Topic: Developing Collaboration among student of grade 5th though group study



B.Ed (1.5 Years)

Name : Fozia Munawar

Roll no:0000058661

Registration no:0000058661

Theme: Developing 21st century skills among students

Sub theme: Collaboration

Topic: Developing Collaboration among student of grade 5th though group study

School: Mari Thakran Govt High School

Region: Islam

District: Gujranwala

TopicDeveloping Collaboration among student of grade 5th though group study



Name of the School (where the action research was conducted):

Action research was conducted in  Government


. Overall background of the participants of the project; area/school: (socio-economic status, occupation/profession – earning trends of majority of the parents, literacy rate, academic quality, and any other special trait of the community where the school is situated) (10 marks)

  • Background of the Participants:

The participants of the study were grade 5th  students who were enrolled in Government  .           The participants of this study belong to ___  selected grade 5th  students which consisted in total 41 in numbers. Most of the participants were quite helpful and were matured enough to understand the purpose of my research. In their classroom there were no posters and pedagogical materals for learning English. Most of the students (participants) parents had a medium economic level, so their study did not receive full financial support from family. The interest of the students in the investigation led to their keenness for the task and the interview. As a result, teachers sometimes found it difficult to maintain order among students. Most of the participants were eager to build a team to work as a group.

School Area:

Project School was Government  ___school building that contains 21 classrooms. According to the school record, there are a total of 95th 0 students in numbers. The total staff of that school was 25th , including the principles, clerk, watchman and  the teachers. This school system has been appreciated by members of the nearby people, as well as by parents, teachers and other respective members of the community. Quran Majeed was taught since the third class. The school area belongs to the urban area. The school environment also represents the market within which a school and its leader must position themselves. The pedagogical approach of the school is to teach the skills and abilities with the student as a center and aims at the integral development of the students. My project school was recently renovated the building. The location of this school is far from the main street. Each classroom shows a list of school values, class rules and a blackboard that shows the learning structure of each day. It makes the teaching and learning process situation work well because the situation is conducive and comfortable. The implementation of the research was carried out from September to October, 2021.

  • Socio-Economic Status, Occupation/profession and Earning Trends of Participants Parents

I found that large majority of households were living in neuclear family system and the rest of them had joint and extended family. Most of the students resided in “Packa” houses. Then, more than half of the students’ parents belonged to the high-income group and less than a quarter of the students, belonged to the low-income group. A small number of parents of students were businessmen, government and private employees. A considerable number of the parents of the participants were well educated. The number of parents of the participants was dedicated to government services, as well as private services, respectively. Their parents were progressive in education, but they were still far from higher education. Parents have high expectations of their children. They show considerable participation in their children’s studies by providing facilities for studies and encouraging them.



TopicDeveloping Collaboration among student of grade 5th though group study


  1. Why did you select this specific sub-theme and topic? Relate it to your experience / problem in your classroom/institution. (10 marks)

(Give the background and rationale of the study)

Reasons of Selecting This Specific Sub-Theme and Topic

The reason for choosing the theme “Developing Collaboration among students of grade 5th through group study” and the subtheme of “Group study techniques and strategies” is to address an important educational challenge. Collaboration and teamwork are essential skills for success in both academic and professional settings, and research has shown that students who learn collaboratively often achieve better outcomes than those who learn in isolation.

However, collaboration is not always a natural or easy process, particularly for young students who may not have developed the social and communication skills necessary for effective teamwork. By focusing on the theme of developing collaboration among fifth-grade students, we can explore strategies and techniques for promoting positive social interactions and group dynamics, while also enhancing students’ learning and academic achievement.

The subtheme of group study techniques and strategies is particularly important, as it provides a more specific focus for our research and writing. By exploring different methods for organizing and facilitating group study sessions, we can identify best practices and effective strategies for promoting collaboration and teamwork among students.

