AIOU 207-1&2 Assignment Autumn 2021

AIOU 207 Compulsory English – I(1&2) Autumn 2021 assignment

There are two assignments of this code. the download link is given below

اس کوڈ کی دو اسائنمنٹس ہیں۔ ڈاؤن لوڈ کا لنک نیچے دیا گیا ہے


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Title Name AIOU Solved Assignment Code 207-1
University AIOU
Service Type Solved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF)
Course Matric
Language ENGLISH
Semester 2021

Course: Compulsory English-I (207)
Semester: Autumn, 2021

Q.1:     Read Unit 1, exercise 7 and write down the questions of the answers given by Gul Bibi on page 28.


Ans:  Aksing Questions to Gul Bibi:


1- Questions: Where are you from?
Gul Bibi: I am from Saidu Sharif.
2- Question: Who are you?
Gul Bibi: I am a Pathan.
3- Question: Which language do you speak?
Gul Bibi: I speak Pushto.
4- Question: What do you do?
Gul Bibi: I am a housewife.
5- Question: What does your husband do?
Gul Bibi: My husband is a farmer.
6- Question: Who are these children?
Gul Bibi: These are my grandchildren.


Q.2:     Read Unit 2. You want to get a car on rent for your trip to Gilgit. Write a dialogue between yourself and the car dealer keeping in mind the following information:


Ans:  Dialogue


Me: Asslam-o-Alaikum.
Car Dealer: Wa-alaikum Salam Sir. How can I help you?
Me: I want to get a car on rent for a trip of Gilgit.
Car Dealer: What kind car would you like?
Me: I would like Toyota Corolla GLi, Model 2018.
Car Dealer: Can you do with Model 2019?
Me: Yes, it is even better. What about the rent?
Car Dealer: Our rent is quite reasonable, it’s without drives Rs 5000/- per day and Rs 10000/- per day
with driver.
Me: It’s too much Khan Sahib. I want to get a car without driver.
Car Dealer: For specially it would be Rs 4000/- day.
Me: It;s okay, Thank you.



Q.3: Read Unit 2. Write the following words in the sentences given below. as, because, although, since, therefore


i- Ali and Saba like their new house because it is in a beautiful place. ii- He did not put on any jacket although it was very cold.


iii- He picked the garbage up as he passed the dirty street. iv- He was up since the crack of dawn.


v-         He had to reach in time therefore he rushed as soon as he had his breakfast.


Q.4:     Read Unit 2. Write a short paragraph giving information about the things you bought from the market to decorate your room. Provide details about buying clothes, furniture, wall hangings, decoration and also about the setting and dimension of your room etc.


Ans:  Decorating My Room


Last week I planned to decorate my study room. I went t bazar to buy the necessary items. There I bought wall paper, a wall clock and a beautiful table lamp. I also bought some indoor plants, some vases and a side table. I bought some wall hangings too. I thought it was enough within my budget. Then I set to decorate my study room. My younger brother Nomi and my sister gave me good helping hand. The room was soon well decorated and now it gives a charming and eye catching look.


Q.5:     Read Unit 3. Suppose you see an advertisement of job for a teacher in a newspaper. The administration of the office requires the following information.


Ans:  Giving Information


1-         Full name: Hashir Abdullah S/O Muhammad Abdullah.


2- Permanent home address: H No. E-96/7 Fatehabad Colony Lahore Cantt. 3- Present address: Same


4-         Education: B.A, B.ed


5-         Experience: 3 years as a English Teacher


6-         Awards/certificates: Two awards for good teaching skill


7-         Any other language spoken: Urdu, English, Punjabi




My name is Hashir Abdullah S/o Muhammad Abdullah. I saw your advertisement in a newspaper that your institution want to hire an English teacher. I would like to apply for this job at your institution. I am B.ed graduate from Punjab University. I have experience as an English teacher for three years at a private institution. I have been rewarded with two certificates for good teaching skills. I am also fluent in Urdu, Punjabi and English.


Q.6:     Use the present continuous tense or ing form of the verb to write 5 sentences using the following verbs:


Ans:  Present Continuous Tense


Jump The bunny is jumping in the garden.
Jog Nasir is joging with his friends.
Walk She is walking along with her dog.
Stroll Ali is strolling in the street.
Limp The injured cat is limping in the courtyard.



Q.7:     Read Unit 3, Bilal wants to apply for the post of an internee at Silk Bank. Write a paragraph using the following words to tell him the procedure.

