B.Ed (1.5 years)
Course Code: 8613
Name: Aazar Nadeem
ID 0000112002
Semester: Autumn 2022
Theme: Developing 21st century skills among students
Topic:-Developing creativity among students of grade 7 through allowing the students to teach
(To be filled and signed by the student and retained by the Controller of Examination)
I Roll No. , Registration No. ____________0000112002__________, a student of B.Ed Program (2.5 years) at AllamaIqbal Open University do hereby declare that the research project entitled _________ submitted by me in partial fulfillment of B.Ed (2.5 years) program is my original work and has not been submitted or published earlier. I also solemnly declare that it shall not, in future, be submitted for obtaining any other degree from this or any other university or institution.
I also understand the zero tolerance policy against plagiarism of the university and the HEC and if my work is found to be plagiarized or copied from someone other’s work at any stage, even after the award of the degree, the work may be cancelled and the degree confiscated.
(Signature of the Student)
Date: _____________________
Research Project Submission Approval Form
(To be filled by the student; and signed by the supervisor and the RD)
This research project entitled submitted by Roll No. , Registration No.____ Program 4 years was conducted under my supervision. I have read it and found it to be satisfactory regarding its originality, content, language, relevancy, consistency, citation and reference list. It is ready for submission for evaluation to AllamaIqbal Open University as a partial fulfillment of B.Ed (2.5 years).
(Signature of the Supervisor)
Date: ________________________
( )
(Name of the Supervisor)
Certified that the student has completed at least 80% attendance and all required components of the workshop.
(Signature of the Regional Director)
Name of the School (where the action research was conducted):
Action research was conducted in The Government Boys High School sahiwal
Overall background of the participants of the project; area/school: (socio-economic status, occupation/profession – earning trends of majority of the parents, creativity rate, academic quality, and any other special trait of the community where the school is situated) (10 marks)
For the present research participants are selected, all of them are student of grade 7th their ages were between 12 to 15 and the sample was consist of 40 student of Government Boys High School Nasriabad, . The research was conducted through teaching and learning in the school.. Most of their parents have middle economic level, so their study was not fully financially supported by their family.
Socio-economic conditions of participants
The participants in this research mostly belong to a different category in which socio-economic conditions are not good and they cannot afford the expenses of their children’s study. Many participants relate to the middle class families. They were very much relying on school environment and teachers communication for perceiving the knowledge.
The present research conducted in The Government Boys High School sahiwalNasirabad is a small town located in Naseerabad District in the Pakistani province of Balochistan.
Reputation of school
The school has a great discipline and is very organized in teaching the curriculum of Punjab text board and school show great annual results every year, therefore the passaging ration of students are very good.
Details of the school
In selected school for research, for teaching the teacher used mainly three languages such as Balochi, Pashtoo and Brahvi, the majority of the population understand and speak Urdu, the national language, because the school location is present in Balochistanareas. For skilled productivity and enhancement of knowledge of their students’ teachers also used many mixed teaching approaches to teach using the direct method of effective communication. The term communication is the process of delivering a message by the communicator to the communicant.
Topic:Developing creativity among students of grade 7 through allowing the students to teach
1. Why did you select this specific sub-theme and topic? Relate it to your experience / problem in your classroom/institution. (10 marks)
(Give the background and rationale of the study)
Background of the project:
The ability to think creatively is an important skill students need to develop as they grow older. It is an ability that not only encourages one to think creatively but also enables one to generate fresh concepts and find original solutions to issues. It is imperative to develop creative thinking skills among students to build a community of change-makers. It helps students to outshine others in a competition through their creative solutions. This article discusses the importance of creative thinking in students and the activities that can be organized in schools to improve the creative thinking skills of students.
Creativity is an ability that allows people to develop new ideas, but that still feels a bit vague and intangible (kind of like saying swimming is the ability to not drown in water—technically true, but not particularly useful if you’re going for a deeper understanding, or ya know, wanting to not drown). Put on your floaters and let’s dive into the deep end.(Grant, 2006).
