AIOU Course Code 1423-1 Solved Assignment Autumn 2022


Q.1   Suppose one of your cousins has recently qualified CSS exam and you are interested to follow him/her in your educational career but you have no idea about the entry requirements and procedural aspects of CSS. Written questions which you will ask your cousin to obtain maximum information about the entire course of action from applying to qualifying the exam.                                                        

1.What are the age specifications for CSS qualification?

2.What is the type of questions I’ll be asked in tests?

3.What topics I need to cover?

4.What are the advices you will give to pass interview?

5.What are the checking criteria?

6.What are the posts I can stood up for?

7.What are the moral values I should be taking of?

8.What are your selected books or notes for good preparation?

Q.2   Write down a brief and concise paragraph based on the personality description of your favorite member in your family. You may include the details about his/her appearance, personality traits and habits, etc.     

I like to look at his Elder brother as a genuine. He is a hard worker; he believes nothing is ever handed to you so you have to go get it. he worked hard to get to this point of his life and working even harder to get to the successful and graduate part of his life. he cares more for some others than he does of himself but he has a huge nonchalant attitude. He doesn’t really show anger or sadness much he always smiles because he is optimistic about life. He looks at life as if something bad comes along, no need to dwell on it you can’t take it back so just move-on and improve what you did wrong if it’s possible. He was taught to be caring and thoughtful; he wasn’t taught anything else from anyone other than not to trust people. He is the odd ball of our family because he is nothing like anyone. He can say he was also taught to believe in himself and never down himself because he can accomplish anything. That is shown through his determination and hard work because if he didn’t believe in himself, he wouldn’t try as hard. Last but not all, Humanistic approach sums up his personality a little more than psychodynamic does because it involves nature vs. nurture and that kind of sums it up just saying that. Environment and Heredity is kind of the main reasons of his attitudes and actions. In the article, Time-Limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Briggs conducts different forms of psychotherapy techniques to prove whether things in an adolescent’s life effect different adolescents differently. His study was a success and proved that many adolescents have different interpretations on the same issue. He read them off different problems and wanted to see how they would interpret them. He used children in the age groups of 12-17 and it worked out. he thinks that the different approaches can be brought together in some circumstances but in his case it doesn’t. His personality makes more sense coming from the humanistic approach.


Q.3   Write question tags fort the following sentences. Notice carefully whether the statement is positive or negative in each case.                                                                                               

         i.       They were very keen to learn Arabic, therefore they are fluent in it now?

         ii.      She takes interest in her studies, rather than playing like other childrens of her age?

         iii.     They were deprived of their share, because of their greedy family members?

         iv.     She would visit Lahore the next week, there all lots of work to do in office?

         v.      The situation deteriorates day by day, major decisions are needed to take by army?

         vi.     I could not respond to you earlier, as my cell phone battery was dead?

         vii.    We must respect our elders, because their life experiences are helpful for us?

         viii.   They were not aware of the exact situation, therefore they mistook him as criminal?

         ix.     He will help me in the hour of need, we’ve been good friends since childhood?

         x.      She acted upon his advice, because she believes him her true companion?

Q.4   Write an informal letter to your younger brother and advise him to refrain from smoking by highlighting its hazardous effects on health.

Dear Jameel,

I am writing this to you in order to help persuade you to quit smoking. You’ve said in the past that smoking is not harming you, but just because you do not see the effects of it right now, does not mean it won’t hurt you in the near future. Not only is it harming you, it’s also harming your friends and family. It does way more harm than you can imagine, and I plan to tell you how it does. Smoking is harming you. All that smoke is going into your lungs and damaging them. Not only does it damage your lungs, it goes into your bloodstream and spreads all throughout your body, hurting almost every organ in your body. Your lungs, heart, brains, sexual organs, and more are all damaged through smoking. Your lungs have an increased chance in getting lung cancer, your heart has an increased chance in getting a heart attack, your brain has an increased chance in getting a stroke, and you have an increased chance of having a terrible sexual life. You also have a chance of ruining your voice, your skin.
When you smoke, it leaves a terrible smell on you. Anybody can smell it from far away. It’s hard to associate with someone that smells awful. That will cause your friends to be pushed away, and that feeling of your friends leaving you is an awful feeling. It could also affect your friend’s health, because anybody that accepts the smoking and hangs around you while you are smoking will no doubt get affected by second hand smoking. That is extremely harmful as it is no different from smoking normally. That means not only do you affect yourself in a negative way, you affect the people around you too. That’s extremely dangerous in every aspect, whether it be social or health wise. This goes for your family too, especially at family outings or events, every time you decide to take a break and smoke, you’re harming the relationship between your family and the health of them. Therefore, it’s my sincere advice to leave smoking for your best.