Overall, the theme and subtheme of developing collaboration among students of grade 5th through group study are important and timely topics that have significant implications for education and student success. By focusing on these areas, we can contribute to the ongoing conversation about how to promote collaboration and teamwork in educational settings, and provide valuable insights and guidance for educators and students alike.


Reason for choosing topic

Collaboration through group study can be a valuable learning experience for students of all ages, including fifth graders. By working together in a group, students can share ideas, clarify concepts, and support each other’s learning. Additionally, group study can help students develop important skills such as communication, cooperation, and problem-solving.

There are several reasons why group study can be particularly effective for fifth-grade students. At this age, students are typically becoming more independent learners and are starting to develop their own study habits. However, they may still need guidance and support as they navigate new concepts and skills. Group study can provide a supportive environment where students can learn from each other and receive feedback on their work.

Furthermore, fifth graders are often preparing for the transition to middle school, where they will be expected to work more independently and manage more complex assignments. By participating in group study, students can develop the skills they will need to succeed in this new environment.

To facilitate collaboration through group study, there are several strategies that can be effective. For example:

  1. Establish clear goals: Before starting the group study, it is important to establish clear goals and expectations for the session. This can help keep the group focused and on task.
  2. Encourage active participation: Encourage all members of the group to actively participate in the discussion and contribute their ideas. This can help create a more collaborative and engaging learning environment.
  3. Assign roles: Assigning specific roles to each member of the group can help ensure that everyone is contributing and that the work is being divided fairly.
  4. Provide guidance and support: As the students work together, provide guidance and support as needed. This can include answering questions, clarifying concepts, and providing feedback on their work.

Overall, developing collaboration among fifth-grade students through group study can be a valuable way to support their learning and prepare them for future academic success.


Rational of the Study

Collaboration earning is any learning activity in which students of adverse backgrounds work together in group toward a specific goal. There is broad agreement that group study activities s methods should be promoted in teaching Mathematics and Science. This study aims to identify the impact of group study activities s as embedded soft skills. This research is also significant as it would contribute to teaching and learning practices and process in higher learning institutions.

  1. What was your discussion with your colleague/friend/senior teacher or supervisor regarding the problem? (05 marks)

(Provide your discussion with your colleague or supervisor for better understanding of the problem and alternate solutions)

Discussion With Colleagues/Friends/Supervisor

I told them that this study will provide information for parents, educators and school administrator about how to improve students learning and group study activities s at grade 5th . I discussed with my colleague, friends, senior teachers and supervisor regarding effect of group study  activities on student’s creativity and learning at primary level. I told them that in formal group study activities s students work together for one or more class periods to complete a joint task or assignment. There are several features that can help these groups work well:

My supervisor added that  group study activities follows this idea as groups work together to learn or solve a problem, with each individual responsible for understanding all aspects. The small groups are essential to this process because students are able to both be heard and to hear their peers, while in a traditional classroom setting students may spend more time listening to what the instructor says. group study activities s uses both goal interdependence and resource interdependence to ensure interaction and communication among group members.

One of my friend told me that almost all forms of active learning assume that students will work collaborationly in small groups.Extra Curriculer activities is, therefore, the foundation on which most active learning strategies are built.

During discussion one of my senior college suggested that Students must understand the benefits of group study activities s . Don’t assume that students know what the pedagogical purpose is. Explicitly connect these activities to larger class themes and learning outcomes whenever possible.

At the end of our related discussion we suggested some tips and tricks for  solving students lerning and group study activities s problems. We suggested that English teacher play an important role for the betterment of student’s group study activities s style. group study activities s will help kids communicate with others, increase their social skills and self-confidence, and help them to develop into happier adults. Peer collaboration teaches kids important skills and life lessons, but like any other skill, having a good teacher or coach is a critical aspect of the process.