With awareness, the motivation to take the initial steps comes easily. Proper education and encouragement can help students begin with small steps. These steps can be in the form of avoiding littering or recycling materials. Emphasis must constantly be laid on the far-reaching benefits of each step. This way, students will want to take up the initiative of carrying out these positive actions. For example, conserving water only for a year can save 44,000 gallons of water from being wasted. As students mature and become responsible for taking the future of mankind into their hands, they can utilize their understanding of these pressing problems to come up with innovative solutions (Hansen & Schmidt, 2019).
Teachers demonstrate Creativity among students :
1 Identify contemporary issues of concern and factors affecting those issues in a global context. 1.2 Demonstrate appreciation for diverse cultures.
2 Choose classes and co-curricular experiences to extend Creativity .
3 Discuss ways in which events in one part of the world can impact other places.
Discrimination and inequality touch many facets of human existence. With such large numbers of people living in acute conditions, we must sensitize students with their plight. This is where the importance of Creativity is reflected. Creativity builds empathy- the first step towards correction. Students must be made aware of the gravity of the situation. They should be able to comprehend the dire circumstances that a large chunk of the population faces. Only then will they be motivated to take action and eliminate these problems. It will also develop them into respectful individuals who can appreciate diversity. This diversity can be in the form of differences in culture, caste, race, and gender. Inculcating an appreciation for diversity will ensure that these students do not contribute to these existing social problems (Flouris, 2019).
Sustainable development is the biggest goal we are trying to achieve right now. It is the ability to keep on developing while preserving our resources so that future generations can progress too. In many ancient cultures, ideas or advancements that we would attribute to an individual’s creativity were deemed “discoveries.” Even artwork was seen as an imitation of nature rather than a form of creation.
In the medieval Christian world, creative ideas were positioned as divine inspiration. Did you do something awesome? You owe god a high five for sending that fantastic idea your way, my friend. It must take top priority in the education of young minds. Students are the future of human society. The children of today are the decision-makers of tomorrow. Hence, we must equip future decision-makers with the right resources. Only then can human society keep progressing without causing harm to our precious planet (Brown et al., 2020).
Statement of the Problem and Significance of the Study
This study focused on the promotion of Creativity ingrade 7th students, with the purpose of creating changes in students’ cultural contexts. One goal of the project was to help studentscreativity which is the ability to transcend traditional ways of thinking or acting, and to develop new and original ideas, methods or objects. Research indicates that this is an important concern, considering that a lack of creativity in young students can lead to damaging future practices such as stereotyping (Cameron et al., 2001).
2: What was your discussion with your colleague/friend/senior teacher or supervisor regarding the problem? (05 marks)
(Provide your discussion with your colleague or supervisor for better understanding of the problem and alternate solutions)
I discussed with my colleague, friends, senior teachers and supervisor regarding developing Creativity among students. I told them that skills originate in our brains: whether it’s physical (learning to do the breaststroke) or mental (learning to solve an algebraic equation), it’s all about neurons in the right part of your brain firing over and over again until what you’re doing becomes ingrained. Our discussions are listed below:
I tell them that science activities are a great way to build creative thinking skills among students. When you encourage students to engage in science experiments, they will be able to come up with innovative ideas and solutions. Moreover, students will get an opportunity to apply the acquired knowledge from the classroom. In this way, their creative skills along with comprehension skills would improve.
My friend discussed that Schools can conduct science fairs or science exhibitions to showcase their talents and creativity. These exhibitions would inspire children to think creatively and experiment with the information they learn in the classroom. This helps them expand their knowledge and learn things outside of the textbook. The students who demonstrate their top talents can be awarded rewards. This would boost their self-confidence and hence they begin to believe in themselves.
My friend studied that Creativity is important for today’s learners, it promotes problem solving approaches and thinking skills asking questions and seeking answers, finding discussion, forming opinions, evaluating sources and making decisions fostering successful learners.Students who possess technology creativity are able to easily utilize a variety of digital devices (e.g., computers, smartphones, tablets) and interfaces (e.g., e-mail, internet, social media, cloud computing) to communicate, troubleshoot and problem solve in both academic and non-academic surroundings.
