AIOU Course Code 622-1 Solved Assignment Autumn 2022

Course: Elementary School Management (622)           Semester: Autumn, 2022 Level: M.Ed ETE

Assignment no 1 

Q.No.1 Explain close connection between home life and school life. What measures can be taken for securing cooperation?

As a parent, you are the major provider of your child’s education from birth through adolescence. You guide the development of her character and mental health and help form the foundation from which she’ll develop lifelong attitudes and interests. And because your home is the primary environment in which your child’s potential and personality will take shape, it’s important to make sure that you create a positive, open atmosphere that will not only support what goes on in the classroom, but will also instill the desire to learn.

It is through your love and encouragement that your kids will become motivated — first to please you, and then to please themselves. This leads to self-confidence, curiosity, the enjoyment of mastering new tasks, and other healthy attitudes, all of which contribute to successful learning.

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Q.No.2 Describe scope of school management. Explain islamic concept of management

This scope of school management is very vast. It includes everything regarding the efficient functioning of the educational institution, securing the greatest benefit to the greatest number through an adoption of practical measures. It interprets and clarifies the functions and the activities of an educational programme in fruitful relationships and harmonizes their mutual action. It ensures sound planning, good direction and efficient and systematic execution.

The scope of school management covers the following:

I. Intellectual development of the child.

II. Moral development of the child.

III. Social development of the child.

IV. Physical development of the child.

V. Aesthetic development of the child.

VI. National and emotional integration of the child.

VII. Vocational development of the child.


Q.No.3 What are objectives of resource management? Discuss learning resources for elementary school

At a glance, the objective of resource management seems like it’s all about planning and tracking resources used to complete a specific job. But in reality, resource management is about so much more. When used properly, resource management also has the ability to improve profitability, prevent over-scheduling or under-scheduling resources, better predict job costs, make more informed hiring decisions, and improve the scalability of your company.

But to understand the breadth of resource management, we have to understand its objectives.

6 Objectives of Resource Management

Looking at resource management as a business tool instead of as simply a project management tool can help improve Business Intelligence and systems that support and accelerate company growth.

Below are 6 of the best objectives of resource management to drive company value.

1. Improve the Profitability of Projects

The benefits of resource management come before a project ever starts by helping to improve the profitability of projects.

First, resource management helps estimate a project by building out a plan for the resources needed to complete the project. This helps the project manager properly identify costs. Resource management software eliminates guesswork in the estimating process by detailing exactly which resources will be needed and in what quantities to complete a project. It will also calculate the costs associated with those resources so the project coordinator can better predict profits.

The second way resource management can improve the estimating and profitability process is through comparing profitability scenarios based on different combinations of resources. This helps the project coordinator determine the best mix of resources to maximize the profitability of a project.

Q.No.4 What are the different approaches to analyze the process of management?

Management affecting people, technology, values, and human wants has attracted the attention of psychologists, anthropologists, sociologists, mathematicians, economists, politicians, scientists, physicists, biologists, business administration scholars, and even practicing managers.

May various schools of management thought, each employing certain beliefs, views, and disciplines, have come into existence.

Empirical Approach:

1.     It developed by the study and analysis of cases and comparative approaches.

2.     The application of practical techniques in comparable situations can attain through the study of success and failures.

3.     This approach intends to generalize a case study to establish theories as useful guides for the future course of action.


Q.No.5 How does educational planning benefit the school? Examine cost-effective strategies.

The developments taking place in and the increasing complexity of the educational system have made educational planning an absolute necessity.

The nation today faces problems such as population explosion, increasing aspirations among different sections of the society, man-power needs, mismatch between educational products and the demands of the economy, dwindling resources, ecological imbalances and haphazard applications of scientific developments.

These problems place demands on the system of education for solutions. In order that the system of education meets these problems, planning becomes imperative and the competence to plan becomes mandatory.

Educational planning is an absolute necessity because:

(1) It ensures success of the institution. It takes into consideration the important issues, conditions, constraints and factors in education. Its focus is on future objectives, vision and goals. It is proactive in nature in that it emphasizes perception and ability to apply theory and profit from it in advance of action.

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