Ans:  Bank Internship


Firstly Bilal you should search for internship job online. Secondly prepare your resume and a cover letter. Next review your application and submit it via e-mail. After the prepare for you interview by mock practice with a friend or family member. Finally, with the grace of Allah if you are selected, extend thanks to the manager and set to your work.


Q.8:     Read the following story and answers the questions. Consult your dictionary for difficult words.


The Closet Creature


“Bump! Bump! Scratch! Adam opened his eyes and pulled the covers up to his chin. He stared around his room, searching the darkness for the thing that was making those scary sounds. The closet door moved as something banged on it from the inside. “Who’s there?” Adam asked in a shaky voice. The closet slowly began to open. Adam jumped out of bed and ran to the closet door, slamming it shut with his palms. He grabbed his desk chair and propped it against the door handle. He then ran to his brother. “Adam?” “What are you doing in here?” Adam tugged on David’s arm. “There’s something in my closet!” “You probably had a bad dream. Go back to bed.” “It wasn’t a dream. I was awake, and the closet door started opening by itself!” David sighed. “Fine. David reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a flashlight. Then they headed to Adam’s room. Adam stopped in the doorway. He could hear something scratching his closet door. “Do you hear that?” Adam asked. David nodded. He walked over to Adam’s bed and pulled the case off one of the pillows. He opened the pillowcase. “You open the door very slowly, and I’ll grab whatever it is.” Adam slid the chair to the side and pulled the closet door open a crack. Something banged against the door, trying to force it open. Adam took a deep breath and opened the door a few more inches. A small furry creature ran right into the pillowcase. “I got it!” David said, closing the pillowcase and holding it in the air. “What is it?” Adam moved closer as David peeked inside. David put the pillowcase on the bed and an orange cat climbed out. “Apricot? How did you get trapped in my closet?” David laughed.




1-         What happened right after David went into Adam’s room?


  • Adam jumped into David’s bed.


  • David grabbed a flashlight from his desk drawer.


  • Adam awoke to strange sounds coming from his bedroom closet.


  • David heard the noise coming from Adam’s closet.


2-         What did David plan to do with the pillowcase?


  • keep the creature from coming out of the closet.


  • scare the creature in the closet


  • catch the creature in the closet


  • hit the creature in the closet


3-         What was making the strange sounds in Adam’s closet?


The boy’s cat, Apricat was trapped in the closet.



4-         Write three adjectives that describe David. Tell why you chose each word.


Brave because he was willing to catch the creature in the closet. Annoyed because he did not like his brother waking him up. Tired because he spoke in a tiresome tone.

5-         What type of story is this?


(a) tall tale (b) non-fiction
(c) mystery (d) fable


Course: Compulsory English-I (207)
Semester: Autumn, 2021

Q.1:     Read Unit 4. How will you respond to questions asked by your friends about your likes and dislikes regarding the following?


Ans:  My likes and Dislikes


1- Colours: I like brown colours. I do not like grey colour.


2- Personalities: I admire those personalities who are lively, friendly and helpful. I hate those people who are rude, dishonest or unfriendly.


3-         Writers: I like Amjad Islam Amjad.


I do not like those writers whose writings are not realistic.


4- Past Time Activities: I am interested in playing Table Tennis, Squash and Cricket. I dislike golf and chess.


5- Films: I enjoy watching old films since they are based on real life stories. I am not interested in Indian films.


6- Singers: These days pop singers are very popular among the young generation. I too like pop music. I do not listen to classical singers.


7- Dresses: I prefer to wear traditional dresses. Western dresses do not appeal me.


8- Books: I like story books. I do not like poetry books.


9- Occupations: I like teaching. I do not like engineering.


10- Foods: I like desi food. I do not like fast food.

Q.2:     Read the ‘Description of my kitchen’ on page 95. Now write a paragraph of at least 100 words describing your favourite room in your home and also write reasons for liking it.


Ans:  My Favourite Room


All of us have our own rooms and I believe that is where we get to be the wildest ever possible. Every possible nuisance is possible in our room and we make it either messy or untidy or even tidy, when we feel like. In my home, even I have been given a room.


My room is painted in pink colour. I have a small cot for me in one corner of the room, which has pink sheets and pink colour pillows. The drapes are white, which brings in more light to the room. I have a study table, along with a bookshelf attached adjacent to my bed. The study table is wide enough for me to keep my books spread while



studying. The bookshelf is well organized and I keep my book well arranged on this bookshelf. On the other side, I have my cupboard, which is brown in colour and in there is where I keep my dress and accessories.