3. What did you find about the problem in the existing literature (books / articles / websites)? (10 marks)
(Explore books and online resources to know what and how has been already done regarding this problem)
School education in the twenty-first century is expected to equip students with both domain knowledge and the twenty-first century skills in order to meet the requirements of a vigorously changing society. Creativity and critical thinking skills are two important parts of the twenty-first century skills (Kang et al., 2010).
ACARA (2009) concluded that students believe that, above all, andiscussion literate person must know how to search for discussion. Being able to recognize acceptable levels of IL and MT competencies/skills enabled them to detect the scant contribution of the university to IL and the poor support from the library. They routinely use discussion and communication technologies (ICTs) in the classroom for assignments, presentations, searching and administrative tasks. Conversely, they consider their teachers’ competency in the use of mobile devices for academic tasks could be improved. Students’ suggestions mostly point to improving platforms, teaching methods, teacher motivation and teachers/librarians interaction.
Previously, educational institutions were limited to face-to-face teaching techniques or classroom-based teaching. Face-to-face teaching is the traditional method still used in most educational institutions. In classrooms, the subject is explained, and books or other paper-based materials are read out of class to enhance understanding. Face-to-face learning or teaching is limited by the number of physical resources available. Therefore, it becomes difficult to accommodate the widespread interest in Creativity through face-to-face learningAnderson, K., & May, F. A. (2010).. Gathering discussion using only physical resources can lead to discussion deficiencies. Education has evolved to benefit from advances in technologies by using LMS and online sources. The effective usage of LMS and online sources requires the development of Creativity .
Although the interest in creativity goes back to Plato’s age (Cropley, 2004) and is found in the Greek, Judaic, Christian and Muslim traditions, (Craft, 2001) renewed policy interest came about with the launch of satellite, “Sputnik 1”, by the Soviet Union in 1957. The purported failure of the engineers from Europe, USA and other Western countries was attributed to their lack of creativity which led to the National Defense Education Act (USA) to accept the concept as important for “prosperity…survival of society” (Esquivel, 1995). Since this there have been several “waves of creativity in education” (Wilson, 2005). The latest interest, however, began in the late 90’s (Je ffrey, 2005) and has since been growing (Turner-Bi s s et , 2007) throughout the world, including countries such as the USA and UK (S hal l c r oss, 1981; Feldman et al, 2006). Policy- makers have shown more sustained enthusiasm than previously (Craft, 2006), which has added to its popularity as a topic of debate Hussain, Z. (2004). moving it from the “fringes of educa-tion…to being seen as a core aspect of educating” (Craft , 2005). Fostering creativity in education is intended to address many concerns. As a summary, this includes dealing with ambiguous problems, coping with the fast changing world and facing an uncertain future ( Parkhurst, 1999). Perhaps the most dominant current argument for policy is the economic one. The role of creativity in the economy is being seen as crucial (Burnard, 2006) to assist nations for attaining higher employment, eco-nomic achievement (Davies, 2002) and to cope with increased competition. It is for this reason that creativity cannot be “ig-nored or suppressed through schooling” (Pool e, 1980) or its development be left to “chance and mythology” (NESTA, 2002). It is predominantly for this reason that there is a call for its inclusion in education as a “fundamental life skill” (Craft, 1999) which needs to be developed to prepare future genera-tions (Parkhurst, 1999) so that they can “survive as well as thrive in the twenty-first century” (Parkhurst, 2006). Develop-ing children’s creativity during their years in education is the start of building “human capital” upon which, according to Adam Smith and successive commentators, depends the “wealth of nations” (Wal berg, 1988). Changing role of Education Formal education “represents both a right and need” (Carno y, 2004) but it has time and time again been criticized for turning out “conform i sts” and “stereotypes” rather than “freely creative and original thinkers” (Rogers, 1970). The role of education institutions has been questioned (Craft , 1999) and blamed for “spoon feeding” (Parnes, 1970) and “killing” creativity (Kaila, 2005). The increased pressures to gear education towards the “3 R’s” and meeting the requirements of national curriculum, inspections and monitoring has led to the feeling, for some, that cr e ativity in teaching and learning has