Course: Teaching Strategies at Elementary Level (623)
Semester: Autumn, 2022 Level: MA/Med
Q. 1 Discuss in detail different pedagogical models of teaching.
The pedagogical models are the different approaches to teaching that can be carried out by teachers in the classroom. Depending on the model they use, teachers will carry out a series of actions and focus on different parts of the learning process.
Because there are different ways of learning, and because each student is unique, teachers must be armed with different pedagogical models to be able to adapt to different situations.
Even so, pedagogical models always focus on three elements:
· What is intended to teach
· How is it intended to teach
· How it will be measured if learning has been achieved
Q. 2 What is the difference between autocratic and permissive style of teaching? Discuss different teaching strategies in detail.
Autocratic and permissive management are on opposite ends of the leadership spectrum in terms of how decisions are handled. Autocratic leaders take on all decision-making themselves, while permissive managers leave all of the decision-making to the employees. Both extremes come with problems, but they also provide certain benefits within an organization. Understanding the effects of management types helps you shape how you lead your company.
Autocratic: Fast Decisions
When one person handles all of the decisions, those decisions can be made quickly without the need to consult with other parties. This is particularly beneficial if the business is in an industry that moves quickly and requires a fast response to stay competitive. When multiple parties are involved in the decision-making, you often run into disagreements on the proper way to proceed. This slows down the decisions and may cause the company to miss out on opportunities.
Q. 3 Compare discussion method and demonstration method of teaching in detail.
The main features of demonstration and discussion method are as follows:
(i) The demonstration and discussion method is not a single method. It is combination of two methods, more clearly a resultant method resulting from the combination of discussion method as well as demonstration method.
(ii) This method involves the active participation of teachers and students at the same time, which is unlikely in other methods. Say in lecture method, the teacher is active, in laboratory work and in Heuristic method; students are active and so on.
(iii) Demonstration and discussion method of teaching science encourages maximum amount of participation among students than other methods.
(iv) Demonstration and discussion method through group participation develops keen observation power and scientific reasoning in students, which is not possible either in lecture method or in Heuristic method.
Q. 4 Define problem solving method. What are the functions and steps of problem solving method?
Problem solving is the act of defining a problem; determining the cause of the problem; identifying, prioritizing, and selecting alternatives for a solution; and implementing a solution.
In order to effectively manage and run a successful organization, leadership must guide their employees and develop problem-solving techniques. Finding a suitable solution for issues can be accomplished by following the basic four-step problem-solving process and methodology outlined below.
Step |
Characteristics |
1. Define the problem |
· Differentiate fact from opinion · Specify underlying causes · Consult each faction involved for information · State the problem specifically · Identify what standard or expectation is violated · Determine in which process the problem lies · Avoid trying to solve the problem without data |
2. Generate alternative solutions |
· Postpone evaluating alternatives initially · Include all involved individuals in the generating of alternatives · Specify alternatives consistent with organizational goals · Specify short- and long-term alternatives · Brainstorm on others’ ideas · Seek alternatives that may solve the problem |
· |
Q. 5 What is inquiry? Discuss the types of inquiry and 5Es instructional model in detail.
Good science education requires both learning scientific concepts and developing scientific thinking skills. Inquiry is an approach to learning that involves a process of exploring the natural or material world, and that leads to asking questions, making discoveries, and testing those discoveries in the search for new understanding. Inquiry, as it relates to science education, should mirror as closely as possible the enterprise of doing real science.
The inquiry process is driven by one’s own curiosity, wonder, interest, or passion to understand an observation or to solve a problem.
The process begins when the learner notices something that intrigues, surprises, or stimulates a question—something that is new, or something that may not make sense in relationship to the learner’s previous experience or current understanding.
The next step is to take action—through continued observing, raising questions, making predictions, testing hypotheses, and creating conceptual models.
The learner must find her or his own pathway through this process. It is rarely a linear progression, but rather more of a back-and-forth, or cyclical, series of events.