Your loving sister,

X, Y, Z


Q.5   The following instances contain some highlighted words. guess the meaning of these words and use them into sentences of your own.                                                                                     

i.Unlike his sister Areej, who had a very calm and mellow disposition, Hamza jumped on sofas and ran through the house like an animal.

The rides are unsuitable for people of a nervous disposition.

ii.                Due to the scarcity of food in her territory, the mother lioness had to roam far from safe ground to find a meal for her child.

Give him your scarcity and he will turn it into opportunity.

iii.              When Ali saw his report card, he was excited because he had all As and an A- in Biology; but when his fastidious mother saw his report card, she shook her head in disappointment.

He was fastidious about his appearance.

iv.              Riyan may have been excited about becoming an artist, but his mother was waiting to see if he would see the endeavor through before buying him the expensive paint kit.

I will endeavor to speak a good word for the truth.

v.                The young child was so engrossed by the flashing lights on the toy train that when his mother asked him if he wanted a piece of chocolate cake, he did not even respond.

She was so engrossed by/in the book that she forgot the cookies in the oven.

Q.6   Express your agreement as well as disagreement with the following issues. Choose a different expression each time.

i.              Pakistan is making progress by leaps and bounds.

I disagree with this statement. The present condition of Pakistan is taking country to downfall.

ii.            Justice delayed is justice denied.

Agreed. Justice is the most important term in country prosperity when it is delayed the country faces criminality.

iii.          Co-curricular should be initiated at the grass root level.

Agreed. It would be better is physical and psychological betterment.

iv.          Trader deficit is a leading cause of massive foreign borrowings.

Agreed. Trading deficiency makes county borrow things for other countries that makes country way weaker.

v.            Government should provide free of cast education till matriculation level.

Agreed. Quality and free of cost education is building block of great nations.

Q.7   Look at the front cover given below and make ten predictions about the contents of the book.             

1.    Law racial segregation and discrimination

2.    United States Citizens societal views

3.    African Americans

4.    Racism in America

5.    Historical account

6.    Governmental influence

7.    Class lines

8.    1865 independence

9.    Injustice

10.  Human right violations

Q.8   Suppose one of your friends has joined police service after qualifying CSS examination. Suggest him/her some suitable ways to improve law and order situation in the country.              

1.Be country’s loyal

2.Stay focused in deciding good and bad terms

3.Use power in fighting for people who are needed of it

4.Say no to bribe

5.Implement justice in your area                                                                          



Q.1   Suppose one of your cousins has recently qualified CSS exam and you are interested to follow him/her in your educational career but you have no idea about the entry requirements and procedural aspects of CSS. Written questions which you will ask your cousin to obtain maximum information about the entire course of action from applying to qualifying the exam.                                                        

1.What are the age specifications for CSS qualification?

2.What is the type of questions I’ll be asked in tests?

3.What topics I need to cover?

4.What are the advices you will give to pass interview?

5.What are the checking criteria?

6.What are the posts I can stood up for?

7.What are the moral values I should be taking of?

8.What are your selected books or notes for good preparation?

Q.2   Write down a brief and concise paragraph based on the personality description of your favorite member in your family. You may include the details about his/her appearance, personality traits and habits, etc.     

I like to look at his Elder brother as a genuine. He is a hard worker; he believes nothing is ever handed to you so you have to go get it. he worked hard to get to this point of his life and working even harder to get to the successful and graduate part of his life. he cares more for some others than he does of himself but he has a huge nonchalant attitude. He doesn’t really show anger or sadness much he always smiles because he is optimistic about life. He looks at life as if something bad comes along, no need to dwell on it you can’t take it back so just move-on and improve what you did wrong if it’s possible. He was taught to be caring and thoughtful; he wasn’t taught anything else from anyone other than not to trust people. He is the odd ball of our family because he is nothing like anyone. He can say he was also taught to believe in himself and never down himself because he can accomplish anything. That is shown through his determination and hard work because if he didn’t believe in himself, he wouldn’t try as hard. Last but not all, Humanistic approach sums up his personality a little more than psychodynamic does because it involves nature vs. nurture and that kind of sums it up just saying that. Environment and Heredity is kind of the main reasons of his attitudes and actions. In the article, Time-Limited Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Briggs conducts different forms of psychotherapy techniques to prove whether things in an adolescent’s life effect different adolescents differently. His study was a success and proved that many adolescents have different interpretations on the same issue. He read them off different problems and wanted to see how they would interpret them. He used children in the age groups of 12-17 and it worked out. he thinks that the different approaches can be brought together in some circumstances but in his case it doesn’t. His personality makes more sense coming from the humanistic approach.