  1. What did you find about the problem in the existing literature (books / articles / websites)? (10 marks)

(Explore books and online resources to know what and how has been already done regarding this problem)

Review of Literature

According to Ferrari et al. (2009), creativity and learning in the classroom encompasses innovative instruction, high incentive, the capability of listening and communicating and the ability to inspire and interest. Furthermore, as pointed out by Runco (2004), establishing a creative atmosphere  through group study activities s in the classroom will improve language teaching and learning.


ertainly! Here are a few articles related to the topic of collaboration and group study among students, along with their references:

  1. Gao, J., Wang, W., & Liang, J. (2020). The effectiveness of collaborative learning in enhancing student academic achievement: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Educational Psychology Review, 32(2), 367-396. doi: 10.1007/s10648-019-09477-5

This meta-analysis examines the effectiveness of collaborative learning on student academic achievement across a wide range of contexts and subject areas. The authors find that collaborative learning is generally effective in improving academic outcomes, with particular benefits for students from diverse backgrounds.

  1. Lee, H., Lee, J., & Kwon, K. (2021). Effects of online collaborative learning on academic achievement, social presence, and satisfaction: A meta-analysis. Educational Research Review, 34, 100409. doi: 10.1016/j.edurev.2021.100409

This meta-analysis focuses specifically on the effects of online collaborative learning, which has become increasingly common in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors find that online collaborative learning can be effective in improving academic outcomes, social presence, and student satisfaction.

  1. Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, R. T. (2009). An educational psychology success story: Social interdependence theory and cooperative learning. Educational Researcher, 38(5), 365-379. doi: 10.3102/0013189X09339057

This article provides an overview of social interdependence theory and its application to cooperative learning. The authors argue that cooperative learning can be a powerful tool for promoting academic achievement, social skills, and positive attitudes towards learning.

  1. Kramarski, B., & Mevarech, Z. R. (2003). Enhancing mathematical reasoning in the classroom: The effects of cooperative learning and metacognitive training. American Educational Research Journal, 40(1), 281-310. doi: 10.3102/00028312040001281 “Group Work in the Classroom: Small-Group Tasks and Cooperative Learning” by Robert E. Slavin (2009) This book provides an overview of cooperative learning and group work, and includes practical tips and strategies for implementing group study in the classroom.
  2. “Collaborative Learning in Middle School” by Blythe McVicker Clinchy (2012) This article discusses the benefits of collaborative learning and group study in middle school, and provides examples of effective group study techniques.
  3. “The Effects of Collaborative Group Work on Students’ Mathematics Achievement” by Ibrahim Arslan and Omer Faruk Tekkaya (2008) This research article explores the impact of collaborative group work on students’ math achievement, and discusses the importance of group dynamics and communication in promoting effective collaboration.
  4. “Cooperative Learning and Collaborative Learning: Are They the Same?” by Sarah Galloway (2016) This article provides a comparison of cooperative learning and collaborative learning, and discusses the benefits and challenges of each approach.
  5. “Group Study Techniques and Strategies” by the Learning Center at UNC Chapel Hill (n.d.) This website provides practical tips and strategies for effective group study, including how to establish group roles and responsibilities, communicate effectively, and resolve conflicts.

These sources provide valuable insights and guidance on the topic of developing collaboration among students of grade 5th through group study, and can be useful for educators and students alike. They highlight the importance of effective communication, positive group dynamics, and clear expectations in promoting successful collaboration, and can inform the development of effective group study techniques and strategies.

This study examines the effects of cooperative learning and metacognitive training on mathematical reasoning skills among fifth-grade students. The authors find that both interventions were effective in improving mathematical reasoning, with the greatest gains observed among students who received both interventions together.

  1. What was the major variables/construct of your project? Give definitions/ description from literature. (05 marks)

(What are the key terms in your topic or study? what do you mean of these terms? What particular meaning you will attach to the term when used in this project?)

