AIOU Human Development and Learning 8610-1 Autumn 2022 Solved Assignment

Course: Human Development and Learning (8610) Semester: Autumn, 2022


Q.No.1 Describe the factor which may affect the process growth and development.

Ans-When raising children,there are many factorsfrom family and environment to genes and biology that influence their growth and development. It is important to understand these factors to help your children achieve a healthy growth and development pattern.Children’s proper growth and development is the most common topic of discussion in the PTMs of Montessori City of Industry, CA, so, a group of teachers is sharing below the major factors affecting the growth and development of children.

Heredity :

Heredity is the biological process of transmission of physical characteristics from parents to children through genes.It strongly influences many aspects of the physical appearances of children such as their height, weight, body structure,the color of the eye, the texture of the hair, and even the intelligence and aptitude skills.Many diseases like heart problems, diabetes, obesity, blood pressure can also transmit through genes, thereby affecting the growth pattern of childrenadversely.

Environment :

The environment is a major factor that plays a crucial role in the development of children and it represents the overall physical and psychological stimulation they receive.The physical surroundings and the geographical conditions of the place the child lives in, his social environment and relationships with family and peers come under the environmental factors that influence early childhood development in a major way.The safe and secure environment of the Montessori City of Industry, CA as well as the love and care of family contribute positivelytochildren’s healthy development.


Q.No.2 Is physical development a collective result of genes and environment? Discuss.


Experiences Affect How Genes Are Expressed

Inside the nucleus of each cell in our bodies, we have chromosomes, which contain the code for characteristics that pass to the next generation. Within these chromosomes, specific segments of genetic code, known as genes, make up long, double-helix strands of DNA.

Experiences leave a chemical “signature” on genes that determines whether and how genes are expressed.

Children inherit approximately 23,000 genes from their parents, but not every gene does what it was designed to do. Experiences leave a chemical “signature” on genes that determines whether and how the genes are expressed. Collectively, those signatures are called the epigenome.

and workforce development.

Q.No.3 Discuss Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory


Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences

The concept of multiple intelligences is a theory proposed by Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner. When you hear the word intelligence, the concept of IQ testing may immediately come to mind. Intelligence is often defined as our intellectual potential; something we are born with, something that can be measured, and a capacity that is difficult to change.

In recent years, however, other views of intelligence have emerged, including Gardner’s suggestion that multiple different types of intelligence may exist.

Illustration by JR Bee, Verywell

Tittile Page Unique Assignments

Q.No.4 Discuss information processing approach in context of intellectual development

Ans-Intellectual development refers here to the changes that occur, as a result of growth and experience, in a person’s capacities for thinking, reasoning, relating, judging, conceptualizing, etc. In particular it concerns such changes in children.

There are a number of different approaches to the study of intellectual development in children. As in the history of most branches of scientific knowledge, the study began with observation and description. For many years descriptive accounts of children’s thinking, reasoning, and other intellectual capacities were thoroughly mixed with descriptions of their social and emotional development and of their verbal and motor skills. Moreover, there was at first a tendency to attribute to the child mental processes that were simply miniature versions of adult thought patterns. Such early observers as Darwin (1877) were careful and deliberate, but their records often revealed the limitations of studying only one child, and the biases of the observer.

Q.No.5 Explain the social characteristics associated with primary school students.


Characteristics of Primary Learners

EL Education’s commitment to igniting each student’s motivation, persistence, and compassion guides us to lift up best practices that complement the ways people learn most naturally. Young children’s inherent capacities can be harnessed in service of our goal of developing deep thinkers, lifelong learners, compassionate community members, and creative future leaders.

This document highlights the unique needs and strengths of typical young children, identifying eleven key characteristics of primary learners1 – their ways of thinking and engaging with the world and their remarkable hunger for learning. Each of these characteristics is based on the writings of developmental psychologists and educators such as Lev Vygotsky, Maria Montessori, and Jean Piaget, as well as recent peer-reviewed research and the experience of primary educators in our EL network.


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