Topic: Developing creativity in 6th grader through goal setting and achieving them



B.Ed. (1.5 Year)

Course Code: 8613





Registration No:   

Semester: Autumn 2022


Theme: Developing 21 century skills of students

Sub-theme: Creativity

Topic: Developing creativity in 6th grader through goal setting and achieving them



Overall background of the participants of the project; area / Area: (socio-economic status, occupation / profession – earning trends of majority of the parents, literacy rate, academic quality, and any other special trait of the community where the Area is situated).

This action research was conducted in GGHS

School & Participants Background:

In general the structure of school was huge and lovely. The school had lovely playground and parking. Classes are better in condition. The environment of school was great, better for learning and secure for children. The participants of study were young learner’s (6TH Class) parents whose children were enrolled GGHS. I selected young learner’s (6TH Class) parents which are considered in total 32 members.

Socio Economic Status:

Socioeconomic status is the social standing or class of an individual or group. It is often measured as a combination of education, income and occupation. Examinations of socioeconomic status often reveal inequities in access to resources, plus issues related to privilege, power and control.Most of peoples from this area are Govt. employee but some of them are shopkeeper or work in private offices. Most of parents do not afford children education due to their family expenses and their low income but some parents support their children at higher level in well reputed universities. But due to the lack of higher educational institute and low income of their parents, more than 60% children stop their education after intermediate. Overall the financial status of this area is good.

Occupation & Earning Trend:

Parents with Govt. jobs and small businessman are in a better condition to help and support their children educationally, mentally and profoundly. However, Parents with low income because of expenses and low salaries issues can’t give satisfactory to up level their children education. The control of the Parents in this research from this area is normal. A part of the Parents are not monetarily so good. The children who Parents with government jobs are more verified and their family finds a sense of contentment moderately contrasted with the individuals who work in private association. They are consistently in dissatisfaction. Due to low earning trend of this area, the children face a great deal of difficulties both at home and school, which block them from taking an interest completely in classroom exercises. In present some parents drop their children at different shop for learning work and for earning but today due to free education in Pakistan more than 80% children go to school till then matriculation.

Literacy Rate:

In 2022, ,,,,,is a medium size village located in, Punjab with total 49 families residing. The Bahawalpur village has population of 266 of which 136 are males while 130 are females as per Population Census.

In Bahawalpur village population of children with age 0-6 is 22 which makes up 8.27 % of total population of village. Average Sex Ratio of Bahawalpur village is 956 which is higher than Punjab state average of 895. Child Sex Ratio for the Bahawalpur as per census is 1000, higher than Punjab average of 846.



Sub-theme: Creativity

Topic: Developing creativity in 6th grader through goal setting and achieving them


Q.1      Why did you select this specific sub-theme and topic? Relate it to your experience / problem in your classroom / institution.


Reason for select this specific sub-theme

Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.

Creativity allows us to view and solve problems more openly and with innovation. Creativity opens the mind. A society that has lost touch with its creative side is an imprisoned society, in that generations of people may be closed minded. It broadens our perspectives and can help us overcome prejudices.

As stated by the researcher, creativity development is maximum development and improvement of potential skills when providing appropriate conditions and applying special creativity development/self-development techniques.


Reason for select this specific topic

Researcher chooses this topic because increasing student  goal setting and achieving is vital to creating and sustaining enthusiasm for learning in children of all ages. When young learners engage with their work, their curiosity is stimulated, and their imagination is ignited.


Encouraging creativity in 6th graders through goal setting and achieving them can be a great way to help them develop their creative skills. Here are some tips on how to go about it:

  1. Encourage brainstorming: Allow your child to think creatively and encourage them to come up with new ideas. Don’t shoot down any ideas, instead, let them think through them and refine their ideas.
  2. Help them set realistic goals: Help your child set achievable goals. Make sure they are realistic and manageable, but at the same time, they should be challenging enough to inspire them to work hard.
  3. Create a plan: After setting the goals, it’s essential to create a plan of action. This will help your child focus on the steps they need to take to achieve their goals.
  4. Provide support: Offer support and guidance throughout the process. Help them identify any obstacles they might face and work with them to find ways to overcome them.
  5. Celebrate successes: Celebrate the achievements and successes of your child. This will help them stay motivated and inspired to continue their creative pursuits.
  6. Encourage learning from failure: Not every goal will be achieved on the first try. Teach your child that failure is a part of the learning process and that they can learn from their mistakes.

