AIOU Course Code 8611-1 Solved Assignment Autumn 2022

Course: Critical Thinking and Reflective Practices” (8611) 

 AIOU Course Code 8611-1 Solved Assignment Autumn 2022       

Level: B.Ed (2.5 Years)ECE                                          Semester: Autumn, 2022


Question No. 1

Read an article on current affairs and critically analyze that how social, political and economical  aspects of that topic been considered?                         


In today’s culture, it is nearly impossible to go an entire day without becoming aware of a fresh social, political, or economic problem. It’s not always easy to stay on top of everything that’s going on, but being current is essential if you want to be able to make judgments that are based on accurate information.


Question No. 2

In your point of view how does social exclusion/inclusion affect the education of a child?      



When we think about social exclusion, we often think of people who are homeless or living in poverty. But there is another form of social exclusion that can have a much greater impact on children: social isolation. Social isolation has been linked to a host of negative health outcomes, including increased rates of obesity, heart disease and stroke. In fact, social isolation is now considered to be one of the top global health threats. How does social exclusion/inclusion affect the education of a child? In short, it has a significant impact. Studies have shown that children who feel socially connected to their peers are more likely to achieve in school. 




Question No. 3

In your point of view what are purposes of cooperative learning? On which basis you will recommend/not recommend this teaching strategy?                       


Cooperatives are businesses that are owned and operated by their employees. Typically, these businesses are organized around a specific product or service, and they rely on cooperation among their members to provide that product or service. In your point of view, what are the purposes of cooperative learning? In my opinion, the primary purpose of cooperative learning is to enable students to develop critical thinking skills and teamwork skills. I believe that it’s essential for students to learn how to work together as a team in order to succeed in today’s business world. Therefore, I would not recommend this teaching strategy unless the purpose of the class is specifically focused on developing team skills.

What is cooperative learning

Cooperative learning is a teaching strategy that encourages students to work together in groups to achieve a common goal. There are many purposes of cooperative learning, but some of the most common reasons are:

Question No. 4

Describe in detail types of in-classroom debating techniques. For each type, develop a scenario.

It’s no secret that in-classroom debating can be an important part of any student’s education. What may not be as clear, though, is how to go about debating effectively. In this blog post, we will explore the different types of in-classroom debating techniques and how to apply them to specific scenarios. We hope you find this blog post helpful and that it helps you become a better debater in the classroom!

what is in-classroom debating techniques

In-classroom debating techniques can be broken down into three categories: logical arguments, emotional appeals, and personal examples.
Logical Arguments:
Argumentum ad hominem is a logical argument technique that relies on attacking the opponent’s character instead of their argument. This technique is often used to invalidate an opponent’s argument by pointing out flaws in their personal history or personality.,,




Question No. 5

Describe in detail the salient features of Peter’s Four Step Model of professional development.


As educators, we know that professional development is one of the most important tools we have for helping our students reach their potential. We want them to be well-rounded and able to successfully compete in an ever-changing world. But what does “professional development” actually look like? And how do we create it for our students? In this blog post, we will introduce you to Peter’s Four Step Model of professional development. This model provides a guide for educators as they plan and deliver PD programs. By following these steps, you can ensure that your students benefit from the most effective PD possible.


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