Course: Educational Psychology and Guidance (6501)
Semester: Spring, 2022
Assignment no 2
Q1 Compare Maslow’s theory of self-actualization with Murray’s theory of motivation. Which theory provides more realistic and comprehensive picture of motivation and how?
The Maslow motivation theory is one of the best known and most influential theories on workplace motivation. Here is one of our Manage in a Minute pages, with a short introduction to the basics of this well known theory.
Psychologist Abraham Maslow first developed his famous theory of individual development and motivation in the 1940’s. He suggested that human beings have a hierarchy of needs. That is, that all humans act in a way which will address basic needs, before moving on to satisfy other, so-called higher level needs.
Maslow represented this theory as a hierarchical triangle. This shows how basic needs must be met before one can “climb” the hierarchy, to address more complex needs. For example, first one must meet the basic, physiological need for food, water and warmth. After that the focus would be on the need to be safe, then the need to belong to social groups, and so on up the hierarchy.
Q.2 Explain some ways to measure individual differences among students, How as a teacher will you manage individual differences in your classroom!
Around the world, every public school system is faced with the challenge of educating large numbers of students efficiently while also meeting the needs of each student. The waves of international migration taking place today make this challenge particularly daunting: Schools, teachers, and school systems have to respond to an increasingly diverse student body and very different needs.
The fundamental question is this: How can we ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn and reach their full potential—regardless of their place of birth, family of origin, religion, gender or cognitive abilities?
One common response to this challenge has been to group students with similar achievement levels into courses, study programs, or schools – a practice known as tracking. The aim is to create more homogeneous groups of students, with the assumption that this will make it easier for teachers to tailor instruction to students’ needs.
Q.3 How as a teacher, can you detect maladjustment among students. What are some common defense mechanism students with maladjustment may exhibit in the classroom?
Everyday life can be incredibly challenging for a maladjusted child. Children who are maladjusted lack the social skills necessary to interact effectively with peers and engage in healthy, cooperative activities. While maladjustment is not something that can be rectified over night, with help, maladjusted children can operate as effective members of society. By assisting a maladjusted child in navigating the complex web of social relationships, you can help prepare the pupil for future interactions with others.An individual‘s adjustment
is adequate, wholesome or healthy to the extent that he hasestablished harmonious
relationship between himself and the conditions, situations and persons who comprise
his physical and social environment.
Q4 What are the factors that influence the organization of guidance programs in schools? As a head of school how would you evaluate school guidance program!
As an integral part of education, guidance plays an important role in the schooling system. Attending school is not our only target in the modern and complex world. Rather present school should take a lot of initiatives and responsibilities to build its students properly. For which they would be able to shoulder their carriers in the right direction utilizing their potentialities to the maximum extent in relation to their limitations.
Otherwise they would not make themselves fit to adjust and cooperate positively and perfectly in educational, occupational, personal as well as social life. It is keenly observed that without proper guidance services- no student has ever been able to maximize his talents and potentialities. So that organisation of guidance services in the school has become an urgent need for the present society.
Mainly guidance services given in the school include all sorts of school guidance activities and programmes which are meant for students in order to maximize their potentialities, achieve self realization, self direction and self development, choose suitable career plan, carry a satisfactory occupation, get job satisfaction, make better adjustment in the home, school and community.
Q.5 Differentiate between counselling and psychotherapy. What are the characteristics of a good counsellor?
Spelling differences in American and British English are widespread and well-documented.
From consonant doubling to -ise and ize suffixes, American writers and British writers are likely to spell many common words differently, even when these writers may be referring to the same thing.
Counseling and counselling are two spelling variants of the same word. Each language community prefers a different spelling. While this might be a confusing difference for international therapists, most of us only need to consider who our audience is before deciding which version to use. Continue reading to learn more about this word.
What is the Difference Between Counselling and Counseling?
In this post, I will compare counselling vs. counseling. I will use each of these words in example sentences, so you can see how they appear in context.
I will also show you how to use a mnemonic device to easily choose counseling or counselling.