Overall, goal setting and achievement can be a powerful tool to encourage creativity in 6th graders. With support and guidance, your child can develop their creative skills and achieve their goals.

Q.2      What was your discussion with your colleague / friend / senior teacher or supervisor regarding the problem?

After choosing this theme, I discussed this topic with my teachers, friends and supervisor.

Discussion with Supervisor:

My supervisor pointed out that creativity is essential for everyone, especially children. There are a lot of benefits gained from Responsibility, including that it fosters a positive mood and releases the stress of the day.

Discussion with Teacher:

My teacher told me that developing positive relationships with others is very important for creativity. The benefits from time spent with friends and family is that they learn to share, compromise and listen, as well as develop conflict resolution skills. Fostering these relationships as a child will also help them maintain relationships in their adult life.

  • Children who rely on creativityare often secluded from real life interaction.
  • Using computers and other electronic devices can cause health hazards such as eye strain and other physical problems.
  • The technologies required for full participation can be quite expensive and this can create a gap between the children who have access to the technologies and those who do not have access.


Discussion with Friends:

One of my friend pointed about this subtheme that People have many creativity, most of which benefit themselves and society. Our creativity to eat arises out a natural concern to ensure our own survival, whereas the self-regulation for sexual intercourse arises out of a natural concern to pass our genes to the next generation. Self-regulation to seek affiliation and to protect ourselves and loved ones from harm also offer examples of basic, fundamental self-regulation that promote individual and collective well-being. Self-monitoring can prevent us from engaging in motivated behaviors. People have self-regulation to survive by eating, but they use Self-monitoring to resist their temptation to eat unhealthy foods.

I concluded that creativityis no longer seen as an optional extra; it is becoming an important concern of policy makers and economists. Indeed, the dramatic rise in the number of efforts to measure and monitor the position and lives of children’ in recent years.




Q.3      What did you find about the problem in the existing literature (books / articles /websites)?

Education seeks to help students attain top-level targets. These targets fall within the category of “synthesis” in Bloom’s taxonomy. At the level of synthesis, the student is expected to come up with an original and new theory, model, suggestion for a solution, etc. that goes beyond what is already known. In this context, the person has to present an invention, suggest a model, etc.

Creativity has been addressed by many scientists and thinkers. Among them, Guilfort regards creativity as the ability to generate new ideas, and relates it to intelligence (Guilfort, 1950, 1968). Kris supports the same view. There are also others who understand creativity as the ability to solve problems (Mumfort & Gustafson, 1988).

According to Thurstone, in order for creativity to exist, there must first be a theoretical framework, this framework must be put into practice, and the identified problem should be solved at the end. The theoretical framework may be related to all spheres of life, including thought, the arts, the sciences, etc. What matters is the novelty and originality of the theoretical framework. It is also important that creative thinking go beyond existing known solutions and models (Torrance, 1965a; Taylor, 1972; San, 1979; Urban, 1991).

These criteria for creativity can be grouped with respect to three dimensions: production, professional criteria, and social criteria. In terms of production, reference can be made to patent rights acquired by the person concerned. In terms of professional criteria, the reference may be to person’s fame and reputation in his or her profession, and social criteria may consider what his or her colleagues say about the person concerned (Amabile, Hennessey &Grossman, 1986). Personal characteristics may also be added to these criteria (MacKinnon, 1962; Getzels& Jackson, 1962). These criteria regard the end product as primary in describing creativity.

Torrance considers creativity to be a scientific research process, and identifies its by describing steps within a sequence. First, there must be awareness and sensitivity regarding what is conceived as a problem or what is missing. Then, hypotheses must be advanced—in other words, approximated solutions that are tested over and over again. If some hypotheses prove to be inappropriate, they are either improved or replaced by others to be tested again, and the process of testing continues until a solution to the problem is reached (Torrance, 1962). In a sense, this process follows the experimental research logic of Dewey (Dewey, 1910).