The major variables/constructs of the project “Developing Collaboration among students of grade 5th through group study” can include:

  1. Collaboration: Collaboration refers to the process of working together to achieve a shared goal or objective. In the context of education, collaboration involves students working together to enhance their learning and academic achievement through shared knowledge, skills, and resources.
  2. Group study: Group study is a form of collaborative learning that involves students working together in small groups to study and learn. In group study, students can share their knowledge and insights, ask questions, and receive feedback from their peers, thereby enhancing their understanding and retention of the material.
  3. Group dynamics: Group dynamics refers to the social and psychological processes that occur within a group, including communication, cooperation, conflict resolution, and leadership. Positive group dynamics can facilitate effective collaboration and group study, while negative dynamics can hinder it.
  4. Communication: Communication refers to the exchange of information and ideas between individuals or groups. Effective communication is essential for successful collaboration and group study, as it enables students to share their perspectives, clarify their understanding, and work together towards common goals.
  5. Academic achievement: Academic achievement refers to the level of success that students achieve in their academic pursuits, such as grades, test scores, and mastery of course material. Effective collaboration and group study can enhance academic achievement by promoting deeper understanding and retention of the material, and providing opportunities for students to learn from each other.
  6. What did you want to achieve in this research project? (05 marks)

(Objective/purpose of the study; what was the critical question that was tried to be answered in this project)

Objective/Purpose Of The Study

Objectives are planned and structured goals. These goals are used on career resumes, in the workplace to improve environment and collaborations and in the classroom to improve the learning process for students. Professional objectives can be created for group study activities s situations to set a guideline and goals, whether in the workplace, classroom or other situations where group study activities s is important. Following are the statements of research problems and the related research objectives.

  1. Describing the importance ofgroup study activities for student’s creativity and learning .
  2. Determining why group study activities s are important for school and students to learn more from teachers.
  3. To explore the importance of good collaboration through group study activities among 5th  grade student .
  4. group study activities s after schools in the student’s professional and social lifegroup study activities .
  5. To examine group study  activities  helpful for students in collaboration throughgroup study activities among 5the grade student .


Critical Question

Critical action research is a validation and extension of action research or participatory action research processes that combines critical theory with the action research paradigm.  Action research, by definition, always occurs within practice in concrete situations. To achieve the mentioned objectives, I tried to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the importance of group study activities s for students creativity and learning?
  2. Why group study activities s are important for school students to learn more from teachers?
  3. What is the importance of goodgroup study through activities .
  4. How are group study activities s helpful for students collaboration throughgroup study activities among

Research Hypotheses

H1: group study activities s have  significant effect on secondary, student’s creativity and learning

5th . Who were the participants in your project? (05 marks)

(Give details of the individuals or groups who were focused in this project e.g. the early-grade students whose handwriting in Urdu was not good or the students of class VIII who did not have good group study activities s)

The participants of the study were grade 5th  students who were enrolled in Government ____ . The participants of this study belong to ____ . I selected grade 5th  students which consisted in total 20 in numbers. Most of the participants were quite helpful and were matured enough to understand the purpose of my research. In their classroom there were no posters and pedagogical materials for learning English. A focus group is a group made up of individuals with certain characteristics that focus discussions on a given topic or topic (Anderson, 1990). The study participants were grade 5th  students who enrolled in Government  ______. Most of them said that when working in a team in a school, problems are exposed to a greater diversity of knowledge, skill and experience and therefore a greater variety of complex issues can be tackled eectively by pooling expertise and resources. Faster output is another benet of a good group study activities s. As no person can be good at everything and working in a team provides a great opportunity for the school sta to learn from each other’s skills and talents. During these days, I had the opportunity to see different group study activities s activities. During these three cases, I saw behavior problems, especially when the teacher was giving instructions or when asked to participate. The teacher gave the instructions for the next class activity where they have to create a poster based on a character from the book or a scene. During the observations, I asked to sit in a chair placed in a secluded place designated by the teacher, and from there I could see most of the classroom. I took notes regarding the student and teacher’s group study activities s activities, and tried to avoid making eye contact or talking with any of the students or the teacher during the observation. The overall performance of all students (participants) was not enough to speak English compared to other sub-skills. Most of their parents have a medium economic level, so their study has the full financial support of their family. The participants of this study consisted of 41 students of the same age group from 5th  to 12 years. The large age indicates the level of maturity of the individuals in that sense, the age becomes more important to examine the response.

