern students looking at their laptops, tablets, or smart phones instead of books (though probably open to Facebook). A cynic would say that technology has done nothing to change education



Q. 4     Discuss the types of lesson planning. Hence develop a lesson plan of any subject of your interest in teaching to elementary classroom students.


Planning for a lesson is a teacher’s detailed description of a lesson which is prepared before they start teaching. It covers the learning trajectory and course of action for each lesson taught and acts as a comprehensive daily guide for what students are going to learn. It also gives insight into how it will be taught.

It’s useful to think about how a student’s learning can be measured, as this really shows how useful the lesson was and what needs to be improved and worked upon in future lessons. The plan itself will vary based on each teacher’s individual preference, what subject is being covered in the lesson as well as the needs of each student in the class.

Q. 5     Critically analyze the approaches of lesson planning in the light of different philosophies.


Planning the word it contains more weightage as compared to any other word. We can only achieve any target often a proper planning strategy. In planning what is target to achieve is our goal with the available resources. Planning also plays an important role in teaching-learning process. While, doing a proper planning in teaching the class environment got relaxed, teacher enjoys the teaching because the atmosphere as well the situations are properly arranged. By doing an intelligent planning a teacher avoids frustrations. Classroom transactions are also got smooth by using the strategies in a proper manner.

Planning for Instructional Process

Need for Planning

Teaching occupies the central core of your life as a teacher. The teaching includes instruction in classroom tutorials, laboratory, workshops, and excursions, etc. Where teaching is not just an activity to transfer the education to the student but it involves modification in the behavior of the student. While planning, teacher must keep in mind the emphasis may be given to equal Weightage to all the content, not that one should given more focus and other is ignored completely.


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