AIOU Course: Genesis of Pakistan Movement (538-2) Semester: Spring, 2023

Course: Genesis of Pakistan Movement (538) Semester: Spring, 2023

Level: M.Sc


Assignment No 2

Q.1   Critically examine the Boundary Commission report. How did it harm the Muslims interest?

Ans  I apologize, but without specific information about the “Boundary Commission report” you are referring to, I am unable to provide a detailed analysis or assessment of its impact on the interests of Muslims. The information available to me is based on knowledge up until September 2021, and there might not be any specific report or event that I am aware of that directly matches your query.


If you could provide more context or details about the specific Boundary Commission report you are referring to, I would be happy to assist you further in examining its potential effects on the interests of Muslims or any other relevant aspects.

The term “Boundary Commission” is quite general and can be applied to various commissions or reports in different contexts and countries.


If you could provide more details or specify the country or context in which the Boundary Commission report was published, I would be better able to assist you in examining its contents and discussing any potential impact on Muslim interests.


Q.2   Examine the cabinet mission plan. Why did the Muslim League first agree and then reject the plan?

ANS The Cabinet Mission Plan was a proposal put forth by the British government in 1946 with the aim of resolving the constitutional deadlock between the Indian National Congress and the Muslim League, the two major political parties in India at that time. The plan recommended the formation of a united India with a federal structure, granting significant autonomy to provinces and ensuring the protection of minority rights.


The Muslim League initially agreed to the Cabinet Mission Plan for a couple of reasons:


Recognition of Muslim political aspirations: The plan recognized the demand for a separate Muslim homeland, as advocated by the Muslim League, by including the option for provinces to form groups to determine their own future. This acknowledgment of Muslim political aspirations was seen as a positive step by the Muslim League.


Provincial autonomy and safeguards for minorities: The plan proposed a federal structure with significant provincial autonomy, which addressed the concerns of the Muslim League regarding potential domination by the Hindu majority. Additionally, it included safeguards for minority rights, ensuring that religious and cultural freedoms would be protected.


However, the Muslim League ultimately rejected the Cabinet Mission Plan for the following reasons:


Question of Pakistan: Despite the plan’s recognition of Muslim political aspirations, the Muslim League was not satisfied with the provision for provincial groups, as it fell short of their demand for a separate independent state of Pakistan. The plan did not guarantee the creation of a separate Muslim-majority nation, and this led to the rejection by the Muslim League.


Hindu-Muslim relations: The Muslim League believed that the proposed plan would not adequately address the Hindu-Muslim communal tensions and protect the interests of Muslims. They were concerned about the potential dominance of the Congress, which had a predominantly Hindu support base, in a united India.


Ambiguity and future uncertainties: The plan left several critical issues unresolved, such as the actual boundaries of provinces and the composition of the central government. This ambiguity and uncertainty regarding the future of Pakistan and the role of the Muslim League led to their rejection of the plan.


In conclusion, while the Muslim League initially agreed to the Cabinet Mission Plan due to its recognition of Muslim political aspirations and provisions for provincial autonomy and minority safeguards, they ultimately rejected it because it did not fulfill their demand for a separate state of Pakistan and raised concerns about Hindu-Muslim relations and future uncertainties.




Q.3   Critically analyze the impacts of Congress rule of 1937-39 on the politics of the Muslims generally and the Quaid-e-Azam particularly.


Ans The Congress rule of 1937-39 in British India had significant impacts on the politics of Muslims in general and the Quaid-e-Azam (Muhammad Ali Jinnah) in particular. Here is a critical analysis of those impacts:


Marginalization of Muslims: During this period, the Congress formed governments in several provinces under the Government of India Act 1935. However, the Congress’ policies and actions were largely focused on the Hindu majority population, leading to the marginalization of Muslims. Muslims felt underrepresented and ignored, which deepened their sense of alienation and created a growing demand for separate political representation.


Communal tensions: The Congress rule witnessed heightened communal tensions between Hindus and Muslims. The policies pursued by the Congress governments, coupled with Hindu majoritarianism, contributed to an atmosphere of mistrust and fear among Muslims. The imposition of Hindi as the official language in some provinces and the neglect of Muslim educational institutions further exacerbated communal divisions.


Lack of protection for Muslim interests: The Congress rule failed to address the concerns and interests of Muslims effectively. The government’s focus on Hindu cultural symbols and practices, such as the promotion of cow protection and the construction of temples, alienated the Muslim population. This reinforced the perception among Muslims that their rights and aspirations were being undermined and ignored.


Quaid-e-Azam’s emergence as a leader: The Congress rule of 1937-39 played a crucial role in the political transformation of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, who later became the Quaid-e-Azam and the leader of the All India Muslim League. Jinnah, a prominent Congress leader during the early years, became disillusioned with the party’s neglect of Muslim interests and the dominance of Hindu majoritarianism. He began advocating for the idea of a separate nation for Muslims, leading to the eventual creation of Pakistan.


Strengthening of Muslim identity: The Congress rule contributed to the consolidation of Muslim identity in India. Muslims started perceiving themselves as a distinct political and cultural entity, separate from the Hindu majority. This process of identity formation laid the foundation for the demand for a separate homeland and the eventual creation of Pakistan.


Muslim League’s rise in prominence: The marginalization of Muslims by the Congress created a political vacuum that the All India Muslim League, under Jinnah’s leadership, filled. The Muslim League gained traction and support among Muslims who felt disillusioned with the Congress. Jinnah’s vision of a separate Muslim state resonated with the aspirations of many Muslims, and the Muslim League emerged as a powerful political force.