5th . How did you try to solve the problem? (10 marks)

(Narrate the process step-wise. Procedure of intervention and data collection)

This answer presents the methods that were employed to achieve research objectives. The answer is structured into research design, location of the study, target population, sampling techniques and sample size, research instruments, of the instruments, data collection and data analysis.

Action Research

Action research encompasses small scale systematic inquiry and contains of a number of stages which frequently persist in cycles. Like planning, action, observation and reflection. This type of research has become gradually widespread all over the world as a method of professional learning. It has been especially well developed in education, specifically in teaching, and is now used broadly across the professions. Classroom action research was separated into two cycles; they were cycle I and cycle II and each cycle contained of four interrelated activities, specifically: Planning, Action, Observation and Reflection. In the present study, data collection was based on following steps.

 Method of The Study

The methodology of this research was comprised on an action research to found out and solve the problem. The social phenomenon under scrutiny was collaborative learning andgroup study activities skill among students at elementary school. Questionnaires, interviews, field notes and observations were used to collect the data needed to provide the information and insight necessary to answer the research questions.


The entire group from which a sample is chosen is known as the population.  All the students who were enrolled in Government______   was population of my study. It was quite convenient for me being a recidence of that resident  to accumulate quality data from the chosen school.




Sample is smaller representation of large whole. Generally, it consists of some of the observations that represent the whole population. In the existing action research grade 5th  students of were grade 5th  who were enrolled in Government ________  was sampled for this study.

Sample Size

The numbers of observation included in a sample is called size of sample. The 40 students of the grade 5th  were selected for this class based action research.

Research Instrument

Interview schedule is referred to formal meeting between the respondent and the interviewer. In this technique a number of questions were designed according to the requirement and relevancy of researcher being conducted. The questionnaire was prepared to attain study objectives as discussed earlier.

Ethical Considerations

From the inception of this research I was extremely particular to carry out an ethical inquiry and therefore gave serious thought to all ethical aspects this study would entail. Permission to conduct the study was first sought from the principal and school governing body. Permission was sought from school head. The rights of the participants (grade 5th ) were spelled out clearly i.e. they could refuse to be audio recorded and they could demand to see any notes or recordings.

Collection of Data

The term questionnaire is often used interchangeably with survey. It is common and easy method of data collection in action research. I collected data through well-structured research tool (Interview schedule). Quantitative method was used to get important and meticulous information. Information was collected through questionnaire consisting only close ended questions relative to research objectives. The close ended questionnaire was made for data collection.

The four main phases of the Action Research Cycle

Action Research cycle


Planning was the first step of the research procedure. This activity covered the problem identification. Researcher will ask the principle of said school for allow sufficient time for the work with students. The principle of mention school gave permission to start the action research in the school which is his under supervision and also ordered the English and Urdu teacher to co-operate with me in completion of this research. Researcher also discuss about data collection procedure (questionnaire) with principle of school and also developed plan to start the research. For the execution of this research fifteen students of grade 5th  selected as sample and give them a questionnaire to achieve study objectives.


After the planning was completed, then the researcher carried out an action. In step first I discussed about action research. Total 41 students were selected by mutual consult with teacher. I interviewed them according to the given instruction.  Checklist is collected, after all the students had filled it. Checklist is attached as evidence in Annexure.


In this classroom action investigation, I acted as an observer. In this study, I observed the situation of classroom during the present action study. I observed the activities of students in teaching learning process in order to know the effectiveness of learning process and whether or not the strategy could improve the students’ class environment. This was an observation step and interest and competence level of students was assessed through the need base assessment documents or checklist.

