AIOU Course Code 1423-1 Solved Assignment Spring 2022


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Q.1   Convert the following statements into appropriate questions.                     

  1. She is serving in education ministry these days.

Is she serving education ministry these days?

  1. Massive illiteracy is the greatest hurdle in the path of progress and prosperity.

Is massive illiteracy the greatest hurdle in the path of progress and prosperity?

  • The old lady talked to me very politely.

Did the old lady talked to me politely?

  1. She takes much interest in historical fiction.

Does she takes much interest in historical fiction?

  1. They are going to visit us really very soon.

Are they going to visit us very soon?

  1. We will fight against ignorance till our last breath.

Will we fight against ignorance till our last breath?
  • He will appear in CSS exam this year.

Will he appear in CSS exam this year?

  • Faiz Ahmad Faiz is one of the most prominent figures of Urdu poetry.

Is Faiz Ahmed Faiz is one of the most prominent figures of Urdu poetry?

  1. She is crying because she has lost her favorite toy.

Is she crying because she lost her favorite toy?

Q.2      Observe your mother’s daily activities closely for a few days and then write a brief and concise paragraph about her daily routine. The paragraph must be both cohesive and coherent.

My mother is a business entrepreneur. She has a very busy schedule despite which she takes good care of the whole family and also manages the house.

She wakes up at 5 o’clock in the morning, cleans the whole house, and makes food. After doing all the housework she takes a bath and does her prayers and meditation, as she is a very spiritual person.

At around 7 o’clock my mother wakes me and my brother up and then makes us get ready for school and serves all of us breakfast. After sending us to school she gets ready and goes to her office.

In the evening, after coming home she rests for a while and then starts preparing for dinner and simultaneously makes us do our homework.After finishing with homework and having dinner my mother makes us read a book for a while and then makes us sleep after which she does her work, watches TV, and goes to sleep

Q.3   Write question tags for the following sentences. Notice carefully whether the statement is positive or negative in each case.                                             

  1. They are working very hard, would they score better marks in finals ?
  2. They do not take interest in their studies, should I ask their teachers ?
  • She was fond of classical music, why she doesn’t take interest in it now ?
  1. They may attend a training session next week, would you join them ?
  2. I hate hypocrites, why they act against their beliefs……………………… ?
  3. I shall try my level best to resolve the issue, don’t you trust me……. ?
  • You were not happy with your working environment, what were the consequences?
  • They were planning to be successful, are they even acting upon those plans ?
  1. He is not good at pencil sketching, should we get him canvas for color painting ?
  2. She could not handle any situation skillfully, should we give her some time to manage?

Q.4   Write an informal letter to one of your friends and express your apologies for not being able to attend his/her wedding ceremony by giving some suitable justification.

Dear Ayesha,

I hope you are doing well. I received your marriage invitation yesterday and I’m so excited and happy for you.

After waiting for so long, finally, you have found your perfect match. I feel ecstatic after hearing this amazing news. You have been planning for your wedding since our college days. I still remember how you always blushed even at the thought of getting married.

At first, I was confused to decide what could be the best present for your special day. So, after thinking a lot I decided to gift you a wedding dress. Yes, It is the same dress that you always wanted to purchase but couldn’t, because there was no particular reason to buy it.

As you know, I have relocated to New York because of my new job, I am afraid I would not be able to attend your wedding. I hope you would understand the criticality of my situation. However, I promise to come and visit you after you will return from your honeymoon.

I wish you all the luck and happiness for your future.


Q.5   The following instances contain some highlighted words, guess the meaning of these words and use them into sentences of your own.                                                   

  1. He may know how to layup a basketball, but my jump shot is extraordinary.

Her remarkable victory in international tennis championship shows her hard work.

  1. Even though peace between the two formerly warring nations had been established for years now, the solider still woke cold from dreams of battle.

A warrior fights till his/her last breath for country honor and safety.

  • I want to just set the table and be done with it, but my mother scrupulously arranged each napkin, dish and utensil until they were in perfect alignment.

Tables are arranged in a perfect manner for the marriage ceremony in Famous hotel.

  1. Her parents really wanted her to attend the local university, but Eman argued her case so emphatically and with such great passion, that her parents gave Eman their consent.

He argued forcefully that stricter laws were necessary to deal with the problem

  1. The clues in the sentence were so helpful; I was able to ascertain the meaning of the word beyond a shadow of a doubt.

The contour lines showing the heights above sea-level are the directions along which species spread to form zones

Q.6   Express your agreement as well as disagreement with the following issues. Choose a different expression each time.                                                                      

  1. Pakistan will be politically stable the next year.

I disagree due to the current political situation of Pakistan.

  1. The greatest obstacle to economic stability is massive corruption.

I agree because corruption is the main reason for economic destruction in Pakistan.

  • Coeducation system should be introduced at the post graduate level.

I agree because coeducation in graduate level leads to inappropriate relations in young generations.

  1. Girls should be allowed to choose their profession.

I agree because girls have right to choose their field of interest.

  1. Parents should select marriage partner for their children.

I agree, parents have right to choose marriage partner for children but final decision is on children.

Q.7   Look at the front cover given below and make ten predictions about the contents of the book.                                                                                                   

  • It is a maritime operations guidance book.
  • Intended for a specialized audience such as the captains or operators of small private boats, such as yachtsand trawlers.
  • The book gives advice on appropriate avoidance actions when confronted by the near presence of a large ship.
  • It would have removed all the myths regarding huge ships.
  • It would have given advices for the sailors to avoid big mistakes.
  • It would allow people to go through all the ways and techniques pilots use to sail successfully.
  • This book would grow knowledge of common people regarding shipping.
  • It would give precise information regarding mapping and direction seeking techniques.
  • It would make people knew about main skills needed in sailing.
  • As being a novel it would also contain thrilling story to indulge readers.

Q.8   Suppose your younger brother has joined medical profession recently. Write him a letter and suggest him ways to serve the ailing humanity in the true sense of the term.

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C
May 11, 2016.

My dear brother,

I am safe and sound and hope you will also be enjoying a healthy life with the blessings and grace of Allah Almighty. I am informed that you have continued your study as a medical professional. I was very astonished and happy by listening. By the grace of Allah you are healthy and fit for this hard job. For becoming a great professional in this degree you have to give your 100% to this field. This field requires lots of hard work. By becoming a doctor you would be able to serve humanity. There would lots of responsibilities of patients on you.

Medicine is an emerging field in near future, I expect that you would also be considering your interest in your specialization degree. Make yourself a dependable and successful doctor. We are proud of you.

Best wishes,

Your loving brother,


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