ceased to exist and this will prevent governments from achieving a “creative society” (Gr a i nge r , 2004). One of the reasons why education systems have been regarded as barriers to developing and “releasing creative potential in the economy” is that the teaching focuses on “knowledge acquisition” (Da vie s , 2002). Knowledge, as an outcome of education is said to be no longer sufficient (Scof f-ham, 2003; Guilford, 1975). This is because it is difficult to know what knowledge will be needed in the future (Par ne s , 1970). If nations are to respond to “economic needs” (Craft, 2005) they need to produce an “educated workforce.” Inevitably, this requires a rise in the level of educational achievement (Jeffrey, 2006). But what are being considered as criteria of educational achievement are said to be changing (Wilson , 2005) and being “re conceptualized…[to] encompass creativity” (Craft, 2001). In the light of this, education systems are being required to un-dergo “a major overhaul in resources, attitude and understand-ing” so that creativity can be valued (Turne r-Bisset, 2007). As a response to such calls there has been a shift in educational policy around the world and efforts are being made to combine creativity and knowledge (Dickhut, 2003). Creativity is being made the focus of “curriculum and pedagogy” (Wi lson , 2005) and an “official agenda” for improving schools (B urnard, 2006). Schools are being seen as places for the encouragement of creativity because they can do this in a “more efficient” manner and can develop it “not merely in elites but in masses of stu-dents” (Wal berg, 1988). In fact it is being said that creativity needs to be “fostered by the education system(s) from the eayears onward” (Craft , 1999) and that elementary and secondary education may be more important than university education for “national prosperity and welfare” (Walbe r g, 1988). Primary education is being seen as: …a critical stage in children’s development – it shapes them for life. As well as giving them the essential tools for learning, primary education is about children experiencing the joy of discovery, solving problems, being creative in writing, art, music, developing their self-confidence as learners and maturing socially and emotionally (DCSF, 2003)
4. What were the major variables / construct of your project? Give definitions / description from literature. (05 marks)
(What are the key terms in your topic or study? what do you mean of these terms? What particular meaning you will attach to the term when used in this project?)
Key Terms in the Project/Major variables:
Creative thinking skills help students to develop problem-solving skills, which is an essential skill required to thrive in their academic and professional lives.
It includes an in-depth understanding of global issues such as population growth, migrations, and economic disparities, depletion of resources, and international conflicts, that require global learners to be aware of the world aroundthem. Children need to be made aware that what affects the world affects them as well.
Discussion Method
The Discussion Method produces student learning outcomes including
(1) how to reconcile opposing arguments;
(2) how to think on one’s own two feet;
(3) how to formulate cohesive arguments to reach a consensus;
(4) how to mitigate fear of sharing individual opinions by building relationship among classmates;
Team work
If students are working in a team, it builds collaboration between the team and learn new ideas and creativity of eachothers.
5. What did you want to achieve in this research project? (05 marks)
(Objective / purpose of the study; what was the critical question that was tried to be answered in this project)
Research objectives are more focused than research problems. The objective of academic research, whether by sociologists, political scientists, or anthropologists, is to try to find answers to theoretical questions within their respective fields. In contrast, the objective of applied social research is to use data so that decisions can be made. Following are the statements of research problems and the related research objectives.
- Exploring the Creativity among students through discussion method
- To examine that modern technologies is helpful for students Creativity development
- Enhancing Creativity of students through discussion activities
- To give some suggestions on how to develop Creativity through discussion method
Critical Question
The study was guided by the following research questions:
The research questions are based on research objectives. The research questions deal with more detailed aspects of statement of the problem. Answers to research question are resulted from the analysis of the discussion (data) collected and contain knowledge of patterns, rule, and regularities of the object being studied. To achieve the mentioned objectives, I tried to answer the following questions:
The following research questions are intended to address this primary issue:
- How do you develop Creativity ?