The cupboard has a mirror in the front, which enables me to look at myself after getting dressed. The bottom of the cupboard has a rack, where I could keep my slippers and shoes. Beneath the bed, there are drawers attached, which makes it easy to store my toys. This helps my room from being untidy and I need not pick them always, instead could just throw them into it, after playing. I have a cute teddy to accompany me while I sleep at night, which would always be on my bed.


My room also has lovely and cute posters that I collect and stick on the walls. Though my parents don’t like it much, I love them a lot. A good family photo also has been framed and kept. I have a small music system and I play music all the time, as I love music. When you enter my room, it would be always tidy and neat and would have a soft music playing around. I love my room very much and make it as cozier as I could. My little world, with my surprises, experiments, discoveries, secrets all together is in this room. Welcome to my little world.


Q.3:     Complete the given dialogues. You are trying to convince your friend. How would you do that?


  1. Friend: I don’t like to travel by bus, it is very tiring. You: I don’t think it is tiring it is comfortable and safe.


ii- Friend: I hate watching science fiction movies, they are so boring.
You: I don’t think so science fiction movies are interesting and give new ideas.
iii- Friend: I detest staying in this hostel. It is too noisy.
You: I don’t think so it is not much noisy. It is near our school.
iv- Friend: I am not interested in combined studies. It is a waste of time.
You: I don’t think it is waste of time. We can we can clear our concepts easily.
v- Friend: I don’t want to go for hiking on Sunday. I want to sleep.
You: I don’t think that sleeping on week end is good. Hiking is very good for our health.
Q.4: Give the following information about your home town.
i- Culture of your home town. ii- Historical traditions of your home town.
iii- Special cuisine of your home town. iv- Famous buildings of your home town.
v- Famous market of your home town


Ans:  My Home Town


I was born in Lahore, the city of gardens and historical sights. Lahore is popularly known as the “Mughal showcase” as it has some beautiful Mughal buildings such as, the Royal Fort, Badshahi Mosque, Shalimar Garden and tombs of emperor Jahangir and empress Noorjehan. Lahore is also one of the country’s important art, cultural and literary centre. It has country’s most well know educational insititutions such as the Government College, Kinnaird College, F.C College, Lahore College for Women and National College of Arts, Lahore is also famous for its shopping centres such as icchra, Anarkali and Liberty and has many interesting eating places.


Q.5:     Write the comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives. You may like to consult a dictionary or ask your tutor.

Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree
Awesome More Awesome Most Awesome
Wise Wiser Wisest



Huge Huger Hugest
Expensive More Expensive Most Expensive
Cold Colder Coldest
Vibrant More Vibrant Most Vibrant
Simple Simpler Simplest
Crowded More Crowded Most Crowded
Excellent More Excellent Most Excellent
Clear Clearer Clearest


Q.6:     Here are a few people who are very close to you. How will you invite them? Write appropriate informal invitation for the following sentences.


Ans:  Invitations


a-         Invite your brother to accompany you to watch a theatre performance.


Asad, come and accompany me to watch a theatre this evening. b- Invite your grandmother to come and sit outside in the sun.


Dear grandmother, let us go and sit outside in the sun.


c-         Invite your aunt and uncle at your wedding anniversary


Uncle, we would be delighted if you join my wedding anniversary. d- Invite a group of friends to speak a few hours in park


Dear friends, let us go and spend a few hours in park. e- Invite your niece and nephew for an ice cream


Nomi and Marya, come on for ice cream.


Q.7:     The following paragraph contains different parts of speech. Can you differentiate between nouns, pronouns, verbs, adverbs and prepositions? Write these in their respective columns

Blue whales are the largest animals ever known to have lived on Earth. These magnificent marine mammals rule the oceans at up to 100 feet long and upwards of 200 tons. Their tongues alone can weigh as much as an elephant. Their hearts, as much as an automobile. Blue whales reach these mind-boggling dimensions on a diet composed nearly exclusively of tiny shrimplike animals called krill. During certain times of the year, a single adult blue whale consumes about 4 tons of krill a day.


Nouns Wales, Animals, Earth, Oceans, Tongues, Elephant, Diet, Times, Year,
Krill, Automobile
Pronouns Those, Their
Verbs Known, Lived, Rule, Weigh, Composed, Consume, Reach
Adverbs Long, Alone, As, Much as, During, Much, Nearly, Exclusively,
Upwards, Tiny
Prepositions On, At



Q.8: In section B of unit 6 you have learned some of the common expression for inviting people. Now read the following situation and design an informal and friendly invitation card.

Dear Mr. Ali: Asslam-o-Alaikum:


I would be delighted if you attend my birthday party at Islamabad Hotel onDecember 20th at 7:30 p.M


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