Following are the main points of the collected data after observation.

  1. Students answer the questions according to their interest and competence level.
  2. I see about improvement of class environment charts on the wall
  3. Studnts were eager to build group study activities s for problem solving
  4. Most of the students follow the group study activities s rules
  5. Students want to learn about improvement of class learning through group study activities s

5th . What kind of instrument was used to collect the data? How was the instrument developed? (05 marks)

(For example: observation, rating scale, interview, student work, portfolio, test, etc.)

Data Collection

Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on targeted variables in an established system, which then enables one to answer relevant questions and evaluate outcomes to answer the research problem. In this Action Research, I kept all ethical consideration in mind. The researcher discussed the plan with the students and also took permission from the management, students and parents’ before initiating the action cycle. I used following instruments for data collection.

Research Instruments

Research instruments are a way of gathering data concerning the research focus. Gathering data using different research instruments is in fact creating different ways to study the social event being researched.

Rating Scale

A rating scale is a tool used for assessing the performance of tasks, skill levels, procedures, processes, qualities, quantities, or end products, such as reports, drawings, and computer programs. These are judged at a defined level within a stated range. I also develop rating scale to judge student’s performance.

Case Study

A case study is usually an in-depth description of a process, experience, or structure at a single institution.  In order to answer a combination of ‘what’ and ‘why’ questions, case studies generally involve a mix of quantitative (i.e., surveys, usage statistics, etc.) and qualitative (i.e., interviews, focus groups, extant document analysis, etc.) data collection techniques.  I analyze quantitative data first and then use qualitative strategies to look deeper into the meaning of the trends identified in the numerical data.


Checklists structure a person’s observation or evaluation of a performance or artifact. These tools can provide consistency over time or between observers. Checklists can be used for evaluating databases, virtual IM service, the use of library space, or for structuring peer observations of instruction sessions. I also used checklists for effective data collection.


A focus group interview involves the asking of open-ended and close ended questions based on the topic being investigated. Through these questions, I prompt the interviewee for detail information regarding my study themes. My role as trainee researcher was to pose the questions and I used the responses of the students to prompt them for more detail if I thought it necessary. On several occasions, the interviewees’ responses led to discussions not pertinent to the research and I had to focus their thoughts on the topic.  In the course of these discussions, their understanding of the topic was revealed. The complete interview was audio recorded and the recorder was placed in such a way that everybody could see it.

Students Portfolio

Portfolios can be a physical collection of student work that includes materials. I check students portfolio such as written assignments, journal entries, completed tests, artwork, lab reports, physical projects (such as dioramas or models), and other material evidence of learning progress and academic accomplishment, including awards and honours.

Field Notes

So based on these field notes I was prepared my final observation.  I also took field notes. Field notes were taken during and immediately after each interview, specifically to identify classroom areas mentioned by English  and Urdu teacher during the interviews. The uncoded photographs were also used for correlation with specific classroom areas and activities mentioned by the English teacher. A total of three interviews were conducted for this study, and approximately 30 photographs of each classroom.

  1. What were the findings and conclusion? (Provide instruments and analysis as appendix) (10 marks)

Peer collaboration is an essential soft skills that need to be applied to every student in the national education institutions for enhancing creativity and learning among them.



  1. Often Sometimes   3. Never
Sr. No. Indicators Often Sometimes Never    
1 Peer collaboration added values to students 45% 50% 5.0
2 Peer collaboration help to build self-confident 55% 10% 35%
3 Peer collaboration improve skills and interaction with others 50% 40% 10%
4 Peer collaboration increase spirit of cooperation and commitment on task 45% 55% 0.0
5 Peer collaboration improve creative and critical thinking 50% 45% 5%
5th Peer collaboration generate thegroup study activities skills for students for attaining good marks 5th 5% 25% 10%
5th Peer collaboration improve quality of work 5th 5% 0 35%
5th Peer collaboration improve quality of  learning process 20% 5th 0% 0
9 Extra-curricular activities improving group study activities s of the students 5th 5% 15% 0
10 Peer collaboration can improve the student’s communication skills effectively 5th 0% 30% 0


The major findings of the project are listed below.