Q.3   Write question tags fort the following sentences. Notice carefully whether the statement is positive or negative in each case.                                                                                               

         i.       They were very keen to learn Arabic, therefore they are fluent in it now?

         ii.      She takes interest in her studies, rather than playing like other childrens of her age?

         iii.     They were deprived of their share, because of their greedy family members?

         iv.     She would visit Lahore the next week, there all lots of work to do in office?

         v.      The situation deteriorates day by day, major decisions are needed to take by army?

         vi.     I could not respond to you earlier, as my cell phone battery was dead?

         vii.    We must respect our elders, because their life experiences are helpful for us?

         viii.   They were not aware of the exact situation, therefore they mistook him as criminal?

         ix.     He will help me in the hour of need, we’ve been good friends since childhood?

         x.      She acted upon his advice, because she believes him her true companion?

Q.4   Write an informal letter to your younger brother and advise him to refrain from smoking by highlighting its hazardous effects on health.

Dear Jameel,

I am writing this to you in order to help persuade you to quit smoking. You’ve said in the past that smoking is not harming you, but just because you do not see the effects of it right now, does not mean it won’t hurt you in the near future. Not only is it harming you, it’s also harming your friends and family. It does way more harm than you can imagine, and I plan to tell you how it does. Smoking is harming you. All that smoke is going into your lungs and damaging them. Not only does it damage your lungs, it goes into your bloodstream and spreads all throughout your body, hurting almost every organ in your body. Your lungs, heart, brains, sexual organs, and more are all damaged through smoking. Your lungs have an increased chance in getting lung cancer, your heart has an increased chance in getting a heart attack, your brain has an increased chance in getting a stroke, and you have an increased chance of having a terrible sexual life. You also have a chance of ruining your voice, your skin.
When you smoke, it leaves a terrible smell on you. Anybody can smell it from far away. It’s hard to associate with someone that smells awful. That will cause your friends to be pushed away, and that feeling of your friends leaving you is an awful feeling. It could also affect your friend’s health, because anybody that accepts the smoking and hangs around you while you are smoking will no doubt get affected by second hand smoking. That is extremely harmful as it is no different from smoking normally. That means not only do you affect yourself in a negative way, you affect the people around you too. That’s extremely dangerous in every aspect, whether it be social or health wise. This goes for your family too, especially at family outings or events, every time you decide to take a break and smoke, you’re harming the relationship between your family and the health of them. Therefore, it’s my sincere advice to leave smoking for your best.

Your loving sister,

X, Y, Z


Q.5   The following instances contain some highlighted words. guess the meaning of these words and use them into sentences of your own.                                                                                     

i.Unlike his sister Areej, who had a very calm and mellow disposition, Hamza jumped on sofas and ran through the house like an animal.

The rides are unsuitable for people of a nervous disposition.

ii.                Due to the scarcity of food in her territory, the mother lioness had to roam far from safe ground to find a meal for her child.

Give him your scarcity and he will turn it into opportunity.

iii.              When Ali saw his report card, he was excited because he had all As and an A- in Biology; but when his fastidious mother saw his report card, she shook her head in disappointment.

He was fastidious about his appearance.

iv.              Riyan may have been excited about becoming an artist, but his mother was waiting to see if he would see the endeavor through before buying him the expensive paint kit.

I will endeavor to speak a good word for the truth.

v.                The young child was so engrossed by the flashing lights on the toy train that when his mother asked him if he wanted a piece of chocolate cake, he did not even respond.

She was so engrossed by/in the book that she forgot the cookies in the oven.

Q.6   Express your agreement as well as disagreement with the following issues. Choose a different expression each time.

i.              Pakistan is making progress by leaps and bounds.

I disagree with this statement. The present condition of Pakistan is taking country to downfall.

ii.            Justice delayed is justice denied.

Agreed. Justice is the most important term in country prosperity when it is delayed the country faces criminality.

iii.          Co-curricular should be initiated at the grass root level.

Agreed. It would be better is physical and psychological betterment.

iv.          Trader deficit is a leading cause of massive foreign borrowings.

Agreed. Trading deficiency makes county borrow things for other countries that makes country way weaker.

v.            Government should provide free of cast education till matriculation level.

Agreed. Quality and free of cost education is building block of great nations.

Q.7   Look at the front cover given below and make ten predictions about the contents of the book.             

1.    Law racial segregation and discrimination

2.    United States Citizens societal views

3.    African Americans

4.    Racism in America

5.    Historical account

6.    Governmental influence

7.    Class lines

8.    1865 independence

9.    Injustice

10.  Human right violations

Q.8   Suppose one of your friends has joined police service after qualifying CSS examination. Suggest him/her some suitable ways to improve law and order situation in the country.              

1.Be country’s loyal

2.Stay focused in deciding good and bad terms

3.Use power in fighting for people who are needed of it

4.Say no to bribe

5.Implement justice in your area                  




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