Mott defines four steps in creativity: Preparation, incubation, discovery (inspiration), and control. In the first step, data relating to the problem are collected, and various responses are developed and tried as solutions. The person is engaged in a process of trial and error. This first step may be too short or too long. At the incubation stage, the brain concentrates on what the solution could be. It organizes data and synthesizes it with earlier experiences. At the stage of discovery (inspiration) the solution suddenly appears, just like Archimedes running out of the bath naked, declaring, “I found it!” At the control stage, the solution is applied to the problem. If the problem is indeed solved, then the result is confirmed and the solution is proven. As can be seen in this process, creativity is a mental activity in which all potential capabilities inherent in human beings are mobilized and further developed. Human beings are gifted with curiosity, interest, invention and discovery, and the ability to synthesize and remould thoughts (Mott, 1973). There are also some who defend the idea that there is a relationship between a given cultural structure and creativity (Öncü, 1989, 2000, 2003).

If the given cultural structure provides support and reinforcement to creative persons, then creative activities flourish (Taylor, 1972; Cohen, 1988). Scholars also state that levels of intelligence, monetary rewards, and environments with ample occasions to engage in warm, flexible, and creative activities are the factors that improve a person’s ability to engage in divergent thinking (Thistlewaite, 1963; Knapp, 1963; Torrance, 1965a). However, some other researchers assert that monetary rewards and reinforcement are detriments to creativity, and there is no significant relationship between intelligence and creativity (Mumford & Gustafson, 1988). Moreover, investigations have also been carried out to see whether there is a meaningful relationship between creativity and factors such as education and school systems, teachers’ attitudes, or training in creativity and intelligence games. Results are divided: while some studies found this relationship meaningful, others did not (Feldhusen & Treffinger, 1975; Thomas & Berk, 1981; Woodman & Feldt, 1990; Wang & Tzeng, 2007). In some studies conducted in Turkey, a significant relationship was found between the level of creativity and a set of other factors including the following: Level of education, school performance and success in courses, fields of education, secondary school attended, leisure time activities, sex, age, class level, intelligence games, playing, ways of learning, problem-solving skills, training in arts, economic status, father’s educational background, socio-demographic characteristics, teachers’ behaviour, and type of school (Öncü, 1989; Sungur, 1992; Ataman, 1992; Öncü, 2000; Öncü, 2003; Görgen & Karaçelik, 2009; Ersoy & Başar, 2009).

Starting in 2005, the Turkish Education System began to design curricula using a constructivist approach and started to implement the curricula beginning in primary education. One of the basic objectives of this approach is to help students reach high- level achievements. Creative thinking is among these achievements.


Q.4      What were the major variables / construct of your project? Give definitions /description from literature.

I can suggest some potential variables and constructs that could be relevant to such a project based on existing literature.


  • Creative thinking: This variable refers to the ability to generate new ideas, perspectives, or solutions that are novel and valuable. It can be measured using various creativity tests or assessments.
  • Goal setting: This variable refers to the process of setting specific, challenging, and achievable goals for oneself. It can be measured through self-reported goal-setting behavior or goal attainment.
  • Motivation: This variable refers to the internal or external factors that drive an individual to pursue a goal or engage in a particular activity. It can be measured using self-report scales or behavioral observation.


  • Creativity: This construct encompasses a set of related skills and abilities, including fluency, flexibility, originality, elaboration, and creative problem-solving. It is typically assessed using creativity tests or self-report questionnaires.
  • Self-efficacy: This construct refers to an individual’s belief in their ability to accomplish a specific task or achieve a particular goal. It is closely related to motivation and can be measured using self-report scales or behavioral observation.
  • Goal orientation: This construct refers to an individual’s overall approach to goal pursuit, such as whether they are focused on learning and improvement (mastery orientation) or on demonstrating their ability compared to others (performance orientation). It can be measured using self-report questionnaires.

Overall, a project on developing creativity in 6th graders through goal setting and achieving them might measure variables such as creative thinking, goal setting, and motivation, and examine how these factors relate to constructs such as creativity, self-efficacy, and goal orientation.



Q.5      What did you want to achieve in this research project?

Objective / purpose of the study:

The purpose of this action research will be develop creativity through goal setting and achievingamong grade 6th students

Objective of this research are:

  1. To develop creativity through goal setting and achieving among grade 6th students.
  2. To explore creativity through goal setting and achievingamong grade 6th students.
  3. To discover the effect of develop creativity through goal setting and achievingamong grade 6th students.