- How can discussion method improve study and Creativity
- How can digital technology improve creativity ?
6. Who were the participants in your project? (05 marks)
(Give details of the individuals or groups who were focused in this project e.g. the early-grade students whose handwriting in Urdu was not good or the students of class VIII who did not have good communication skills)
The sample of the study consisted of 40 students enrolled in TheGovernment Boys High School sahiwal. Students were randomly selected as the participants of the study and distributed randomly to the experimental and controlled group. The participants chose for the present research have been in the school according to their completed education. They have undertaken an examination every year to move on to the next academic level. Many students despite beginning serious about the studies remain unable to perform well in exams. They are only thought the curriculum but are not prepared mentally by the teacher to be motivated and encourage enough to understand the exam. Thus some time fail to achieve the pressure and do not performs according to the expectation of their teachers and parents. They feel confused about structuring tens and grammar structures. Thus the researcher explores to identify the problem by teaching them different methods. Their ages between 8 and 12. Among 30 students all are boys because here only avail in this school so it is confirms that all 40 boys are participants as samples in this action research. All participants belong to the middle-class families who don’t have rich sources for English language learning. Thus they very much rely on school teacher and curriculum
7. How did you try to solve the problem? (10 marks)
(Narrate the process step-wise. Procedure of intervention and data collection)
Method of the Study
The methodology of this research was comprised on an action research to found out and solve the problem. The social phenomenon under scrutiny was Developing Creativity through Allowing the students to teach among grade 7th Students. Questionnaires, interviews, were used to collect the data needed to provide the discussion and insight necessary to answer the research questions.
The entire group from which a sample is chosen is known as the population. All the students who were enrolled in Government Boys High School Nasriabadwas population of this study. It was quite convenient for me being a teacher of that school and a resident of to accumulate quality data from the chosen school.
Sample is smaller representation of large whole. Generally, it consists of some of the questioning methods that represent the whole population. In the existing action research grade 7th students who were enrolled in The Government Boys High School sahiwalschool was sampled for this study.
Sample Size
The numbers of questioning method included in a sample is called size of sample. The of the grade 7thwere selected for this class based action research.
Ethical Considerations
From the inception of this research I was extremely particular to carry out an ethical inquiry and therefore gave serious thought to all ethical aspects this study would entail. Permission to conduct the study was first sought from the principal and school governing body. Permission was sought from school head. The rights of the participants were spelled out clearly i.e. they could refuse to be audio recorded and they could demand to see any notes or recordings.
8. What kind of instrument was used to collect the data? How was the instrument developed? (05 marks)
(For example: questioning method, rating scale, interview, student work, portfolio, test, etc.)
Research Instruments
Research instruments are a way of gathering data concerning the research focus. Gathering data using different research instruments is in fact creating different ways to study the social event being researched.
Participants completed research questionnaires during regularly scheduled class periods. Questionnaires were shuffled prior to administration to randomize participant assignment to the experimental groups. As they read the questionnaire, participants imagined being a student of the course instructor described within the questionnaire.
Data entry:
After data collection, data entry was the most critical part of the data handling. Then all the questionnaires were coded which was again a lengthy procedure. All the data was entered in excel first to avoid complications of analysis. Then it was shifted to SPSS (statistical package for social sciences) where all variables were defined and recorded.
Analysis: Quantitative data were analyzed through various statistical techniques as, univariate and bivariate. In univariate analysis, frequency and percentage were used to describe the data. Univariate analyses were performed to explore the multivariate results.
Tabulation is an ordinary arrangement of data in columns and rows. It is a process of sorting and counting of discussion against the categories of classes.
