AIOU Classroom Management 6403-1 Solved Assignment Autumn 2022

Course: Classroom Management (6403)                                                              Semester: Autumn, 2022                                                  Level: ADE/B. Ed

Assignment No. 1

Q.1 Briefly describe the components of classroom management?

For beginning teachers, or for teachers like myself returning to teaching, the most difficult thing to master is classroom management. I had to relearn what ten years of hard instruction had taught me: Good classroom management is more than just being strict or authoritarian, and it is more than simply being organized. If I want to have my classroom run smoothly as a well-oiled learning machine, I have to set up a structured learning environment in which certain behaviors are promoted and others are discouraged. 

I have discovered that there are five components of effective classroom management that establish structures strong enough to entice and motivate student learning:

1.     Developing effective working relationships with students

2.     Training students on how learning takes place in your classroom

3.     Protecting and leveraging time

4.     Anticipating student behaviors in well-written lesson plans

5.     Establishing standards of behavior that promote student learning


Q.2 Explain the meaning of attention deficit ayperactive disorder. Also suggest teaching strategies for teaching the ADHD students.

ADHD is one of the most common neurodevelopmental disorders of childhood. It is usually first diagnosed in childhood and often lasts into adulthood. Children with ADHD may have trouble paying attention, controlling impulsive behaviors (may act without thinking about what the result will be), or be overly active.

Signs and Symptoms

It is normal for children to have trouble focusing and behaving at one time or another. However, children with ADHD do not just grow out of these behaviors. The symptoms continue, can be severe, and can cause difficulty at school, at home, or with friends.

A child with ADHD might:

  • daydream a lot
  • forget or lose things a lot
  • squirm or fidget
  • talk too much
  • make careless mistakes or take unnecessary risks
  • have a hard time resisting temptation
  • have trouble taking turns
  • have difficulty getting along with others

Q.3 Discuss the benefits of effective learning environment with examples.

Have you tried different things to make your students study better but have had little success? The reason is not always you, the subject, or the teaching process; sometimes, it is something as unexpected as the space kids are learning in. Teachers must consider changing their habits and approaches since kids need a positive learning environment.

A positive learning environment is more than elements in a classroom; it refers to a place where children are encouraged to learn from the teachers and each other. To study adequately, a child must be able to share ideas with peers in the class without the fear of intimidation.

Kids must know that they can question every answer they get from solving a problem and learn by seeing things from the perspective of other students. In a positive learning environment, the teaching process is participatory in that teachers carry the students along instead of making them listen, accept, and regurgitate what they have learned.


Q.4 How can a teacher organize his routines? Give suggestions

For many years, my organizational system was essentially nonexistent. It consisted of piles of papers covering my desk and colorful Post-it Notes stuck to every available surface.

I often felt overwhelmed and stressed out—like I was never able to catch up. Learning how to organize my classroom helped me regain precious time, valuable energy, and a sense of control. If your classroom needs an overhaul, these tips can help you learn how to organize your classroom and simplify your life.

1. Utilize Checklists

Checklists were my first step toward organizing my classroom. Checklists reduce anxiety, create structure, and offer a sense of accomplishment—all of which I desperately needed.

Effective checklists should contain no more than seven items and be prioritized to help you choose what you ought to be doing. Scheduling time to address items on your checklist is critical to ensuring things get done. Additionally, adding easy-to-complete items to your checklist allows you to cross off items, which is both rewarding and motivating.

While I still handwrite my daily to-do lists, there are many apps available that can help teachers create personal to-do lists.

Q.5 Elaborate the problems face by the less experienced teachers while putting theory into practice.

Many schools and preschools have a shortfall of qualified teachers, and this will continue for the foreseeable future. Therefore, it is important to retain the students in teacher education programs. In Sweden, the Swedish Higher Education Authority (2016) has urged the universities, in light of the statistical analysis of students’ early termination, to enact measures to support retention. For these efforts to be successful, it is crucial that teacher educators work toward including and engaging learning processes interpreted 295 students’ perceptions of their teacher education. Their findings showed an association between teacher education, a positive development in skills and performance, and interaction which is important to reduce and manage.

In Sweden, teacher education has been scrutinized since the latest efforts to strengthen the teaching profession through reforms in 2001 and in 2011. These reforms aimed to improve the status of the profession through a stronger emphasis on the teacher student’s subject skills and age group specialization. In relation to this approach to teacher education, the study referred to in this article will show how new teacher students experience and react to their first experiences of their programs in terms of what challenges they need to master. A deeper understanding of such perceived challenges might bring forward ways to improve retention as well as facilitate students’ enculturation into academic studies and their future profession.


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