AIOU Course Code 8615-1 Solved Assignment Spring 2022

Course: Management Strategies in Educational Institutions (8615)

Level: B.Ed (1.5 Year)                                         Semester: Spring, 2022

Assignment No.1

Q.1      What do you mean by educational management? Elaborate its need and models of management in education.

Ans :

Educational Management is a field which is concerned with the operation of educational organizations. It is the process of planning, organizing and directing activities in a school, effectively utilizing human and material resources, in order to accomplish the school’s objectives.

The main aim of this course is to familiarize teachers with matters of effective Educational Management, i.e. to make school leaders capable of creating an effective learning environment by adjusting teaching to students’ individual, cognitive and emotional needs. It leads to  a Level 7 EQC Certificate, accompanied by a Europass Certicicate Supplement with 10 transferable ECVET points

Leadership has a vital role to play in creating the conditions for success at all levels of education and training systems. School leaders are major players in forging effective links between different levels of education and training, families, the world of work and the local community, with a common aim of raising learner attainment.

Q.2      Discuss different theories of management help workers at organization level.

Ans :

What are management theories?

Management theories are a collection of ideas that recommend general rules for how to manage an organization or business. They address how supervisors implement strategies to accomplish organizational goals and how they motivate employees to perform at their highest ability.

Typically, leaders apply concepts from different management theories that best suit their employees and company culture. Although many management theories were created centuries ago, they still provide beneficial frameworks for leading teams in the workplace and running businesses today.

Types of management theories

Here are seven important management theories to be aware of:

1. Scientific management theory

Frederick Taylor, who was one of the first to study work performance scientifically, took a scientific approach to management in the last 1800s. Taylor’s principles recommended that the scientific method should be used to perform tasks in the workplace, as opposed to the leader relying on their judgment or the personal discretion of team members.

Q.3      Elaborate the Program evaluation and review technique with its advantages and disadvantages.


What is Project Evaluation Review Technique (PERT)?

In project management, the Project Evaluation Review Technique, or PERT, is used to identify the time it takes to finish a particular task or activity. It is a system that helps in the proper scheduling and coordination of all tasks throughout a project. It also helps in keeping track of the progress, or lack thereof, of the overall project. In the 1950s, the Project Evaluation Review Technique was developed by the US Navy to manage the Polaris submarine missile program of their Special Projects Office.

Advantages of PERT

Here are several benefits of using PERT in project management:


Q.4      Justify with examples that Strategic management process help in Better decision making for the organization.

Ans :

Strategic management is the ongoing planning, monitoring, analysis and assessment of all necessities an organization needs to meet its goals and objectives. Changes in business environments will require organizations to constantly assess their strategies for success. The strategic management process helps organizations take stock of their present situation, chalk out strategies, deploy them and analyze the effectiveness of the implemented management strategies. Strategic management strategies consist of five basic strategies and can differ in implementation depending on the surrounding environment. Strategic management applies both to on-premise and mobile platforms.

Benefits of strategic management

Strategic management is generally thought to have financial and nonfinancial benefits. A strategic management process helps an organization and its leadership to think about and plan for its future existence, fulfilling a chief responsibility of a board of directors. Strategic management sets a direction for the organization and its employees. Unlike once-and-done strategic plans, effective strategic management continuously plans, monitors and tests an organization’s activities, resulting in greater operational efficiency, market share and profitability.

Strategic management concepts

Strategic management is based around an organization’s clear understanding of its mission; its vision for where it wants to be in the future; and the values that will guide its actions. The process requires a commitment to strategic planning, a subset of business management that involves an organization’s ability to set both short- and long-term goals. Strategic planning also includes the planning of strategic decisions, activities and resource allocation needed to achieve those goals.

Having a defined process for managing an institution’s strategies will help organizations make logical decisions and develop new goals quickly in order to keep pace with evolving technology, market and business conditions. Strategic management can, thus, help an organization gain competitive advantage, improve market share and plan for its future.

Q.5      What are the different types of process and benefits of reviewing and reporting?

Ans ;

In this section, you should make a brief summary of what the paper is about and what the main findings are.

Begin with any positive feedback you have – if you start off on a positive note, authors will be more likely to read your review. However, if you are recommending that the paper be rejected, just be careful not to overwhelm the author with negative feedback.

Try to put the findings of the paper into the context of the existing literature and current knowledge. What is the significance of the work? Is it novel, or does it confirm existing theories or
Give an indication of the main strengths of the work, its quality, and how complete it is. Outline any major flaws you come across and make a note of any special considerations. For example, have any previously held theories been overlooked?


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