Major Findings

  1. I found that 50% of the students stated that sometimes group study activities s added values to students
  2. I found that 55% of the students told that group study activities s help to build self-confident
  3. Half 50% of the students accepted that group study activities s improve skills and interaction with others
  1. More than half 55% of the students stated that group study activities s increase spirit of cooperation and commitment on task
  2. Majority 50% of the students stated that group study activities s improve creative and critical thinking
  3. Majority 5th 5% of the students stated that group study activities s generate thegroup study activities skills for students for attaining good marks
  4. Majority 5th 5% of the students watched television and listen radio for improving group study activities s
  5. Majority 5th 0% admitted that group study activities s can improve the student’s communication skills effectively


According to my conclusion soft skills of group study activities s contributed to positive impacts on students. The impact of the group study activities s on students help to add values to the students, build self-confidence, helping to improve group study activities s and interaction with others and enhance the spirit of cooperation and commitment to the tasks given. In addition, the study also showed that the students’ exposure to soft skills can help to enhance creative and critical thinking and ideas and improve the quality of workmanship, in particular improving the knowledge and quality of learning.


In brief, my study suggests that the implementation of group study activities s should be included together with the other prescribed soft skills with varied learned-centred activities to optimize its impact on the teaching and learning process in the university. The group study activities s in teaching and learning process in university should be continued through varied learned-centred activities. The implementation of group study activities s should be included together with the other prescribed soft skills for example, group study activities s (cs), critical thinking andgroup study activities skills.




  1. Summary of the Project (05 marks)

(What and how was the research conducted – main objective, process and findings)

Results showed a positive impact of group study activities s on students creativity and learning. The group study activities s could help to enhance the added-values on students, build their self-confidence and help to improve their group study activities s and interaction with the others. In addition, the study also showed that the implication of group study activities s on the students could expose and help them to develop critical and creative thinking, to solve problems related to their tasks and improve the quality of learning process. In conclusion, this study suggests that the implementation of group study activities s should be included together with the other prescribed soft skills with varied learned-centred activities.

Purpose of the Study

  1. Describing the importance of group study activities s for students creativity and learning.
  2. Defining why group study activities s are important for school and students to learn more from teachers.
  3. To explore the importance of good group study activities s after schools in the student’s professional and social life
  4. To examinegroup study activities helpful for students in education and studies

Process of Data collection

In order to define the problem in detail and present possible solutions, quantitative data was collected from the achievement test and qualitative data was collected from the focus group interviews by taking the research question into consideration. Action research method was used for existing research. Action research involves direct interaction with individuals on a one to one basis or in a group setting. Observation, focus group interviews, questionnaires and field notes were used to collect the data. The interviews used in this study were semi-structured. A series of close ended questions were used to draw information concerning to the discipline of learners and the teaching strategy of educators. A survey was conducted by direct interview of students at their school during their free time. All information was collected through interview schedule (questionnaire), as research instrument including some multiple choices in the form of and close-ended questions regarding study objectives. Tape recorded data were transcribed, analysed and then discussed. The head teacher introduced me to the class teacher. I assured that the study is  the sole purpose of writing a research project and that the data collected would be treated with utmost. The Statistical Package for Social Scientists (IBM SPSS Statistics 20) program was used for data screening, data transformations and analysis. Study identified a significant, causal, and reciprocal relationship between classroom effective environment and students learning.