Univariate analysis: This type of analysis describes that variable which presents their values in the form of frequency. In the present study for the presentation of data,univariate tables were formulated, representing each question and sub-question, percentage were also drawn. Percentage:
In order to bring the data into comparable form, percentages of various categories of data was worked out in the present study. The percentages were calculated by the following formula:
Formula: F Percentage = —————- * 100
Where F = Frequency
N = Total number of frequencies
9. What were the findings and conclusion? (Provide instruments and analysis as appendix) (10 marks)
- Agree 2. Disagree 3. No opinion
Sr. No. | Indicators | Agree | Disagree | Not sure |
1 | Creativity promotes problem solving approaches and thinking skills | 65% | 0 | 35% |
2 | Locate discussion in multiple sources | 40% | 10% | 50% |
3 | Browse online databases to locate pertinent discussion | 50% | 5% | 45% |
4 | Recognise different methods of accessing discussion resources | 80% | 0 | 20% |
5 | Compare and evaluate critically if the discussion collected is credible and relevant | 65% | 25% | 10% |
6 | Judge critically if the discussion on websites is authentic and accurate | 80% | 0 | 20% |
7 | Compare and evaluate critically if the discussion is timely and appropriate | 80% | 20% | 0 |
8 | Understand how discussion is socially situated | 50% | 5% | 45% |
9 | Understand how discussion is socially produced | 65% | 35% | 0 |
10 | Decide when to adopt the continually emerging
innovations in discussion technology |
80% | 0 | 20% |
The major findings of the project are listed below.
From the results, it can be concluded that Creativity are essential for students learning and discussion method is good method to develop students Creativity . Findings revealed that during discussion, everybody is required to express his ideas and opinions in a clear and concise manner. This provides ample opportunities to the students for learning. Therefore, there is the need to ensure students possess Creativity to be thoroughly grounded in the use of discussion resources. Furthermore, the study provides important implications both in theory and in practice. First, the findings emphasize the importance of Creativity in using discussion method . This study brought in a different perspective by examining the importance of the various dimensional constructs of Creativity in the use of discussion method . Second, the study presents empirical data on discussionmethod as necessary for Creativity . Therefore, librarians need to re-evaluate their roles in promoting Creativity ; they must therefore be more active in the task of inculcating the principles of Creativity and ensuring that students are able to apply the various aspects of Creativity in appropriate situations.
The results suggest that there is a link between Creativity and the use of discussion method . Therefore, there is the need for universities to introduce programmes such as Creativity & Change (level 9, 20 credits) is about creativity and its power to ignite empathy, passion and learning about our interconnected and interdependent world. It is about imagining more humane, just and viable ways to live in the world and to connect with how we think, live, and act in the world.
10. Summary of the Project (05 marks)
(What and how was the research conducted – main objective, process and findings)
The objective of this study is to ascertain the contribution of Creativity in using discussion method . Developing Creativity through Allowing the students to teach among grade 7th Students
Process of Data collection
I used action research method for existing research. Observation, focus group interviews, questionnaires and field notes by me to collect the data. The interviews used in this study were semi-structured. I conducted direct interview of students during their free time. I also used mobile phone for recording data. The head teacher introduced me to the class teacher. I assured that the study is the sole purpose of writing a research project and that the data collected would be treated with utmost. The Statistical Package for Social Scientists (IBM SPSS Statistics 20) program was used for data screening, data transformations and analysis. Study identified a significant, causal, and reciprocal relationship between classroom effective environment and students learning.
- Exploring the Creativity among students through discussion method
- To examine that modern technologies is helpful for students Creativity development
- Enhancing Creativity of students through discussion activities
- To give some suggestions on how to develop Creativity through discussion method
Findings of the Study
Discussion method requireCreativity . Tool, critical, social-structural, emerging technology, and publication creativity influence students’ usage of discussion method .Creativity skills are crucial for using discussion method in the 21st century due to the explosion of discussion.. The learning of globalization is made interesting through Discussion Method. More effective learning is possible when the students discuss, criticise and share ideas on a particular problem. Active participation by the students in the discussion makes learning full of interest for the students. This also ensures better and effective learning method.The teacher may not be able to guide and provide true leadership in the discussion.
In spite of these limitations, Discussion Method is a very useful and effective method for developing Creativity in students. Through discussion method students learn that Creativity is a capacity that incorporates the attitudes, knowledge, and skills necessary for a person to competently and perceptively navigate the challenges and opportunities of a globalized world in a way that promotes the greater good.