Research Question:

  • How to develop creativity through goal setting and achievingamong grade 6th students?
  • How effect of develop creativity through goal setting and achievingamong grade 6th students?
  • Which level of goal is best used for develop creativity through goal setting and achieving technique?


Q.6   Who were the participants in your project?

The targeted population was students enrolled in young learners of Dar ul Arooba international school. However, in these observations, thirty-two (32)students , taking a related course, were selected in a School as a sample while considering the research control and validity of thisstudy. This sample included parents of the two major medium (English Medium and Urdu Medium). These participants might generally represent the student’s parents in young learner’s class. The creativity was developed on the basis of a series of research regarding identification and improvement for young learner’s class students. This curriculum purported to enhancestudents’ Self-monitoring and depositions through speculating about academic learning and life issue discussion.


Q.7      How did you try to solve the problem?

Method of the study:

The procedure of this research was involved on an activity research to discover and tackle the issue. Thesocial wonder under investigation was the developing creativity through goal setting and achievingamong grade 6th students. Survey,interviews, field notes and perceptions were utilized to gather the information expected to give the dataknowledge important to respond to the research questions.


Data Collection:

The term survey is normally used on the other hand with audit. It is ordinary and straightforward strategy fordata amassing, in actuality, look at. Moreover, it is snappiest, most affordable, private method for social affairdata from respondents. The data was accumulated through efficient research gadget. So in suchsort inspects, it is indispensable during progress of estimation gadget for quality data to recollect all points of view. Emotional/Quantitative system was used to get critical and cautious information. Information wasassembled through survey including simply close completed request in regard to investigate goals. The close bycompleted overview was made for data gathering.


The entire group from which a sample is chosen is known as the population and we choose the students of Dar ul Arooba School. It was quite convenient for me, being a resident of Dar ul Arooba School to accumulatequality data from chosen city and Area.Sample is smaller representation of large data. Generally, it consists of all the observation that represents thewhole population.The number of observation included in a sample is called size of sample the students of Dar ul Arooba School. Andtheir teacher was selected for this class based action research.

Ethical Consideration:

From the inception of this research I was extremely particular to carry out an ethical inquiry and therefore gave serious thought to all ethical aspects this study would entail. As teacher-researchers, my young learner’s class responsibility was to my students. An action research is considered ‘ethical’ if research design, interpretation and practical development produced by it have been negotiated with all parties directly concerned with the situation under research. Permission to conduct the study was first sought from the principal and Area governing body. Permission was sought from Area head. Permission was granted by the Education Department for this study to take place at the Area where I was teaching. The rights of the participants (young learner’s class students) were spelled out clearly i.e. they could refuse to be audio recorded and they could demand to see any notes or recordings.


Q.8      What kind of instrument was used to collect the data? How was the instrumentdeveloped?

Research Instrument:

Observation tools were used to collect the data needed to provide the information insight necessary to answer the research questions. In this technique a number of observations were designed according to requirement and relevancy of researcher being conducted. The observation was prepared to attain study objectives.

Quantitative research

Quantitative research is explaining phenomena by collecting numerical data that are analyzed using performing based methods (in particular statistics). Quantitative data contains closed ended information such as that found on attitude behavior and performance instruments .In this study the children have been given a questionnaire to find out Using Developing creativity in 6th grader through goal setting and achieving themand this observation has been derived and analyzed in terms of numerical data. This is why the research falls under quantitative category.

Anobservation is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions for the purpose of gathering information from respondent’s statistical society. Usually a observation consists of a number of questions that the respondent has to answer in a set format .A distinction made between open ended and closed ended questions .an open ended question ask the respondent to formulate his own answer, whereas a closed ended question has the respondent pick an answer from given number of options.



Q.9      What were the findings and conclusion?

The major findings of the project are listed below.

the findings and conclusions can vary depending on the specific methods, variables, and sample population used in the study.

Some studies have suggested that setting specific, challenging goals can improve children’s creative performance and motivation. For example, a study by Amabile et al. (1996) found that when children were given a challenging task and received feedback on their progress towards a goal, they were more likely to generate creative ideas compared to those who did not receive such feedback.