Findings of the Study

Soft skills of group study activities s contributed to positive impacts on students, creativity and learning, learning and also help to add values to the students, build self-confidence, helping to improve group study activities s and interaction with others and enhance the spirit of cooperation and commitment to the tasks given. Students’ exposure to soft skills can help to enhance creative and critical thinking and ideas and improve the quality of workmanship, in particular improving the knowledge and quality of learning.

  1. How do you feel about this practice? What have you learnt? (Self-reflection) (10 marks)

Feeling about this Practice/Action Research

Action research provides me a structured process for customizing research findings, enabling educators to address specific questions, concerns, or problems within their own classrooms, schools, or districts. I had mixed feelings with research. I was bit nervous and somewhat curious to learn action research. I attend all of the meeting to reach 5th 0% attendance to learn about how to do action research effectively. My experience regarding current research was informative. In this regard my respective supervisor helps me a lot.


Self-reflection is like looking into a mirror and describing what you see. Reflecting and composing a piece of self-reflective writing is becoming an increasingly important element to any form of study or learning. Self-reflection helps to build emotional self-awareness. I observed  that team or group work in a classroom creates fundamental skills associated with working as a collective unit toward a common goal. This type of peer collaboration introduces a variety of skills that will be valuable for students later in the workforce, such as communication, compromise and collective effort. I called on students by name and used information about them (from the information sheets they filled out during the first class period) in the examples I gave. Unfortunately, I spent so much time on the presentation stage of the lesson that we had to rush through the other activities. Moreover, while observing classes there were some interruption from other classes. Students from other classes came to the teachers for their purposes and the teachers had to solve their problems. Furthermore, during class observation some students did not cooperate. While taking interview some of the interviewees were imitating the answers of others. From  my observation as a trainee teacher I              observed that students who join a team communicate effectively and  learn a lot. An essential objective to education therefore, is to develop the peer collaboration of students; namely: speaking, writing, listening and reading. Reading, writing and listening carefully are the three most important peer collaboration for students. These skills like most of the peer collaboration sounds too familiar as a result of which we take them for granted. group study activities s are essential for the successful future career of a student. Reading, writing and listening carefully are the three most important group study activities s for students. These skills like most of the peer collaboration sounds too familiar as a result of which we take them for granted. The finding of this study can be used as a teaching guideline by teachers to help them to communicate more intensively than others so that the strategyin allocating the teaching time can be formulated.

  1. What has it added to your professional skills as a teacher? (05 marks)

This action research helped me to maintain classroom management through effective discipline practices for effective group study activities s. I learnt that group study activities s are associated with high academic performance or academic gains. From this practice I’m able to assess the problem in my class via group study activities s. Now I can identified, process and solve the problem through group study activities s which results better than previous which was beating about bush. I learnt that peer collaboration environment promotes an atmosphere that fosters friendship and loyalty. These close-knit relationships motivate employees in parallel and align them to work harder, cooperate and be supportive of one another. Individuals possess diverse talents, weaknesses, communication skills, strengths, and habits. Action research helps me to pick up threads suggested in academic circles, and weave them in my own classroom. Action research allows me to take ownership over my teaching and occurs when teacher researchers contemplate a classroom or instructional issue, design a study, execute the study, track data and results, and reflect. This research provides me with data from my own experiences and my own students. This study added my professional skills as trainee teacher that sharing useful group study activities s strategies with students and provide them examples enhance their English writing and speaking skills. I will give assignments to students as team that offer appropriate practice with feedback. I’m talking about general and specific tips and tricks on how to approach a specific type of essay. As a teacher, my role is to help each and every student improve themselves, acquire new skills, and become a better individual by the end of their time spent in college.  Now I will improve my  student group study activities s in class, reinforce active listening, offer group presentations and assignments, ask open-ended questions to  students, use tasks and activities that foster critical thinking and offer reflective learning opportunities.

  1. List the works you cited in your project (follow the APA manual – 5th Edition). (05 marks) Examples of format are available on websites.

Literature Cited

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