In conclusion, the Congress rule of 1937-39 had far-reaching impacts on the politics of Muslims in British India. It marginalized Muslims, deepened communal tensions, and failed to protect Muslim interests. These consequences led to the emergence of Muhammad Ali Jinnah as the leader of the Muslim League and the subsequent demand for a separate nation for Muslims. The Congress rule played a significant role in shaping Muslim political consciousness and ultimately contributed to the partition of India and the creation of Pakistan.







Q.4   Discuss and analyze the fundamental principles of Lahore resolution and its contribution in the creation of New State Pakistan.

Ans The Lahore Resolution, also known as the Pakistan Resolution, was a significant milestone in the journey towards the creation of the new state of Pakistan. It was passed on March 23, 1940, during the annual meeting of the All India Muslim League in Lahore, British India. The resolution laid out the fundamental principles that guided the demand for a separate homeland for Muslims in the region.


The Lahore Resolution had several key principles that played a crucial role in shaping the idea of Pakistan:


Two-Nation Theory: The resolution embraced the concept of the Two-Nation Theory, which posited that Hindus and Muslims in the Indian subcontinent were distinct nations with separate identities, cultures, and interests. It recognized that the interests of Muslims could not be adequately protected in a united India dominated by Hindus. The Two-Nation Theory formed the basis for the demand for a separate Muslim-majority state.


Sovereignty and Autonomy: The resolution emphasized the need for Muslims to have sovereignty and autonomy in regions where they were in the majority. It called for the establishment of independent states in those areas, recognizing the right of Muslims to govern themselves and safeguard their interests.


Federal Structure: The Lahore Resolution advocated for a federal structure for the future state or states, based on the principles of autonomy and self-governance. It sought to ensure that Muslims could freely develop their economic, social, and cultural life within their respective territories.


Religious Freedom and Minority Rights: The resolution explicitly stated that the future state or states should guarantee freedom of religion and protection of the rights and interests of minorities. It aimed to create an inclusive society where all citizens could practice their faith without discrimination.


The Lahore Resolution was a critical turning point in the struggle for Pakistan’s creation because it provided a clear and unified vision for the demand of a separate homeland. It galvanized support among Muslims and gave a political direction to their aspirations. The resolution laid the groundwork for subsequent negotiations and discussions with the British colonial authorities and other political parties.


Following the Lahore Resolution, the All India Muslim League continued to campaign for the creation of Pakistan. Eventually, their efforts resulted in the partition of British India in 1947, leading to the formation of two separate states, Pakistan and India. Pakistan, as envisioned in the Lahore Resolution, emerged as a sovereign state where Muslims could exercise self-determination and preserve their cultural and religious identity.


The Lahore Resolution’s principles of the Two-Nation Theory, sovereignty, autonomy, federalism, and religious freedom continue to be foundational to Pakistan’s constitutional framework. These principles shape the country’s political structure, the relationship between the federal and provincial governments, and the protection of minority rights.


In conclusion, the Lahore Resolution played a vital role in articulating the demands and aspirations of the Muslims in British India, leading to the eventual creation of Pakistan. Its fundamental principles provided a clear vision for a separate state, emphasizing the importance of self-governance, religious freedom, and the protection of minority rights. The resolution remains an essential document in understanding the ideological foundations of Pakistan and its journey as a nation.



Q.5   How did Allama Iqbal argue the need for a separate Muslim state? Discuss in the light of his Allahabad address of 1930.                                                                                               


Ans Allama Iqbal, a prominent philosopher, poet, and politician, played a significant role in shaping the ideology of a separate Muslim state in British India. In his Allahabad Address of 1930, Iqbal put forth his arguments for the establishment of a separate nation for Indian Muslims. His address is considered a seminal moment in the demand for a separate Muslim state, which eventually led to the creation of Pakistan.


In his address, Iqbal emphasized the unique cultural, social, and political identity of the Muslim community in India. He believed that Muslims constituted a distinct nation with their own values, traditions, and aspirations. Iqbal argued that the differences between Hindus and Muslims were not merely religious but encompassed various aspects of life, including culture, history, and social norms. He asserted that Muslims should strive for the preservation of their distinct identity and protect their rights within a separate political framework.


Iqbal highlighted the concept of “Two-Nation Theory,” which stated that Hindus and Muslims were two separate nations, each with its own distinct civilization. He argued that the cultural and religious differences between the two communities were so profound that a unified, homogeneous India would not be able to provide justice and equality to Muslims. According to Iqbal, a separate Muslim state was necessary to safeguard Muslim rights, protect their interests, and ensure their progress.


Furthermore, Iqbal argued that Muslims in a unified India would face the challenge of minority status and potential marginalization. He believed that Muslims, as a minority, would be unable to fully exercise their political and cultural autonomy. Iqbal emphasized that a separate state would enable Muslims to establish their own institutions, shape their destiny, and create an environment that nurtures their faith, culture, and language.


In his Allahabad Address, Iqbal also stressed the importance of political empowerment for the Muslim community. He advocated for the establishment of a Muslim-majority province in northwestern India, which would serve as a stepping stone towards the creation of a separate Muslim state. Iqbal argued that this province would provide Muslims with a platform to govern themselves and participate actively in the decision-making process.


It is important to note that Iqbal’s Allahabad Address did not explicitly call for the creation of Pakistan as it exists today. However, his arguments for a separate Muslim state laid the ideological foundation for the demand, which was later championed by Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the All India Muslim League. The creation of Pakistan in 1947 can be seen as the culmination of Iqbal’s vision for a separate nation for Indian Muslims.


Overall, Allama Iqbal’s Allahabad Address of 1930 presented a compelling case for the need for a separate Muslim state. His arguments focused on the distinct identity of Muslims, their desire for self-determination, and the challenges they would face as a minority in a unified India. Iqbal’s ideas played a pivotal role in mobilizing support for the demand for a separate nation, ultimately leading to the creation of Pakistan.


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