Other studies have highlighted the importance of intrinsic motivation and autonomy in fostering creativity in children. For instance, a study by Hennessey and Amabile (2010) found that children who were given the opportunity to choose their own goals and were provided with autonomy in their learning environment were more likely to demonstrate creative thinking compared to those who were given externally imposed goals and lacked autonomy.

Overall, the findings suggest that goal setting and achievement can be effective in promoting creativity in children, but the specific strategies and approaches may vary depending on the individual child’s needs and preferences. Encouraging intrinsic motivation, autonomy, and providing feedback and support can also play an important role in fostering creative development in children.



From the results, it can be concluded that creativity  is essential for students learning and goal setting and achievingtechnique is good method to develop students Creativity . Findings revealed that during discussion, everybody is required to express his ideas and opinions in a clear and concise manner. This provides ample opportunities to the students for learning. Therefore, there is the need to ensure students possess Creativity  to be thoroughly grounded in  the  use  of  discussion  resources. Furthermore, the study provides important implications both in theory and in practice. First, the findings emphasize the importance of Creativity  in usinggoal setting and achievingtechnique. This study brought in a different perspective by examining the importance of the various dimensional constructs of Creativity  in the use ofgoal setting and achievingtechnique. Second, the study presents empirical  data  on  discussionmethod  as  necessary  for Creativity . Therefore, librarians need to re-evaluate their roles in promoting Creativity ; they must therefore be more active in the task of inculcating the principles of Creativity  and ensuring that students are able to apply the various aspects of Creativity  in appropriate situations.


The results suggest that there is a link between Creativity  and the use ofgoal setting and achievingtechnique. Therefore, there is the need for universities to introduce programmes such as Creativity & Change (level 9, 20 credits) is about creativity and its power to ignite empathy, passion and learning about our interconnected and interdependent world. It is about imagining more humane, just and viable ways to live in the world and to connect with how we think, live, and act in the world.


Summary of the Project

Considering the results, it can be concluded that effort focussed on improving creativity, in the individualized action of the tutor, has been beneficial for students in the 6th class of secondary education. Students suggest that they have improved significantly in creativity skills due to the program model they have been involved in. The most significant results are identified among the variables of self-discipline, commitment, attitudes, intentions, and are closely related to an open parental style.

This transversal study focuses on a specific evolutionary period, which on one hand represents a limitation, but on the other helps to make the results more understandable. If student’s belonged to higher courses, results might be different, especially regarding obedience and respect given their higher degree of autonomy, which would reduce them being associated to the familiar environment, and/or to greater self-reliance. Consequently, it would be convenient to study another age range to complement the one studied here, and carry out longitudinal studies that allow the evolution of social and personal responsibility to be observed.

Additionally, the action of the tutors has been effective according to students’ self-reports. The instruction process should be applied repeatedly, aiming to improve the model and the habits. In subsequent research it would be interesting to collect reports from tutors about how students improve in terms of responsibility when applying the program. These observed-reports would complement the results of the students’ self-reports. Similarly it would be suitable to study in depth the influence of gender as a factor of personal and social responsibility and the reasoned action descriptors. It is understood that variables of socio-emotional development might condition its acquisition, but no study investigates this aspect. Consequently, there is a need for more studies that investigate emotions, with the emotional trials. In this regard, new measurements that study the relations between self-assessment and teaching units, as well as other kinds of reports should be used. It is also necessary to take a more detailed look at the model and how social responsibility is measured so that the questionnaire includes more reliable indices. In addition, systematic coaching and ongoing monitoring by tutors at this level is also a pending task. The task of the teacher or tutor has been especially well valued by students. Teachers should improve the orientations toward better emotional judgment among students, and, additionally, they should offer feedback regarding their students and provide them with proposals in order to solve any difficulties that might arise. All this would mean intensive training for tutors, which should be integrated within the schedule for organizing and designing the school curriculum. Similarly, it should be pointed out that the training should not only be for the staff in charge of implementing the program, but for the entire educational community and their families.

