AIOU Course Code 386 Solved Assignments Autumn 2022


AIOU Course Code 386 is a business course that focuses on the concepts of supply and demand, marketing, and financial management. In this blog post, we will provide you with the solution to some of the Autumn 2022 assignments. If you are looking for help with any of your coursework, be sure to check out our website! We offer affordable and reliable tutoring services to students all over the world.

Assignment 1 Download

For all of those students who are struggling to find the AIOU course code, here is a list of all the course codes for this semester.


Assignment 2 Download




Thank you for choosing our AIOU course code 386: Solved Assignments Autumn 2022. For those of you who are just joining us, this is a self-paced online course that covers the following topics: Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, and Psychology. In addition to completing the assignments in this course, you will also be expected to take quizzes and tests. We highly recommend that you use our study materials as they are very helpful in preparing for these assessments. If you have any questions about this course or need help with any of the material, please don’t hesitate to contact us at We hope that you have found this article useful and we wish you all the best of luck as you work through the material in this course!

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