11. How do you feel about this practice? What have you learnt? (Self-reflection) (10 marks)
Feeling about this Practice/Action Research
Learning by students through discussion method with motivational strategies on the experience you get is of great importance because of the education sector, with many goals and the advantages and benefits. I believe students should improve their skills, for which teachers have to motivate them to have good writing skills, by providing instructions in writing processes and rules of writing, such as grammar rules and writing practice. I used a classroom action research method, which is a research through self-reflection strategy. This method has characteristics of active participation and collaboration of education practitioners to improve student achievement and teacher performance, and solve classroom problems. This acation research provides me a structured process for customizing research findings, enabling me to solve problems using this method within own classrooms, schools, or districts. I had mixed feelings with research. I was bit nervous and somewhat curious to learn action research. I attend all of the meeting to reach 80% attendance to learn about how to do action research effectively. My experience regarding current research was informative. In this regard my respective supervisor helps me a lot.
Self-reflection is like looking into a mirror and describing what you see. It is a way of assessing ways of working and how study observed. Reflecting and composing a piece of self-reflective writing is becoming an increasingly important element to any form of study or learning.Self-reflection helps to build emotional self-awareness. I called on students by name and used discussion about them (from the discussion sheets they filled out during the first-class period) in the examples I gave. Unfortunately, I spent so much time on the presentation stage of the lesson that we had to rush through the other activities. One of the significant findings of my study was that having Creativity skills is crucial while making use of online libraries and databases. The results showed that students’ use of discussion method is determined by their levels of tool creativity , critical creativity , social-structural creativity , emerging technology creativity , and publication creativity . There is a growing need for Creativity skills in the 21st century, as more and more people gain access to discussion online. In order to make the most of digital discussion resources, it’s important to have a firm grasp on the many facets of Creativity that make up this complicated field. The need of ensuring pupils are well-versed in the usage of digital discussion resources necessitates the teaching of Creativity . The study also has significant theoretical and practical consequences. To begin with, the research highlights the significance of Creativity abilities in utilizing digital libraries and other discussion sources. Examining the significance of Creativity ’s many dimensional components in accessing and making use of digital libraries, this study offers a new angle. Secondly, the study provides empirical evidence for the importance of Creativity in the context of using digital libraries and archives. Librarians should reevaluate their roles in promoting Creativity and become more involved in the process of instilling the principles of Creativity and ensuring that students are able to apply the various parts of Creativity in the proper contexts.
12. What has it added to your professional skills as a teacher? (05 marks)
This research has made me aware of the responsibility that lay on a teacher to motivate his/her students towards studies. A teacher,s job is not only to teach the curriculum to the students. A teacher also develops a positive attitude of the students towards studies so they feel encouraged to acquire education and do not feel burdened. It is mandatory for teachers to make their lesson plans interesting and motivating for students to make part in daily class activities. Action research is a form of research that is authentic and meaningful to the teacher-researcher because it is conducted by the teacher in his/her own classroom space. Action research helps me to pick up threads suggested in academic circles, and weave them in my own classroom. Action research allows me to take ownership over my teaching and occurs when teacher researchers contemplate a classroom or instructional issue, design a study, execute the study, track data and results, and reflect. This action research helped me to maintain classroom management through effective discipline practices for effective writing skills. From this practice I’m able to assess the problem in my class. Now I can identify, process and solve the problem through scientific way which results better than previous which was beating about bush. As teachers construct new knowledge while linking prior knowledge, learning occurs. This research provides me with data from my own experiences and my own students. I really thought I learned and enjoyed a lot from this project. I learned that you can talk to someone and meet them and be friends with them even if you can’t see them or hear them. Right now it’s like meeting someone from a totally different country while being blind and deaf because I can’t see or hear you.
13. List the works you cited in your project (follow the APA manual – 6th Edition). (05 marks) Examples of format are available on websites.
Literature Cited
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