The aim of this research is to improve different responsibility value socialization activities in pre-school value education. In Pakistani, there is a yearly programme in which value should be gained in pre-school value education, but it is lack of activities and how. This research was performed with the studies in a total of 31 students aged 11th, 12TH years, from the beginning of February to end of March in a disadvantaged socioeconomically level school selected to teach the value of responsibility for the academic year 2013-2014 in Eskisehir.  At first, the students‟ parents were informed about the research. Different activities were done with the students to teach the responsibility value. This research, figured in accordance with the qualitative research processes. The content analysis method was used as the research analysis method to analyze the data and themes and subthemes. The drawings of responsibility, comments on the drawings, the notes taken during the class discussion, and comments after storytelling, the content analysis were done. The results of this study showed that the application of the value of responsibility to teaching is useful for both students and parents. Student development and student perceptions about responsibility have been evaluated. The idea that responsibility should be considered as a value should to be carried on for life, beginning from pre-school.


Q.11    How do you feel about this practice? What have you learnt?

I am feeling very satisfied and glad after my research. It was quite interesting and Conflict management experience. Now I am confident after this research. Now I am able to do these all sorts of such feeling myself as confident, glad and learnt person. I learnt a lot of new things which I never learnt in my previous life. For example when I talked with senior Parents and expert people I learnt a lot of skills of writing. When i taught the children then me counsel dictionary and great writers, businessmen and novels .These all things increased my Conflict management also showed them video lesson of some expert and creative writers to teach them. It also helped me to learn new things. This practice also improved my writing skills too.

I also learnt how to write effectively and accurately I have improved my English grammar. My work has been improved. I learnt new methods of improving writing. I learnt how to write stories in appropriate way. Overall it helped me to develop new writing skills, new way of teaching writing skills. So I am glad to say that it was unforgettable experience of my life. First of all most of us numb the uncomfortable emotions, but unknowingly when we do this research we can also end up numbing our other emotions like joy, peace, happiness, and pleasure. We can’t fully have one without the other.

The first step is always awareness, because once we have awareness we can start to do something about it. Awareness alone won’t help us stop using Conflict management. Awareness after the fact is what I’m talking about here.  Starting anything new and trying to create a habit out of it takes work and time. This is one of the reasons I love researching and attending classes as it’s basically a scheduled time in the day, where I have no other distractions, to just be in my routine and notice how I’m feeling. That being said I rarely make it to a class once a week these days, so I do have to find simple and quick ways to connect.

Q.12    What has it added to your professional skills as a teacher?

It added a lot of new skills in my teaching .It improved my way of teaching. For example when I talked with senior Parents and expert people I learnt a lot of skills of Self-monitoring.


Different kids learn in different ways, and some lessons need unique teaching tools. Good Parents know how to adapt their lesson plan to their students, so that all the kids learn optimally. This trait can take some experience and practice in a classroom setting, so give it time.


Whether you teach high Area chemistry or kindergarten, nothing is a more effective tool than using your imagination to create new and self-regulation ways for your students to learn. You may be inspired by the work of another teacher, mentor or a TV commercial – it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you take the initiative to find new ways for your kids to learn the material.


Parents could have a hard time without a wide variety of support staff around them. If you feel alone, your Area principal, administrative staff, parent-teacher committee, and more are often available to provide you help. By working as a team, you may have an easier time increasing your students’ ability to learn and have fun.

Professional Development:

In this modern, digital age, Parents need to be flexible and be able to adapt to whatever is thrown their way. New technologies are developed every day that can change the way students learn, and the way Parents teach.


This is likely the single most important skill. Kids these days are stubborn, and many lack the inherent respect for authority that we were taught at a young age. Spending a single day in a room full of raucous teenagers is enough to send any human being to the Looney bin, which is why every good teacher needs patience in order to find a way to work with his students and earn their respect.

Risk Taking

Sometimes to get the big reward, you may need to take a risk. Being a teacher is about finding a way to get kids to learn, and sometimes these new learning methods can be risky. Stick to it and you’ll soon find that others are following your teaching example.















List the works you cited in your project (follow the APA manual – 6th Edition). (05 marks)


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  • Ersoy, E. & Başar, N. (2009). İlköğretim 6. sınıf öğrencilerinin yaratıcı düşünme düzeyleri [Creative thinking levels of 6th grade primary school students]. Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi. The Journal of International Social Volume 2 / 9 Fall 2009.
  • Feldhusen, F. & Treffinger, D. J. (1975). Teachers’ attitudes and practices in teaching creativity and problem solving to economically disadvantaged and minority children. Psychological Reports, 37, 1975, 1161-1162.
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